23 FoGlincj ill 1 Basic vocabulary Translate the words in colour into your lancjuacfo: 1. I've got a cold. ........... 2. My neck aches. ........... 3.1 think I've got flu. ........... 4. I've got a pain in my knee, ........... 5. I've got a sore back............ 6. My arm hurts. 7. Have you got a temperature? ........... 8. What are the symptoms? ........... 2 Saying you don't feel very well Match the beginnings of each sentence on the left with the pairs of endings on the right: 1. I'm a. terrible / awful / dreadful. a bit under the weather. 2. I ve got b. ill. not very well. 3. I don't feel c. a cold. the flu. 4* I feel d. very well* too good. 3 Serious conditions Match the condition on the left with the part of the body that it particularly affects on the right: 1, appendicitis a. your stomach 2. tonsillitis b* your lungs 3. hepatitis c. your head 4, asthma d. your appendix 5. an ulcer e. your joints and bones 6. arthritis f. your blood 7. migraine g- yout tonsils Match the diseases with their possible causes: 8. AIDS h. stress 9. typhoid i. the sun 10. heart disease j- smoking 11, skin cancer k. a mosquito bite 12. malaria 1. dirty water 13. lung cancer in. unprotected sex 4 Causes and symptoms Match the symptom on the left with the cause on the right: 1 ■ I ve got a blister^ ^* I ni i. j {t h j headache. 3. I ve got jetlag. 4. I ve got a bad back* 5* I m feeling really run down, 6* I ve got a splinter in my hand. 7* My nose is blocked up. 5. I vc got diarrhoea* a, I think I ve been working too much* b. Our bed is too soft* VC^e need to get a firmer one. c* I held too much to drink at dinner last night* d* I ve just been chopping some wood* e. It must have been that take-away hist night, f* I wore the wrong shoes to go hill-walking! g* I always get hay fever at this time of year, h. It was an 18-hour flight and a 10-hour time difference. Now match the following pieces of advice to the situations above* 9. Make sure you drink plenty of water* Otherwise, you'll get dehydrated* 10* Go straight to bed for a couple of hours*, then get back to your normal sleeping pattern tonight. 11. VC^hy not ta ke some time off and go somewhere warm? That s what you need! 12. There s a special kind of plaster you can use on blisters* I had one and it helped a lot. 1 3* Get one of those nasal sprays from the chemist* They always work for me. 14* Have you tried an osteopath or a chiropractor? 15* Let me sec Have you got a pair of tweezers? 16* Stick to orange juice in future! 5 Health problems Complete the following dialogues with the sentences below: a. I've got a bit of a hangover. b. ! feel dizzy. c. I ve caught a cold. d. You II make yourself ill. e. I always get seasick. f. I ve got indigestion. 1, What's the matter? > I think I ate my dinner too quickly...... 2. Maybe we should take the boat. It's much cheaper than flying, > Oh no, I'd rather not.............. 3. I think....................... > Well, why don't you have a glass of hot lemon and honey and get an early night? 4........................... > Well, it s your own fault. You shouldn t have opened that second bottle of wine! 5. You look exhausted. You ve been working too hard recently* If you don't slow down a bit,......................... 6. Are you all right? You ve gone as white as a sheet! > No, I need to sit down. I ............ 6 Illnesses and symptoms Match these illnesses with the symptoms below: hay fever food poisoning flu an allergy bronchitis measles 1. I've got a terrible cough and pains in my chest, and I seem to be constantly short of breath. 2. I feel absolutely awful. My temperature is 41 , and I ve got a headache and a runuv nose. I've got a sore throat - it's agony every time I swallow. 3. I can't go near cats. I come out in a horrible red rash. 4. She's been off school for two weeks now. She s got a temperature and she s covered in little red spots. She's completely lost her appetite — she hasn t eaten a thing for the last three days. 5.1 chink it must be something 1 ate. I was sick all night. I still reel sick now and I ve got a terrible stomach-ache. 6. It's the same every summer. My eyes get really itchy and I can't stop sneezing. In Hrttish fcngltsh he sick means iiomit (bring food back up from the stomach). If you have an allergy, you are allergic to something. Are you allergic to anything? 7 She's feeling a bit better Complete the following dialogue with the correct form of the verbs below: feel get m a k e A: The office is empty. V/here is everybody this morning? B: Well, Jane phoned to say she's got an upset tummy, but she said she 11 come in as soon as she s . . .......a bit better probably this afternoon. Dave s got the flu and he says it 11 take him a fe v\^ days to ......... over it and Sarah's plane was delayed at the airport for seven hours and she wants an c 5c r r i\ d- 3- ft-^^ tii t h ^ j £y li e t i c At least Mark's here - he'd been in bed with tonsillitis 3.11 weekendj but he 5»**«.*»*«« a speedy recovery and he's upstairs working at his computer at this very moment. A: I'm glad somebody's here! t bere are seuexa\ a^tfferent uyays of talfzm^ about stomach problems. An upset stomacb, an upset tummy or tniiii*estion are not very serious, if it ts serious, you mt^ht talfz about stomach trouble. Add your own words and expressions recover 53