crown Dentine Enamel Gingival sulcus GingWa Oral mucosa Morphology Supportive tissues perio- dontal ligament alveolar bone Boot cementum-vering entire root surface Dentogingival junctio Free gingiva Gingival sulcus Sulcular epithelium Cemento-enamel junction Other aethiological factors ■ Calcified deposit on teeth, plaque on the surface Overhangs, crowns, dentures Genetic factors — gen polymorphism Parodontopathies ic form ) form ema bleeding je on the Acute necrotisans gingivitis - ANUG ■ Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Aetiology - Lesions more widespread and diffuse Diferential diagnosis If ANUG does not tend to recover in 10 days check the blood picture! Atrophie or desquamative gingivitis symptoms Erythema on free gingiva — loss of the epithelium Variety of symptoms: itching, tenderness of eating, burning. P ar o donthop atie s Periodontitis Chronic periodontitis. Aggressive periodontitis. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease. ecrotizine periodontal diseases. I Abscesses of the periodontium. I Periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions. I Development or acquired deformities and conditions, Parodonthopaties Periodontitis -i untomc periodontitis, Ag-gressive periodontitis. J Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease. J Necrotizing periodontal diseases. -i Abscesses of the periodontium. Periodontitis associated 'with, endodontic lesions. Development or acquired deformities and conditions. Periodontitis ■ Gingivitis ■ Pocketin Periodontitis Periodontitis Therapy 1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care INDIVIDUAL Therapy 1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care _INDIVIDUAL 1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care INDIVIDUAL Scaling, root planning Closed curretage Apical flap Replaced flap Mucogingival surgery □ Enlargement of attached gingiva - Frenulectomy - Vestibuloplastic The principle is removal of fibrous tissues which are pulling the gingiva out during eating, speaking etc. □ Plastic of recessus The principle is to cover the denudated dental necks with gingiva using flap or graft.