Institute for Microbiology, Medical Faculty of Masaryk University and St. Anna Faculty Hospital in Brno Agents of digestive system infections – I Digestive system • „a fruitful microbial garden“ • Its both ends are the „buggiest“ parts of the body • in the colon: approx. 10^12 bacteria/g • Normal colonic flora: 99 % anaerobes (Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Clostridium, Peptostreptococcus), only 1 % enteric bacteria (mostly E. coli) & enterococci Mouth cavity – I Normal flora: • viridans (= α-haemolytic) streptococci (e.g. Streptococcus salivarius) • oral neisseriae (e.g. Neisseria subflava) • haemophili of very low pathogenity (e.g. Haemophilus parainfluenzae) Dental plaque: adherent microbial layer at the tooth surface made up from living and dead bacteria and their products together with components from the saliva In essence, dental plaque is a biofilm It cannot be washed off, only mechanically removed Biofilm • Bacteria can regulatethe quantity of their population by regulative compounds • Process – quorum sensing • More resistant to – desinfectants – antibiotics – immune rection • A product of normal flora (which is positive) and pathogens as well Mouth cavity – II Dental caries: chronic infections caused by normal oral flora → localized destruction of tooth tissue Etiology: mouth microbes (mostly Strept. mutans) making acids from sucrose in food Thrush (in Latin soor): Candida albicans It occurs mostly in newborns Herpetic stomatitis: primary infection with HSV 1 Ludwig´s angina: polymicrobial anaerobic infection of sublingual and submandibular spaces (Porphyromonas, Prevotella etc.) Herpetic stomatitis Thrush C.albicans Oesophagus Infections never in previously healthy individuals Only in severely immunocompromised persons (AIDS): • Candida albicans • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Stomach Stomach = a sterilization chamber killing by means of HCl most of swallowed microbes Exception: Helicobacter pylori It produces a potent urease and by splitting tissue urea it increases pH around itself (1 molecule of urea → 1 CO[2] + 2 NH[3]) H. pylori causes • chronic gastritis • peptic ulcers (Nobel price in 2005) Helicobacter pylori Biliary tree & the liver – I Acute cholecystitis (colic, jaundice, fever): obstruction due to gallstones Etiology: intestinal bacteria (E. coli etc.) Complication: ascending cholangitis Chronic cholecystitis: the most important is Salmonella Typhi (carriers of typhoid fever) Granulomatous hepatitis: Q fever, tbc, brucellosis Biliary tree & the liver – II Parasitic infections of the liver: Amoebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica: liver abscess) Malaria (the very first, clinically silent part of the life cycle of malaric plasmodia) Leishmaniasis (Leishmania donovani: kala-azar, L. infantum) Schistosomiasis (eggs of Schistosoma japonicum, less often S. mansoni) Systemic infections which start in the digestive tract Enteric fever (typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever): Salmonella Typhi, Salmonella Paratyphi A, B and C Listeriosis: Listeria monocytogenes Peritonitis: colonic flora (Bacteroides fragilis + other anaerobes + mixture of facultative anaerobes) Viral hepatitis: HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV, HEV Small and large intestine Bacterial overgrowth syndrome: After surgery, depressed peristalsis, or gastric achlorhydria bacteria may overgrowth in the small intestine → steatorrhea, deficiency of vitamin B[12], diarrhea, malabsorption of vitamins A and D Diarrhea: increase in daily amount of stool water – common intestinal response to many agents Dysentery: acute inflammation of the colon → abdominal pain & small-volume stools with blood, pus and mucus Diarrheal disease Infectious: • Bacterial (most frequent) • Viral • Parasitic • Mycotic Non-infectious: • Food poisoning „Homework 1“ What is the name of the picture and of its author?