Coordination of movements Margo ant., incisura cerebeIIi ant. Margo post., incisura cerebeIIi post. Vermis Hemispheres Pars flocculonodularis Folia, lobuli, lobi Developmental anatomy Afferents from vestib. labyrinth fish, amphibians Afferents from spinal cord and brainstem reptiles, birds, mammals Afferents from cortex telencephali Archi cerebellum VESTIBULO -CEREBELLUM SPINO - CEREBELLUM Neo cerebellum PONTO -CEREBELLUM Structure of the cerebellum Grey matter Cortex cerebelli str. moleculare <- str. ganglionare - str. granulare Nuclei cerebellares White matter Subst. medullaris laminae albae (arbor vitae) Pedunculi cerebellares 1 ncl. dentatus 2 ncl. emboliformis Niiclei ceľebelli 3 ncll. globosi 4 ncl. fastigii 1 median zone 2 paramedian zone L. flocculonodularis 3 lateral zone Vestibulocereb. ncll. vestibuläres Spinocereb. ncll. fastigii, emboliformes, globosi Neocereb. ncl. dentatus trr spinocerebellars tr. curteocerebellaris tr pontocerebeJIaris lobus flocculonoclularis tr. vestibulocerebeJIaris Pedunculi cerebel. inf. tr. sp-ce post., cuneo-ce, bulbo-ce, ve-ce, re-ce, olivo-ce posture and eye movements paleocerebellum > progressive movements (walking, swimming etc.) neocerebellum > manipulative movements and speech Ataxia inability to stand upright without support Dysmetria ^overshooting" - the hand may travel past the target Dyssynergia incoordination Adiadochokinesia inability to perform rapid alternating movements DIENCEPHALON thaIamus epithaIamus subthaIamus hypothaIamus (metathaIamus) Thalamus tuberculum ant. pulvinar stria medullaris (tela choroidea ventr. III.) fissura transversa cerebri taenia choroidea (tela choroidea ventr. lat.) lamina affixa thalami stria terminalis Epithalamus stria medullaris thalami trigona habenularum commissura habenularum et post. corpus pineale (epiphysis cerebri) Subthalamus Involved in motor circuits Grey matter <- ncl. subthalamicus part of subst. nigra part of globus pallidus <- zona incerta White matter Fasc. thalamicus Fasc. lenticularis Ansa lenticularis Fasc. subthalamicus MetathaIamus 1 corp. genicuIatum med. brachium colliculi inf. - colliculus inf. 2 corp. genicuIatum Iat. brachium coIIicuIi sup. - coIIicuIus sup. THALAMUS S relay station of ascending pathways S involved in motor circuits S reciprocal connections to the association areas of the cerebral cortex - functions related to memory, cognition, judgement, mood Anterior group A ncll. ant. Lateral group a dorsal row mSS VL LD ncl. lat. dors. t LP ncl. lat. post. ^Bl ventral row ^\ VA ncl. ventr. ant. VL ncl. ventr. lat. VP ncl. ventr. post.: VPL ncl. ventr. post-lat VPM ncl. ventr. post-med CGL ncl. corporis gen. lat. CGM ncl. corporis gen. med. LD m;DM 1 VL CM VP: VPM VPL CGM1 Mew& group DM ncl. dorsomed. Posterior group P ncll. pulvinari,post. Intralaminar group CM n c l . centromed. R ncll. reticulares A P CGL Functional groups of nuclei specific nuclei somatosenzory senzory motor non-specific nuclei association nuclei Specific nuclei VPL CGM visual pathway auditory pathway tr. sp-th LM tr. trig-th tr. so-th (taste) VA Non-specific nuclei ncll. intralaminares ncl. medianus from FR of the brainstem and other thalamic nuclei to cortex reciprocal connections with the association cortex Function of association nuclei Interconnection of association areas of the cortex Thalamic connections Hypothalamus Hypothalamus control of: - ANS - endocrine system Function of the hypothalamus is related to: control of vital functions that maintain homeostasis control of emotions Hypothalamic nuclei from the frontal aspect ant. medial post. Hypothalamic nuclei from sagittal aspect Anterior nuclei Periventricul row: ncl. suprachiasmat. Medial row: ncl. preopticus, ncl. supraopticus, ncl. ant., ncl. paraventr. periventricular row: ncl. arcuatus medial row: ncl. ventromed. et ncl. dorsomed. periventricular + med. rows: ncl. post. et ncl. mamillaris 1. ncl. preopticus 2. ncl. paraventricularis 3. ant. hypoth. area 4. ncl. supraopticus 5. lat. hypoth. area 6. dorsal hypoth. 