REGIONAL ANATOMY OF THE THORAX Regio infraclavicularis (trig. delto-, clavipectorale) Regio pectoralis Regio axillaris Regio mammaria Regio sternalis Regio hypochondriaca dx. et sin. Regio vertebralis Regio suprascapularis Regio scapularis Regio infrascapularis Regio axillaris Linea mediana anterior Linea sternalis Linea parasternalis Linea medioclavicularis Linea axillaris ant. Linea axillaris media Linea axillaris post. Linea scapularis Linea paravertebralis Linea mediana post. brandontr02_1 anorexic NERVI SUPRACLAVICULARES NERVI INTERCOSTALES: RR. CUTANEI LATERALES®NERVI MAMMARII LAT. RR. CUTANEI MEDIALES®NERVI MAMMARII MED. AA. ET VV. CERVICALES SUPERFICIALES AA. ET VV. INTERCOSTALES VV. THORACOEPIGASTRICAE VV. THORACICAE LATERALES VV. THORACICAE INTERNAE VV. EPIGASTRICAE SUPERIORES VAN A. THORACICA INTERNA AA. INTERCOSTALES POST. A. THORACICA LAT. A. THORACODORSALIS A. CERVICALIS SUPERFICIALIS PROJECTION OF ORGANS ONTO THE THORACIC WALL CUPULA PLEURAE = APEX PULMONIS AREA INTERPLEURALIS SUP. (THYMICA) AREA INTERPLEURALIS INF. (PERICARDIACA) FISSURA OBLIQUA FISSURA HORIZONTALIS fields MEDIASTINUM mediastinum T8 Nll. pulmonales Nll. bronchopulmonales Nll. tracheobronchiales inf., sup. – dx. et sin. Nll. paratracheales tr. bronchomediastinalis Nll. mediastinales ant. the mediastinal lymph nodes; ventral view. Nll. mediastinales post. Posterior mediastinal lymph nodes, Nodi lymphatici thoracis; the greater vessels of the mediastinum have been preserved; dorsal view. In the healthy adult the lymph nodes are usually smaller than shown here. Nll. parasternales Nll. intercostales Nll. praevertebrales Nll. phrenici sup. Lymphatic drainage of the breast - nll. axillares - nll. parasternales - nll. supraclaviculares - nll. Intercostales - nll. mediastinales ant. Fig. 789 Lymphatic drainage of the mammary gland and location of the regional lymph nodes. Note the connections between the lymphatic vessels of both sides and the lymphatic drainage into the intrathoracic lymph nodes.