Structure of matter Matter and Energy Ø Everything is made up of particles of matter and fields of energy / force, which means that the fundamental structural elements of the organic and inorganic world are identical. Ø Living matter differs from non-living matter only by its much higher level of organisation. Elementary Particles of Matter Ø The elementary (i.e, have no internal structure) particles of matter are leptons and quarks Ø Leptons – electrons, muons, neutrinos and their anti-particles – light particles without internal structure Ø Quarks (u, c, t, d, s, b) – heavier particles without internal structure Ø Hadrons – heavy particles formed of quarks e.g., proton (u, u, d), neutron (d, d, u) The Four Fundamental Energy / Force Fields Photons Ø Photons - energy quanta of electromagnetic field, zero mass Ø Energy of (one) photon: E = h.f = h.c/l h is the Planck constant (6.62 x 10^-34 J.s), f is the frequency, c is speed of light in vacuum l is the wavelength Particles and Field Energy Quanta particles of matter and field energy quanta are capable of mutual transformation (e.g., an electron-positron pair transform to two gamma photons – this is used in PET imaging) Quantum Mechanics The behaviors of ensembles of a given type of particle obey equations which are similar to wave equations. Quantum Mechanics tunnel effect: Quantum Mechanics: Heisenberg uncertainty relations dr.dp ≥ h/2p dE.dt ≥ h/2p The position r and momentum p of a particle cannot be simultaneously measured with independent precision (if the uncertainty of particle position – dr – is made smaller, the uncertainty of particle momentum – dp – automatically increases). The same holds for the simultaneous measurement of energy change dE and the time dt necessary for this change. Schrödinger equation (to admire) Solution of the Schrödinger Equation Ø The solution of the Schrödinger equation for the electron in the hydrogen atom leads to the values of the energies of the orbital electron. Ø The solution of the Schrödinger equation often leads to numerical coefficients which determine the possible values of energy. These numerical coefficients are called quantum numbers Quantum numbers for Hydrogen Ø Principal n = 1, 2, 3 …. (K, L, M, ….) Ø Orbital for each n l = 0, 1, 2, …. n – 1 (s, p, d, f …) Ø Magnetic for each l m = 0, ±1, ±2, …±l Ø Spin magnetic for each m s = ±1/2 Ø Pauli exclusion principle – in one atomic electron shell there cannot be present two or more electrons with the same set of quantum numbers. Ionisation of Atoms Emission Spectra Hydrogen spectrum again magenta, cyan and red line according 19.JPG Excitation (absorption) Spectra for Atoms Excitation (Absorption) Spectrum for Molecules Atom nucleus Mass defect of nucleus = measure of nucleus stability: dm = (Z.m[p] + N.m[n]) - m[j] Nuclides Ø nuclide - a nucleus with a given A, Z and energy Ø Isotopes - nuclides with same Z but different A Ø Isobars – nuclides with same A but different Z Ø Isomers – nuclides with same Z and A, but different energy (e.g., Tc^99m used in gamma camera imaging) Isotope composition of mercury % of atoms vs. isotope nucleon number What else is necessary to know? Ø Radionuclides – nuclides capable of radioactive decay Ø Nuclear spin: Nuclei have a property called spin. If the value of the spin is not zero the nuclei have a magnetic moment i.e, they behave like small magnets - NMR – nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging in radiology are based on this property. Author: Vojtěch Mornstein Content collaboration and language revision: Carmel J. Caruana Presentation design: Lucie Mornsteinová Last revision: March 2008