Spirochetes • Borrelia • •Causative agents of lyme boreliosis • B. burgdorferi sensu lato • • •B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, afzelii, garinii • •Microscopy: eclipsed, soft spirales, el. microscopy •Cultivation: Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium •Antigens stimulating production of antibodies: flagelin, Osp C (stimulates early response) •p18, 39, 100 (stimulates later response), others (Osp A, B) •Pathogenicity: 3 stages: •I.early localised - 3-30 days after suckling of a tick occur erythema (5 cm high), erythema migrans – occurs other lesions on the body, headache, joints •II. early disseminate – borrelia lymphocytoma (skin lesion), neurological + cardial expresses •III. later – acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (skin lesion), arthritis, carditis, polyneuritis •Epidemiology: transport due to ticks (Ixodes ricinus) •Diagnostic:direct: cultivation, PCR , ELM, shadow microscopy •Indirect: ELISA screening, in case of positivity WB confirmation •3-4 weeks after beginning of disease occurs IgM (antibodies against flagelin, Osp C) •In 4-6 weeks occurs IgG (against antigens p18, 39, 100) •Therapy: PNC, doxycyclin, ceftriaxon • • C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\kliste.jpg Drawback fevers B. recurrentis Pathogenicity: repeated fevers Epidemiology: transfer – body louse Diagnostic: direct: shadow microscopy, indirect: agglutination Therapy: doxycyclin C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\ves.jpg Treponemas T. pallidum (lues, syphilis) Microscopy: eclipsed, spirales Cultivation: not cultivable on medias, only on rabbit Pathogenicity: stages - early primary – ulcus durum, ulceration on genitals, heal itself, antibodies - 4 weeks later secondary – fever, condylomata lata, heal itself, serology + early latent – asymptomatic, about the year after secondary lues later - later latent priod (various length) tertiary – gummata (on skin, bones), neurosyphilis (progressive paralysis, brain atrophy), cardiovascular syphilis (aneurysma) Congenital: early congenital lues - hepatosplenomegaly, periostitis latence, later congenit. stage (after 2 years length) - malformation, deafness, saddle-back nose, barrel incissors, + often abortion C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\LF MUas\podzimní semestr\Treponema.jpg C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\kralik.bmp C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\LF MUas\podzimní semestr\FTA_ABS.jpg C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\LF MUas\podzimní semestr\TPHA_hodnoceni.jpg Diagnostic: direct: shadow microscopy, PCR, rabbit, immunofluorescence, silver staining indirect: screening - 2 reactions: RRR and TPHA, in case of positivity confirmation via FTA-ABS, ELISA and WB (IgM + IgG), TPIT (Treponema Pallidum Immobilisation Test) - obsolent RRR - antigen is a cardiolipin, not treponema, must be completed TPHA Therapy and epidemiology: transport - sex. contact, prevention – screening in pregnancy, screening of blood-donors, save sex, PNC, macrolides, doxycyclin Leptospira L. icterohaemorrhagiae, grippotyphosa, sejroe Microscopy: spirales curved on both ends Cultivation: long, special medias Pathogenicity: 2 forms: icteric – bleeding, icterus, renal insufficience – Weil’s disease (L. icterohaemorrhagiae) anicteric – field fever (L. grippotyphosa) Epidemiologie: contact with animals (pigs, horses, crowfoots, rodents – rats, !on fields, channels) Therapy: PNC, doxycyclin Diagnostic: direct: microscopy, cultivation indirect: MAT (microscopic agglutination test), specialised laboratories C:\Documents and Settings\muprac\Dokumenty\Černohorská\LF MUas\podzimní semestr\leptospiry.jpg