Longman Dictionary http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/injury injury plural injuries [uncountable and countable] a wound or damage to part of your body caused by an accident or attack COLLOCATIONS: serious injury minor injury suffer an injury sustain an injury (=suffer an injury - used especially in newspaper reports) escape/avoid injury (=not be injured) through injury (=because of injury) head/leg/shoulder etc injury an injury to the head/the chest etc internal injuries (=injuries inside your body) multiple injuries (=a large number of injuries at the same time) do yourself an injury British English spoken (=accidentally hurt yourself - used especially when warning someone to be careful) personal injury claim (=a legal claim made against the person or company that caused your injury) She was taken to hospital with serious head injuries. He suffered horrific injuries in the attack. The driver of the truck sustained only minor injuries to his legs and arms. Luckily she escaped injury. Beckham has missed several games through injury. The pilot was treated for suspected internal injuries. Don't lift that toolbox - you'll do yourself an injury! He's a lawyer who specializes in personal injury claims. http://www.oxfordadvancedlearnersdictionary.com/dictionary/injury harm done to a person's or an animal's body, for example in an accident serious injury/injuries minor injuriesto sustain injuries/an injuryto escape injury The passengers escaped with only minor injuries. Two players are out of the team because of injury. There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured). No damage or injuries were reported. (British English, informal) Don't do that. You'll do yourself an injury (= hurt yourself). Usage note Collocations: InjuriesBeing injured have a fall/an injuryreceive/suffer/sustain a serious injury/a hairline fracture/(especially British English) whiplash/a gunshot woundhurt/injure your ankle/back/legdamage the brain/an ankle ligament/your liver/the optic nerve/the skinpull/strain/tear a hamstring/ligament/muscle/tendonsprain/twist your ankle/wristbreak a bone/your collarbone/your leg/three ribsfracture/crack your skullbreak/chip/knock out/lose a toothburst/perforate your eardrumdislocate your finger/hip/jaw/shoulderbruise/cut/graze your arm/knee/shoulderburn/scald yourself/your tonguebang/bump/hit/(informal) bash your elbow/head/knee (on/against something) You can also use “extensive” injuries but not [DEL: large injuries. :DEL]