DELTOID MUSCLE abductor of arm, helps in flexion, extension and lateral rotation of arm DIAPHRAGM increases capacity of thorax in inspiration GLUTEUS MAXIMUS M. main extensor, powerful lateral rotator of thigh OCCIPITOFRONTAL MUSCLE elevates eyebrows, draws scalp forward and backward LATISSIMUS DORSI M. adducts, extends and rotates arm LEVATOR ANI M. supports pelvic viscera, important part of pelvic floor NASAL M. draws margin of nostrils toward septum QUADRICEPS M. OF THIGH great extensor muscle of leg TRAPEZIUS elevates shoulder, rotates scapula to raise shoulder in full abduction SPHINCTER OF URETHRA compresses urethra SARTORIUS M. flexes thigh and leg, rotates thigh laterally „HAMSTRING“ common name for posterior thigh muscles