24 Injuries 1 Basic vocabulary Translate the words in colour: 1. There was blood all over the place, 2. Do you bleed easily? 3. The operation only left a small scar. 4. The bruise will disappear in a few days, 5. Are you in pain? 6. Look where the cat scratched me. 7. His injuries are all fairly minor. 8. This wound was caused by flying glass. 9. iVly ankle is very swollen. 10,1 ve got a Horrible blister on my foot, 11. I've sprained my wrist. 12. Be careful or that wasp wdl sting you. 2 Accidents Match the following expressions with the pictures below: 1. I've broken my arm. 2. I've sprained my wrist. 3. I've cut my thumb* 4. I've burnt my hand. 5. I've got a nosebleed. 6.1 hit my head. 7.1 got an electric shock. 8.1 got stung by a bee. 9.1 twisted my ankle. c. -« 3 Wounds and injuries Match the phrases with the pictures: He's been injured. He's been wounded. 1. i 1 2, <^2£5a[- P^—1 i Now complete the following sentences with the words below: injured injury wound wounded 1. It's quite a deep.........You 11 probably need stitches. I'll take you to the hospital. 2. Venus Williams was unable to finish her match because of a shoulder......... 3, Nly grand-dad was ,.......in the war. He got shot in the leg. 4, There was a train crash in London this morning. Several people are seriously Which of these words go with injury and which 90 with wound? slight \s> l-l 11 s t knife t.} A C iv interns 1 sports deep injury wound in spoken language it is common to use hurt instead of injured. For example^ "Did you bear about the train crash this morrttrt^? ^)tate a lot of people have been hurt. '* In sport we always use injured. Konaldo is injured and will miss the n@xt five matches/' 4 Hurting yourself Complete the following dialogues with the phrases below; a. burnt myself b. cut myself c. scratched myself a. injured myself 1. You ve got blood on yout face. > I know, I've just........shaving. 2. ^w*h.at Have you done to your hand? > I . . * . . i . . talcing something out of the oven last night. I don't think it's too serious. 3. Have you ever been horse-riding? ^ ^ I ve just myself on that rose bush. 5 It's badly bruised Match the phrases with the pictures: 1. He's unconscious. 2. It s bleeding. 3. It's bruised. 4. It's swollen. 5. He s got a black eye* 6* He s got a bad scar under his eye. 6 It was agony Complete the sentences using these words: agony blood black pain scratch blisters a. She's in a lot of......... b. I'm........and blue all over. c. There was........everywhere. d. Nly feet are covered in ....... . . e. It's just a......... f. It was absolute........! Now use the language above to complete the following sentences: 1.1 ran in the London Marathon on Sunday. I m in agony. My................ ! 2. Don t worry..................111 get you a plaster. 3. I think we'd better call an ambulance. 4* rvly brother cut the top off his finger with a kitchen knife last night................. 5.1 shut my fingers in the car door this morning, I was in.................... 6.1 played rugby again yesterday. It was VERY physical.......................... this morning. jti(2uc yon evet hrolzeft a bows, bse?z kitocfasti M7ico?isctoi4s3 ct4t yourself b&dlyt o? h&d m blucft eye? 55