HEMATIC AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM I. Use the words from the box to complete the missing information: 1. __________ - a blood test that separates solids from plasma in the blood by centrifuging the blood sample 2. __________ - blood protein – the iron-containing pigment of red blood cells 3. __________ - a hereditary blood disease characterized by prolonged clotting and tendency to bleed 4. __________ - excessive bleeding 5. __________ - a lack of blood 6. __________ - condition of a blood clot formation 7. __________ - surgical excision of a blood clot 8. __________ - a disease of the blood characterized by overproduction of leukocytes 9. __________ - the fluid part of the blood 10.__________ - a blood tumor thrombosis hemorrhage plasma hemophilia anemia thrombectomy hematocrit hemoglobin leukemia hematoma II. What do the following abbreviations mean? AIDS Hb, Hgb Hct HIV RBC WBC BAC III. Answer the following questions: 1. What are the three major blood cells called? 2. What are the four blood types? 3. What does the lymphatic system consist of? 4. What does the spleen act as in the lymphatic system? 5. What does the thymus gland do in the lymphatic system? 6. What is the function of the tonsils in the lymphatic system? IV. Fill in the correct word in each sentence: 1. A hematologist is a __________ who specializes in the study of the blood. 2. Leukopoiesis is the __________ of leukocytes. 3. Lymphadenitis is an __________ of the lymph glands. 4. Splenomegaly is an __________ of the spleen. 5. Lymphoma is a __________ of lymphoid tissues. 6. Splenopexy is a surgical __________ of a movable spleen. 7. Lymphadenotomy is an __________ into a lymph gland. 8. Lymphadenopathy is the __________ of the lymph glands. Adapted from: Kobylková, Anděla. English for medical students. 2. vyd. Brno : Masarykova univerzita, 1998.