BASIC ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM afferent information (nerves, axons, tracts) efferent information (nerves, axons, tracts) ascending information (tracts) descending information (tracts) Basic conception CNS NERVE CELL = NEURON TYPES OF NEURONS Šachovnice Šachovnice Šachovnice CNS PNS Striated skeletal muscles Smooth muscles, myocardium, glands Schwann cells and their derivatives oligodendrocytes astrocytes DIVISION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM sensors effectors stimulus impulse DIVISION OF THE PNS Cranial nerves I.- XII. • run through the skull base Spinal nerves – 31 pairs • run through foramina intervertebralia myelination1 Glial cells of the CNS: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglial, ependymal cells Glial cells of the PNS: myelinating and non-nemyelinating Schwann cells, satellite glial cells, terminal glial cells unmyelinated axons (< 1mm) myelinated axons FUNCTIONAL TYPES OF AXONS IN PNS somatomotor striated muscles branchiomotor striated muscles visceromotor smooth muscles myocardium glands parasympathetic sympathetic somatosensory touch, proprioception, pain viscerosensory mechanoception, pain sensory relay impulses for taste, hearing and balance DIVISION OF THE CNS Brain (Encephalon) Spinal cord (Medulla spinalis) Brainstem (Truncus encephali) Mesencephalon Medulla oblongata Pons Diencephalon Telencephalon Cerebellum Kopie Fig9 Neural crest sulcus limitans medulla spinalis myelencephalon metencephalon mesencephalon diencephalon telencephalon Primary subdivisions: prosencephalon, mesencephalon, rhombencephalon Secondary subdivision: telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon Kopie Fig22 spinalCord Conus medullaris Filum terminale Cauda equina Spinal segment Fila radicularia Kopie obr85 Kopie obr87 Intumescentia cervicalis C3 – T2 Intumescentia lumbalis T9 – T12 Slide13 Slide14 Segment C1 Segment C5 Segment C8 Segment Th2 Segment Th10 Segment L1 Segment L4 Segment S4 Segment C5 Segment C8 Segment Th2 Segment L4 Segment S4 SUBSTANTIA GRISEA – cornu anterius (columna anterior), cornu posterius (columna posterior), cornu laterale (columna lateralis), substantia intermedia, canalis centralis SUBSTANTIA ALBA – funiculus anterior, lateralis, posterior fissura mediana ant., sulcus medianus post., septum medianum posterius, sulcus anterolateralis, posterolateralis Kopie obr90 FUNCTIONAL ZONES IN THE NEURAL TUBE SS S VS VM BM SM cc fig1Uprav Cornu anterius Cornu posterius Substantia intermedia CC FR fig1Uprav Cik cak Plné kosočtverce Plné kosočtverce Radix dorsalis Pseudounipol. neurons of the DRG Ncl. posteromarginalis + Subst. gelatinosa Rolandi Tr. dorsolateralis Lissaueri Ncl. proprius Ncl. thoracicus (Stilling-Clark.) Tr. spinocerebellaris post. Tr. spinocerebellaris ant. Tr. spino-olivaris Tr. olivo-spinalis Tr. spino-thalamicus, -reticularis, -tectalis Ncl. intermediomedialis Fasc. gracilis Fasc. cuneatus Tr. spinobulbaris fig1Uprav Ncl.motorius Ncl. intermediolateralis fig1Uprav Vodorovné cihly Cik cak Obrysy kosočtverců Plné kosočtverce Velké tečky Tr. corticospinalis lat. Tr. corticospinalis ant. Tr. rubrospinalis Tr. olivospinalis Tr. vestibulospinalis Tr. reticulospinalis Tr. tectospinalis Rexed1 laminae (Rexed 1952) nuclei I ncl. apicalis (ncl. posteromarginalis) II + III substantia gelatinosa Rolandi IV + V ncl. proprius VI ncl. thoracicus (Stilling - Clark) C8-L3 VII group of interneurons in the anterior horn VIII medial group of motoneurons IX lateral group of motoneurons X zona centralis, gray matter around the central canal