Na test se prosím připravte z následujících materiálů: Home Assignments Week 1 to Week 14 Readings: lessons 1 to 10 exceptions: do not include lesson 6 reading on Lymphatic System, in lessons concerned with pathological conditions you should be able to name and characterize the most common diseases, there is no need for you to memorize all the information included in the readings on the diseases Vocabulary practice: L1 Home Assignment ex 1-7 + exercise on anatomy Extras Interactive Human Body BBC webpage Skeleton Game, Muscle Game L2 H.A. Ex 1-4 L3 no assignment L4 H.A. all exercises L5 H.A. all exercises L6 H.A. All exercises L7 H.A. All exercises L8 Revision 1 L9 H.A. Dentisty exercises 1, 3, 4, 5 L9 H.A. All exercises In-class materials: vocabulary arising out of the practical exercises done in-class At the Doctor´s, Injuries, In Hospital