Oral and maxillofacial surgery II. Anaesthesia Suture 1 Anaesthesia Topical By injection - Infiltration - Nerve block 2 Infiltration ■ Syringe ■ Short needle Raise lip or cheek The puncture is situated into mucosa appr. 1 cm from fornix vestibuli. Do not touch periosteum. 3 Infiltration anaesthesia Suitable for - simple extractions in maxilla, mandibular incisors, canines - soft tissue surgery m Nerve block anaesthesia > Foramen mandibulare > Foramen mentale > Foramen palatinum majus > Foramen incisivum > Foramen infraorbitale >Tuber maxillae \ 5 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior 6 Nerve block anaesthesia Nervus alveolaris inferior In sulcus colli mandibulae 7 8 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior Indirect Put the forefinger on the occlusal surface Rotate inside (nail inside) 1 cm up occlusal surface the puncture is situated 9 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior Indirect 1. The needle goes behind the crista temporalis, the syringe on the opposite canine 10 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior Indirect 2. The needle goes deeper in the contact with the bone The syringe goes mesial 11 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior 12 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior Direct Put the forefinger on the occlusal surface Rotate inside (nail inside) 1,5 cm deep \ 13 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior Area blocked Molars Premolars Tongue \ 14 Nerve block anaesthesia N. alveolaris inferior > The puncture at the same place > The syringe on opposite premolars > The puncture goes into the small pink depression medial from crista temporalis and lateral from plica prerygomandibularis 1,5 cm deep Molars, premolars, mucosa, skin, bone Nerve block anaesthesia N. mentalis F. mentale The puncture is situated behind he distal surface of 2nd premolar The needle goes between roots of premolars 16 Nerve block anaesthesia N. mentalis F. mentale The puncture is situated behind the distal surface of 2nd premolar The needle goes between roots of premolars, From up to down Forward and mesial Premolars and canine, mucosa, skin. 17 Nerve block anaesthesia Foramen palatinum majus Distal surface of l.st molar The puncture is 0,5 - 1 cm before Half of palate 18 Nerve block anaesthesia Foramen incisivum Nervus incisivus ^KT*TWT~^C7 Papilla incisiva ^fe m I ml Next tu papilla, mm. mesial direction kIPtF i Triangular area behind incisors 19 Anaesthesia on f. infraorbitale ■ Find the margo infraorbitalis ■ Raise the lip ■ The puncture is sitruated between canine and 1st premolar ■ The needle goes to the region (appr 1 cm below margo infraorbitalis) 20 Anaesthesia on tuber maxillae ■ The durg si delivered on tuber maxillae ■ Tje puncture is situated behind 2nd molar (distal surface), goes behind and upper around tuber maxillae. 21 Suture ifffi Suture material row Silk,nylon mm Needels - bent, rounded - straight \ Needle holders - autofix Mm, -without fixation 22 Suture Suture material Silk,nylon Needels - bent, rounded - straight Needle holders - autofix -without fixation ■_ m.i*m WLKMH ' H-Kiii. m.ac ■-«■■ PL |J. * KIMM Mum Mrik * ' > M.111H H ■ IUI ■ KFII« * kmi 'i HIHN 3 ■Mtll 23 Suture 24 26