Topic P03: some more gram-positive bacteria (enterococci, listeriae, corynebacteria, bacilli) To study: Enterococcus, Listeria, Corynebacterium, Bacillus (from textbooks, WWW etc.) From spring term: Microscopy, culture, biochemical identification Table for major results of Task 1 to Task 5 (to be filled step by step): Strain K L M N P Q R S Gram stain – Task 1 Culture (blod agar) Task 2 Size Colour Shape Profile Agar changes Other Catalase test Task 3a Slanetz-Bartley medium – Task 3b Bile-aesculin medium – Task 3c Arabinose test Task 4a EnCoccus test Task 4b Growth in refrigerator Task 5a FINAL CONCLUSION* *In G+ bacilli, write genus name only. Species level diagnostic would require more tests, that could not be performed in our practital. Task 1: Microscopy of suspicious strains There are letter-labelled strains on the table. Gram-stain them and write your results to the table. Do not forget to write important details („rods in palisades“, „robust, spore forming rods“ etc.). To avoid confusion, label the slides using a dermograph. The bacteria not being gram-negative are to be excluded from all remaining tasks. Task 2: Morphology of colonies of G+ cocci and bacilli Describe the colonies as usually. Do not describe collonies of bacteria proven not to be G+ cocci or bacilli. In strains, microscopically found to be gram-positive rods, try to guess, to which genus the bacterium might belong, according to followindg description: Bacillus – large, flat, dry, felt-like colonies, „spreading“ through the agar surface, sometimes with a massive haemolysis, sometimes with no haemolysisat all. Microscopically very robust rods, sometimes with finding of central or subterminal spores, that may, but must not be larger then the diameter of the rod. Listeria – colourless to greyish colonies, very simillar to those of Enterococcus, with or without haemolysis, microscopically tinier than Bacillus, not arranged in pallisades, rather in short chains. Corynebacterium (and related genera) – greyish or whitish colonies simillar to those of Staphylococcus, but less or more smaller, usually ahaemolytical, in microscopy rather smaller than previous, but club-shaped and arranged in palisades. Task 3: Several common biochemical and culture tests a) Catalase test Perform catalase test for all strains proven to be G+. Mention, that Listeria, Corynebacterium and Bacillus are positive, but some of conyneforms other than Corynebacterium (e. g. Arcanobacterium) are catalase negative. b) Growth on Slanetz-Bartley medium On your plate, the same strains as in Task 1 are cultivated in sectors. Positive strains should be not only growing, but also maroon colour of colonies. Enterococcus is the only G+ bacterium growing on this medium. Write your result to the table. c) Growth on Bile aesculin medium Unlike Slanetz-Bartley medium, Bile-aesculin medium enables not only growth of Enterococcus (diagnostic for this genus among G+ cocci), but also Listeria (diagnostic among G+ bacilli). Write your result to the table. Task 4: Mutual differentiation of enterococci a) Arabinose test for species determination of two most common enterococci Examine two strains proven to be enterococci in previous tasks). Observe the test tubes with the result of arabinose test. Yellow collour means positivity (typical for Enterococcus faecium) and green colour means negativity (typical for Enterococcus fecalis) b) Biochemical test for species determination of enterococci from important clinical materials (able to find more then two most importand species) In important cases, we use rather a better species determination method than the arabinose test. We use a biochemical test in a microtitration panel, in Czechia usually „EN-COCCUStest“. Notice, that the arabinose test takes part in this test, too. Mention, that EN-COCCUS test is simple in comparison with Staphytest 16 and Streptotest 16. Read the results of the EN-COCCUStest according to the instruction sheet in both strains from the previous task. Fill in the table bellow and write your result to the main table. Strain: H G F E D C B A Code: Identification: 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 % of probability: Typicity index: Strain: H G F E D C B A Code: Identification: 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 % of probability: Typicity index: Task No. 5 More methods for diagnostics of Listeria a): Growth of Listeria at 4 °C Observe a plate with blood agar where the strains of gram-positive rods were inoculated, and the plates then cultivated at refrigerator temperature. Write the results to the main table. b): Demonstration of Listeria monocytogenes growth on a chromogene medium Examine the picture of listerial growth on a chromogenic medium. The medium is specific fot this species. In medical microscopy we do not use the chromogenic media for Listeria too often; it has, however, a big importance in food industry. Result: On the medium called_________L. monocytogenes has__________coloured colonies. Task No. 6: Susceptibility tests of enterococci and gram-positive rods to antibiotics On your table, you will find diffusion disc tests for strains found to be Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus faecium, Listeria sp. and Corynebacterium sp. There is no test for Bacillus sp.– the findings of this genus is usually interpreted as environmental contamination and thus not tested. Write abbreviations of antibiotics according to the card and measure susceptibility zones for all tested strains. Borderline zones are written on the cards; using them, interprete the strains as susceptible (S) resistant (R) and dubious (D). Strain à Antibiotic (full name) Zone Æ (mm) Interpr. Zone Æ (mm) Interpr. Zone Æ (mm) Interpr. Zone Æ (mm) Interpr. Task No. 7 Demonstration of Elek test Examine the picture of Elek test result. Draw (including description). Check-up questions: 1. Which gram-positive rods are spore forming? Are the spores allways visible? 2. Why there are no cephalosporins in the set of antibiotics? (The set is primarilly used for enterococci.) 3. What are the VRE and what is their importance? 4. Which bacteria (other than Listeria) grow at the refrigerator temperature? 5. What are the metachromatic granula and what is (rather „was“) the importance of their staining in diphtheria diagnostics? 67. What is the use of Bacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis in medical microbiology (See J05)