Airway Management L.Dadák, ARK FNUSA Maintaining airway  Noninvasive •airway •laryngeal mask •combitube invasive •OTI, NTI •coniotomy •tracheotomy  vocal cords First Aid - repetition • FBAO First Aid - repetition Monitoring of breathing • • • • Auscultation lung + neck SpO2 capnography / capnometry (arterial) blood gasses = Astrup SpO2 > 90% CO2 CO2 Kapnograf Bag Mask ventilation I: apnea, respiratory failure  positive pressure ventilation Tidal Volume = 6ml/kg = movements of Chest f 10.. 30 /min 21.. 100% O2 1 hand: 4 hands OroPharyngealAirway I: unconsciousness + airway obstruction with tongue Correct size OPA: distance angle of mouth --- ear Risk in mild unconsciousness: vomitus + aspiration LM LM placed against glottis (radix of tongue, recessus piriformis, esophageal superior sphincter) I: instead face mask, OTI, difficult airway KI:  full stomach  gastro-oesophageal reflux,  high inspiratory pressure  longer operation Combitube    emergency situations instead OTI I: difficult airway KI: stenosing process in pharynx / trachea Tracheal intubation Def: Placing tube to trachea through mouth/nose and larynx. I:  maintain open airway (GCS < 8)  toilet (no cough)  maintain ventilation (shock, hypoventilation) narrowest place in airway – vocal cords – subglotic space (<8let) OTI, NTI - aids:      laryngoscope Magill tongs tracheal tubes syringe lead How to: • prepare all aids, (ventilate) • position of pat. • LA, GA, coma • direct laryngoscopy • placing tube • inflate cuff • ensure position Laryngoscope:   crooked spoon Macintosh straight spoon - Miller Laryngoscopic view: radix of tongue epiglottis vocal cords trachea Always easy? (Cormac & Lehane) Verify placing of the tube    auscultation End tidal CO2 fibroscopic view Complications of TI - early:       trauma of teeth, soft tissue placed to esophagus / endobronchialy aspiration cardiovascular ↑ΒP, ↑f, arrhythmia ↑ ICP laryngospasmus, bronchospasmus Complication of TI - later:     damage of vocal cords, trachea sinusitis, otitis, decubitus – lip, nose obturation of tracheal tube by secret, blood How to do NTI: 1. LA anemisation of nose 2. tube through nose 3. placing tube under visual control CAVE: deviation of septum nasi Check your neck  Mallanpati  3-3-2 Coniotomy   urgent access to airway lig. cricothyreoideum (lig. conicum) Coniotomy    First try to ventilate, OTI find the ligament DO it. Tracheotomy   surgical access to trachea punction TS I: maintain AW long time  artificial ventilation  limitation of dead space 