1 Non-opioid analgesics analgesics-antipyretics non-steroid antiinflammatory drugs l analgesics-antipyretics (A-A) drugs decrease fever and pain l non-steroid antiflogistics (NSAID) acting against inflammation, pain and fever A-A and NSAID categories partially overlap l antiuratics – drugs against gout Cyclooxygenase isoforms l COX-1 – constitutive – prostanoids providing physiological and homeostatic functions (gastroprotective, platelets functions) l COX-2 – inducible – synthesis via proinflammatory factors (IL-1, IL-2, TNF-α, oncogens,..) l prostanoids ⇒ inflammation, fever, pain l COX-3 – central mechanism of analgesic and antipyretic effects (localisation: heart + CNS) Glucocorticoids Phospholipase A2 Membrane phospholipids Arachidonic acid lipooxygenase cyclooxygenase LEUCOTRIENS PROSTAGLANDINES PROSTACYKLINES TROMBOXANES inflammation Mobilization of fagocytosis Changes in vessels permeability Inflammation A-A NSAID Inh. 5-LOX Classes 1. Salicylates 2. Anilin derivates 3. Pyrazolones 4. Derivates of propionic acid 5. Derivates of acetic acid 6. Fenamates 7. Oxikams 8. Preferential inhibitors of COX-2 9. Coxibs 1. Salicylates Effects l analgesic l antiflogistic l antipyretic l antirheumatic l antitrombotic l prophylaxis of myocardial infarction and brain stroke l inhibition of platelets functions (antiaggregant) 2 Drugs l ASA – prodrug metabolised to salicylic acid, the only drug affecting COX irreversibly l selective inhibition of platelets functions by irreversible acetylation of COX (for the whole life-time of thrombocyte) l Aloxiprin – is degredated in GIT → ASA and aluminium oxide, slower absorption, safer l Natrium salicylate – inj. In rheumatic fever, paliative care ASA (acetylsalicylic acid) cholinsalicylate lysinsalicylate diflunisal (↑ analgesic and antiflog. effect, urikosuric, no antipyretic effect) sulfasalasin (⇒sulfapyridin + 5-aminosalicylic acid) mesalazin Derivates of salicylic acid AE l Salicylism (↑d.) – hearing impairment, tinnitus, deafness, vertigo l Alergies - bronchospasms, itching, rash, anaphylactic shock, bronchoconstriction l GIT - nausea, dyspepsia, bleeding, ulcer disease l Nephropathy – reversible decrease of GF l Hepatopathy CAVE l Gravidity – according to trimester l Children - Reye syndrome l Elderly – more sensitive to AE Contraindications l haemophilia and other disorders of haemostasis l before surgery l ulcer disease l gastritis l children under 12 years l Reye syndrome (hyperpyrexia, acidosis, cramps, vomiting, neuropsychiatric disorders, hepatopathy) l gravidity (according to trimester) l asthma, allergies, nasal polyp Usual dosing l antipyretic effect 500 mg l analgesic effect 500 mg (4 - 6 h) l antiflogistic,-rheumatic,-uratic 3,6 – 4 g/day l antiaggregant 30 –100 mg 2. Anilin derivates Paracetamol (acetaminophen) l Analgesic, antipyretic l No antiinflammatory effect!!! l No effect on aggregation and urikemia l central mechanism on COX-3 l Indirect influence on 5-HT3 rp in spinal cord l Fastens peripheral metabolisation of PGG2 to PGH2 3 Pharmacokinetics l p.o. well absorbed, maximum in 30-60min, low binding to proteins, hepatic metabolisation l hepatotoxic mtb.- bound to glutathion l overdose (10-15g)⇒ antidotum: N-acetylcystein AE, CI l Allergies l Gravidity l Trimester? l Co-morbidity l Alkohol abuse l Nephropathy l Hepatopathy l Phenylketonuria – aspartam is used as korrigens in paracetamol preparations Usual dosing l Effects are comparable with ASA but is safer!! l 1st choice for ↓ fever and pain in children under 12 l pain in adults l 300 to 500 mg each 3-4 h l 650 mg each 4 to 6 h l 1000 mg each 6 h l DTD to 4g 2. Anilin derivates Phenacetin l Analgesic, antipyretic l strongly nephrotoxic, negatively inotropic l in some countries used in combined analgesic preparations l Metabolised to paracetamol 3. Pyrazolones phenylbutazon l good antiinflammatory effect, less analgesic l concentrates in joints and effective concentration remains for 3 week after last administration l AUV propyphenazon