7. ncl. dorsomedialis 8. ncl. ventromed. 9. post. hypoth. area 10. corpus mammilaris 11. chiasma opticum 12. lamina terminalis 13. commissura ant. 14. sulcus hypothal. 15. adhesio interthal. 16. fornix 17. septum pellucidum 18. fossa interped. 19. thalamus 20. tuber cinereum 21. n. opticus 22. infundibulum 23. lobus ant. 24. lobus post. Hypophysis cerebri Lobus ant. adenohypophysis Pars intermedia Lobus post. neurohypophysis (eminentia mediana infundibular stalk lobus post.) Adenohypophysis Secretion of hormones: Thyreotropin Gonadotropic Growth Adrenocorticotropic ... cells of adenohypophysis are stimulated or inhibited by „releasing" and ^inhibiting" hormones producing in some hypothalamic nuclei (neurosecretion) S parvocellular neurons reach the median eminence S from the infundibulum are transported to the adenohypophysis by the portal vessels ncl. preopticus ncl. paraventricularis hcl. arcuatus Ticll. tuberales eminentia med. a. hypophysea sup.^ hw primary vascular plexus „releasing hormones" - '\tI% ^inhibiting hormones" secondary vascular plexus hypophyseal portal vessel sinus cavernosus drainage into the sinus cavernosus Neurohypophysis receives axons of magnocellular neuroendocrine cells of the supraoptic and paraventricular hypoth. nuclei developmentally - part of diencephalon oxytocin and ADH neuroendocrine cells reach the posterior lobe of the hypophysis through tr. hypothalamo-hypophysialis Tr. hypoth.-hypophysialis Telencephalon Structure of telencephalon Gray matter Basal ganglia Cortex White matter -pathways Projection Commissural Association Basal ganglia 1 ncl. caudatus 2 globus pallidus 3 putamen 4 claustrum corp. amygdaloidea Functionally 5 ncl. subthalamicus 6 substantia nigra globus pallidus + putamen = ncl. lentif. ncl. caudatus + putamen = corpus striatum 4 Development of BG Paleostriatum (pallidum) = globus pallidus lat. + med. segment - dorsal pallidum ventral pallidum Neostriatum (striatum) ncl. caudatus, putamen - dorsal striatum ncl. accumbens - ventral striatum Archistriatum corpus amygdaloideum Ncl caudatus + putamen = dorsal striatum Globus pallidus = dorsal pallidum VS = ventr. striatum (ncl. accumbens septi) VP = ventral pallidum (ncl. basalis Meynerti) Functional connections of BG CORTEX /\ STRIATUM THALAMUS PALLIDUM Function of BG inhibition of cortical and subcortical motor functions Cerebral cortex ALLOCORTEX NN 3-4 layers a) palleocortex (rhinencephalon) archicortex b) archicortex palleocortex NEOCORTEX 6 layers Brodman's map (cytoarchitectonic map of cortex) 11 regiones 52 areae Functional regions of cortex Primary motor c. (a 4), primary somatic sensory c. (a 3,1,2), primary visual c. (a 17), primary auditory c. (a 41,42) Secondary and association areas Representation of contralateral body parts „sensory homunculus" „motor homunculus" White ma medullan itter of tl e 1 he telencephalon - corpus Fibers commissural projection association 1 ■ F -P- ■ Commissural fibers 1 corpus callosum neocortex 2 commissura ant. pars ant.- paleocortex pars post. - neocortex 3 commissura fornicis archicortex 21 Corpus callosum - 300 million fibers Commissura fornicis et anterior Projection fibers short connections between cortex and BG reciprocal connections between cortex and thalamus long tr. co-sp "> tr. co-ncl tr. co-ret capsula tr. co-tec interna tr. co-ru tr. co-bulb tr. co-po Association fibers: short (fibrae arcuatae), long