Ill COMMUNICATION WITH THE PATIENT □ FlI.UNC; 1 ADMISSION CAitll.S AM) I'KkSOrs'AL ANAMNESIS Dr... is in charye of your case. What's your surname? Would vou mind s:vl"I:ii ■ it please? What are your t^H-fsikir-i mines? Whal's your permanent address? Wlr/M's the address of your temporary slay? Who can give bis any further information abusi? yuur accident? When ivitc jMu born? Art: y.pxi n;&TTi£ii? What's yuur occupation? Who's yoLir nearest relation? What's your religion? ■Have you ever been ho^pit:i!ized? [■lave van had any accident (operation) before? Art: y-tra aiersic In anylliinti? Were you seriously ill in your childhood? Are you having licalmenl for anything? What medicaments do you take? lias there ever been diabetes, tuberculosis, tumorous diseases (cancer), mental diseases, vcneral diseases... in your lamily? Are yo-a on any ipcciul diet? Are you a vegetarian'' Du you suffer from any serious illnesses? Could yon fill in the form, please? Would you sign the Form, please? Have you got insurance for your journey (stay.,,)'' Have yott got any papers (.1 paper) from your country's national health service? Do you smoke? How many cigarettes a day? 1 low often do you drink alcohol? Have you ever been unconscious'? fib you suffer from high blood pressure? How long? Have you ever had a blood transfusion? I lave you ever bled1* When and from what organ? I lave you ever had ECG done? I Live you been ill teeently? □ Asking AIM)t;r I KOt Doe:-; il luil you here'.' Where docs the pain sp.eia! itf? Do ;.• ur 'e^s SWi'il? Do yon fee; pressure On the chest? When you arc breathim:, do von feel a p;:iii in v;-ur chest.? Do you cough? What is ti like? What do you cough up? Do you 1-i'eJ like eating? Do you have troubles with heartburn, fl;;t;ik"ice? What is your stool like? Do you have diarrhoea, constipation? Can you pass water (urinate)? How many stools a day do you have? What is the colour of your stool? Do you have a raised temperature? Do you fee! queasy? 1 tavte you vomited? Do you fee] tired? Are you short of breath? When? Do you have dizzy spells? 330 you sleep well? Dn you sometimes have palpitations? Have you lost any weight? What are your present complaints? When and how did your troubles start? Do you suffer from headaches? Do you have nausea? (Are you sick?) 1 low often do you have your bowels open? How many times a nigh: do you have to urinate? Do yon sweat? Is there anything else that troubles you and what I forgot to ask you about? Could you tell us about your (roubles? What's troubling you? What do you complain, of? What's the matter with you? Where does il hurt? Show me with your finger where it hurts. I low bog have you had (he pain {the troubles)? Does it bother you at night?