l less toxic l in combinations (with paracetamol and caffeine) metamizol l antiflogistic and antipyretic effect l AE – allergies, nausea, vomitus, nephrotoxicity, inhibition of hematopoiesis l Usually combined with spasmolytics (eg. Algifen = metamizol + pitofenazon + fenpiverin) 3. Pyrazolones 4 4. Propionic acid derivates ibuprofen l good analgesic and antiflogistic effect l Often used in therapy of acute pain l low AE, probably best tolerated NSAID, indicated also in children ketoprofen - Ketonal crm, Fastum gel, Ketobene flurbiprofen - Strepfen tiaprofenic acid – well penetrates to synovial fluid ⇒ diseases of joints naproxen - Napsyn 5. Acetic acid derivates l Effective drugs with different AE diclofenac (Voltaren, Apo-diclo, Inflamac, Fector gel, Olfen) l antiinflammatory, analgesic, mild antipyretic ef. l PK: bioavailability 30-70%, short half-life ⇒ retarded forms l DTD 50-150 mg l more AE than ASA, but less than indometacin l mild: headache, insomnia, irritability, GIT disorders, photosensitivity Indications: aching muscles, headache, after surgery, painful menstruation… indometacin (Indometacin supp, Indobene, Vonum cutan) l Powerful non-selective COX inhibitor with urikosuric effects ⇒ used in gout attacks l toxic ⇒ only short-term administration in acute conditions l AE in 30% of patients l GIT, headache, depression, confusion, hallucinations, damage of haematopoiesis and cartilage 5. Acetic acid derivates 5. Acetic acid derivates sulindac l prodrug – metabolite is 500x more effective l apart from COX inhibition probably can reduce the growth of polyps and precancerous lesions in the colon l is effective tocolytic l AE: relatively less irritating to the stomach, skin lesions, toxic to liver and pancreas 6. Fenamates l Highly potent l often AE ( vomiting, headache, diarrhea, hematemesis, hematuria, skin problems, fever) → only for acute conditions (migraine, menstruational or joint pain) l tolfenamic, mefenamic, meklofenamic, flufenamic acid l etofenamate 7. Oxicams piroxicam l Well tolerated in most of the patients l 20 mg once a day - Pro-roxikam, Flamexin, Reumador meloxicam l COX-2 more selective l less AE - Movalis, Recoxa 5 8. Preferential inhibitors of COX-2 nabumeton l prodrug l Relifex, Rodanol nimesulid l scavenger l Inhibits cartilage-degradating enzymes (elastase, kolagenase) l Aulin, Coxtral, Mesulid, Nimesil, Zolan 9. Coxibs l 100 x more specific to COX-2 l less AE in GIT, no effects on aggregation or kidney blood flow l AE – increase in thrombembolic cardiovask. and cerebrovask. attacks (AMI, brain stroke) after chronic treatment l rofe- and valdecoxib were withdrawn l expensive – prescription only by rheumatologist l for problematic patients with rheumatoid arthritis l celekoxib has very safe profile (CVS, GIT) l Good for treatment of morbus Bechterev (spondylitis ankylosa) l Celebrex, Onsenal l parekoxib l etorikoxib l rofekoxib, valdekoxib l increased CVS risk l both were withdrawn l AE: l thromboembolic cardio- and cerebrovaskular complications 9. Coxibs Safety of NSAIDs l Generally NSAIDs must be prescribed and recommended with caution, especially to elderly/children l Risk/benefit of selective NSAIDs is still discussed l When patient asks for common analgesic, paracetamol is the 1st choice (possibly with co-analgesics) Often AE of NSAIDs l Type A – Augmented – dose dependent l GIT toxicity l Nephrotoxicity l Bronchospasms –salicylates and others NSAIDs, (not after paracetamol) l Inhibition of platelets functions l Type B – Bizzare – unpredictable l Allergies l Reye syndrome l rash … Adverse effects of NSAIDs l Results of COX-1 inhibition : l GIT - ↓ cytoprotektive PGE2, PGI2 ⇒ erosions, ulcerations l thrombocytes - ↓ TXA2: inhibition of aggregation ⇒ bleeding l PGE2, PGI2 autoregulate renal functions ⇒ renal insufficiention l ↑ LT production causes bronchoconstriction in predisposed individuals ⇒ asthmatic attack l uterus - ↓ PGE/F: inhibition of contractions ⇒ elongation and complications of labor 