Liver and biliary tract disorders Synthesis of plasma proteins Albumin, prealbumin, transferin, coagulations factors.... Detoxication reactions of endogen toxic substances Ammonia-urea cycle, bilirubin-clearance, bilirubin-conjugation Detoxication reactions of exogen toxic substances Toxic substances from environment; drugs .... Barriere function Barriere between gut (environment) and systemic circulation Digestive functions Bile production; (bile is a complex mixture of bilirubin, bile acids, cholesterol, lecithin and electrolytes) Metabolic center for glycids, fats and proteins metabolism It is conjugated with glucuronic acid in the liver and extreted into the bile. Bilirubin is metabolic product of heme catabolism. Bilirubin mono- and di- glucuronid is more water soluble and is easy excreted . Hyperbilirubinemia Icterus Jaundice prehepatic hepatic posthepatic causes of hyperbilirubinemia Prehepatic causes of hyperbilirubinemie adults newborns Adults Increased production of unconjugated bilirubin Intravascular hemolysis Hemolytic anemia Laboratory diferenciál diagnosis. Increas of unconjugated bilirubin Urine: bilirubin neg.; urobilinogen posit. Signs of anemie Decreas of haptoglobin i plasma Newborns Neonatal jaundice; icterus neonatorum; physiologic jaundice-icterus Massive destruction of erythrocytes with fetal hemoglobin Low activity of bilirubin glucuronyltransferase Pathological icterus associated with Rh incompatibility Hepatic causes of hyperbilirubinemia Alcoholic liver disease Acute and chronic alcoholic hepatitis Viral hepatitis A, B, C Toxins (fungi, mushrooms)) Drugs Autoimmune diseases. Inborn diseases Gilbert syndrom (unconjugated hyperbil.) Crigler-Najjar syndrome (unconjugated hyperbil.) Dubin-Jonson syndrom (conjugated hyperbil.) Rotor syndrome (conjugated hyperbil.) Posthepatic causes of hyperbilirubinemia Cholestasis is defined as impaired bile flow from the liver to the intestine. Intrahepatic cholestasis Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnacy, drug induced cholestasis-phenothiazines, androgens Cholestatic forms of hepatitis Extrahepatic biliary obstruction Mechanical obstruction to the bile flow - choledocholithiasis (gallstones) Carcinomas of the gallblader, pancreatic head, Vaters papila Liver flukes (parasits) Inborn anatomic deformations of the biliary tract - Biliary atresia Tests of hepatic synthetic capacity The liver synthesizes a number of plasma proteins. Total plasma protein Albumin Prealbumin Coagulation proteins (factors) Albumin. is synthesized exclusively in the liver. Causes of hypoalbuminemia decreas production by the liver protein malnutrition loss from the skin, kidney, gastrointestinal tract Prealbumin is synthesized by the liver acts as a transport protein for thyroxin and vit. A short half-life (1-2 days) small body pool Good and reliable indicator of hepatic synthetic capacity Liver enzymes enzymes indicate hepatocellular damage ALT, AST enzymes indicate cholestasis and obstruction ALP, GGT