02 Head – axial projection 03 Head – lateral projection 29 Cervical part of the spine: axial and lateral projection 35 36 Thoracic part of the spine: axial and lateral projection 37 38 Lumbar part of the spine: axial and lateral projection 42 Pelvis 57 58 Knee joint: axial and lateral projection 67 Foot: lateal projection 66 Foot: dorsoplantar projection 45 Shoulder joint: axial projeaction 47 48 Elbow joint: axial and lateral projection X-ray of an child´s hand and wrist 2 ANd9GcQtawk5VWFd7FLjrKjpfgkIU_6Mm9jmrZosxKTOVHRfqxEcu96p5w 50 X-ray of an adult´s hand and wrist X-ray of the chest