HOSPITAL 1. _________ a building, often large, where injured or ill people are looked after by doctors and nurses. 2. _________ a building where people who need not stay in hospital get special medical treatment or advice. 3. _________ a place where several doctors have their surgeries and people visit them if they have a health problem. 4. _________ a place where old and ill people live and are looked after. 5. _________ a hospital for terminally ill patients. 6. _________ a hospital where people are looked after, often those who are disabled or mentally ill. 7. _________ a facility that treats people with mental problems/problems with drugs/alcohol. 8. _________ a special hospital for patients suffering or recovering from a long-term disease. 9. _________ often used with names of hospitals. CLINIC RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITY HEALTH CENTRE INSTITUTION HOSPITAL INFIRMARY NURSING HOME SANATORIUM HOSPICE úrazová nemocnice domov důchodců všeobecná nemocnice zotavovna krajská nemocnice lékařské středisko fakultní nemocnice lékařské zařízení protialkoholová klinika/poradna alergologická poradna klinika/poradna pro léčbu závislostí logopedická poradna Taken from: Jaroščák, M. (2005) English-Czech Thematic Dictionary – The Physical Side of Humans. Nakladelství Olomouc.