6 AE solution l Dose reduction or change of drug form l Combination with protective drugs l proton pump inhibitors (lansoprazol, omeprazol) l H2 antihistaminics – (cimetidin ranitidin, famotidin) l antacids l prostaglandin analoges (substitution) l possibly COX-2 selective drugs? Rheumatic diseases – strategies of treatment 1. NSAID 2. DMARDs + Biolog. treatment 3. Others antirheumatics l steroid antiflogistics (= glucocorticoids) l cytostatics and antimetabolites l imunosupressants l proteolytic enzymes Chronic treatment ! DMARDs l According to current czech guidelines: l Most often used DMARDs – antimalarics, sulfasalazin, metotrexate, leflunomid l Less often used – gold salts, azathioprin, cyklosporin A, cyklofosfamid DMARDs l chlorochin l hydroxychlorochin l antiinflammatory and imunomodulant effects l inhibition of leukocytar chemotaxis l In less severe form of disease l AE: skin problems, damage of retina antimalarics DMARDs sulfasalazin l Slow incerase in dosing → onset of effects in 1-2- months soli Au l Natrium aurothiomalate (i.m.), auranofin (p.o.) l inhibit fagocytosis and thus also immune response l 30-40% AE: skin and mucosal problems, damage of haematopoiesis, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity DMARDs Leflunomid imunomodulans (inhibition of pyrimidin synthesis) USA – approved as a drug preventing rejection of organs in allotransplantation 7 DMARDs Biological treatment l targeted on immune cells and mediators taking part in development of RA l anti-TNF drugs: l fast onset of effect, stop progression of disease but relapse happens after stopping the medication l risk of infections, CI vaccination with attenuated agents AE: GIT, weakness, changes of blood pressure, infections, allergies Infliximab, adalimumab l rekombinant monoclonal Ab l create a complex with TNF-α l suitable combination with methotrexate etanercept l rekombinant protein of TNF receptor subunit + fragment of IgG = solubile TNF receptor Others – rituximab, abatacerp Other antirheumatics 1. Steroid antiinflammatory drugs l glucocorticoids 2. Cytostatics and antimetabolites l metotrexate l azathioprin l cyklofosfamid 3. Immunosupressants l cyklosporin A 4. Proteolytic enzymes l bromelain l papain l trypsin Gout Ethiology of gout primary l Genetically conditioned impairment in uric acid metabolism ⇒ Deposit of urates in cartilage and joints secondary l Excessive degradation of purines (eg. in cancer) l Insufficient excretion of uric acid (kidney problem) l Increased intake of uric acid in food (sea fruit, alcohol…) l Problematic drugs l Low doses of ASA inhibit excretion l thiazid diuretics (hydrochlorothiazid) l immunosupressants drugs used in gout Acute attack Therapy of hyperurikemia / prevention of attack Therapy of acute attack supression of inflammation, pain inhibition of leucocytes migration into joint Therapy of hyperurikemia / prevention of attack excretion of uric acid decrease in synthesis diet 8 Acute attack l 1st aid – fast relief form pain and supression of inflammatory processes l NSAID l diclofenac, indometacin, kebuzon l kolchicin (Colchicum autumnale) (autumn crocus, meadow saffron) l Mitotic toxin l Inhibits fagocytosis and migration of leucytes l AE – severe diarrhea –rehydratation!! Chronic therapy Urikosurics probenecide l Sometimes is used with ATB (antivirotics) to decrease their renal excretion and elongate half-life l interactions: l salicylates l heparin - probenecid increase bleeding l probenecide can influence levels of these drugs: l Indometacin, ketoprofen l methotrexate l nitrofurantoin – chemoterapeutic l zidovudin – antiretrovirotic Chronic therapy Urikosurics Benzbromaron inhibition of uric acid reabsorption in proximal tubulus Hepatotoxic, withdrawn Antiuratics l Hypoxantin ⇒ xantin ⇒ uric acid l Allopurinol l isomer of hypoxantin, competitive inhibition of xanthinoxidase (XO) l Should not be co-administered with drugs with purinderived molecule (e.g. azathioprin, 6-merkaptopurin) XO XO Chronic therapy