Institute for Microbiology, Medical Faculty of Masaryk University and St. Anna Faculty Hospital in Brno Agents of classical venereal infections Classical venereal infections • Gonorrhoea (rudely: the clap) Neisseria gonorrhoeae • Syphilis (in Central Europe also: lues) Treponema pallidum • Chancroid (soft chancre, ulcus molle) Haemophilus ducreyi • Lymphogranuloma venereum Chlamydia trachomatis L[1], L[2], L[2a], L[3] Clinical forms of gonorrhoea • Infections of lower parts of urogenital tract • Infections of upper parts of urogenital tract • Other localized infections • Rare gonococcal infections: disseminated ones (skin, arthritis, meningitis, endocarditis) GO: infections of the UGT ♂ • Urethritis • Epididymitis ♀ • Cervicitis • Urethritis • Bartholinitis • Endometritis • Salpingitis, adnexitis (PID, pelvic inflammatory disease) → sterility! GO: other localized infections ♂ and ♀: proctitis pharyngitis blenorrhoea neonatorum ♀: peritonitis (Fitz-Hugh syndrome) perihepatitis (Curtis syndrome) GO: complications ♂: prostatitis periurethral abscesses ♀: cervicitis chronica tuboovarial abscess adnexitis chronica → sterility graviditas extrauterina GO: laboratory diagnostics – I Direct detection only: microscopy culture molecular biology tests Sampling places: ♂ urethra ♀ cervix, urethra, rectum, pharynx (if necessary) GO: laboratory diagnostics – II Way of sampling: • always 2 swabs the first one inoculate directly on media (warmed, not from the fridge), or put it into a transport medium, transport it at ambient temperature, from the second one make a film on the slide Microscopy (Gram): important in acute gonorrhoea in males, symptomatic gonorrhoea in females GO: laboratory diagnostics – III Media for gonococci: Combine non-selective chocolate agar with a selective medium with antibiotics Always fresh (moist), with added CO[2] (candle jar),[ ] read after 24 and 48 hrs Identification: • biochemistry (oxidase +, glucose +, maltose -) • serology (slide agglutination) • molecular biologic confirmation tests GO: therapy Ceftriaxone or ciprofloxacin usually in a single dose, because of potential concurrent Chlamydia trachomatis infection: in a combination with doxycycline or azithromycine Nowadays, many strains of N. gonorrhoeae are resistant to penicillin & tetracyclines Syphilis: course From the very beginning: syphilis = systemic disease! Early syphilis: primary (ulcus durum) secondary (mostly rash) early latent Late syphilis: latent terciary (gummas, aortitis, paralysis progressiva, tabes dorsalis) Congenital syphilis: early and late Syphilis: therapy „One night with Venus, the rest of life with Mercury“ Ehrlich and Hata: preparation No 606 – salvarsan von Jauregg: malaria (because of high fever) Nowadays, the drug of choice is penicillin Primary syphilis: benzathin penicillin (2,4 MIU) 1 dose Secondary and late syphilis: benzathin penicillin (2,4 MIU) 3 times after 7 days Syphilis: laboratory dg – I Direct detection From exudative lesions only (mostly from ulcus durum) darkfield examination PCR immunofluorescence Indirect detection (serology) = mainstay of laboratory diagnostics of syphilis Two types of serologic tests: with nonspecific antigen (cardiolipin) with specific antigen (Treponema pallidum) Syphilis: laboratory dg – II Tests with cardiolipin (nontreponemal): RRR, VDRL, RPR fast, cheap, positive early, reflecting the activity, but often falsely positive Treponemal tests: TPHA, ELISA, WB, FTA-ABS, TPIT sensitive, more expensive, more specific, but positive later, remaining positive for life Soft chancre (chancroid) Agent of ulcus molle: Haemophilus ducreyi Occurrence: the tropics Course: genital ulcerations (easier transmission of HIV) & purulent lymphadenitis Dg: only culture on enriched media (chocolate agar with supplements), 3 days at 33 °C in 10% CO[2] Lymphogranuloma venereum Agent of LGV: Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L[1], L[2], L[2a], L[3][] [ ] Occurrence: the tropics and subtropics Course: purulent lymphadenitis (tropical bubo) & lymphangoitis with fistulae & scars devastating the pelvic region in females Dg: mostly serology – CFT with the common antigen of chlamydiae Homework 4 – solution Gerrit van Honthorst (1590-1656): Dentist (1622) Homework 5