Greater Palatine Block Anesthetise all palatal mucosa of the side injected and lingual gingivae posterior to the maxillary canines and corresponding bone Technique On the hard palate between the 2nd and 3rd molars approximately 1cm medially, inject about 0,3 - 0,5ml Nasopalatine Nerve Block Anesthetise the soft and hard tissue of the maxillary anterior six teeth - from canine one side to canine other side. Technique - approximately 1,5 cm posterior to the alveolar crest between the central incisors - posterior to the incisive papilla; depth less than 10mm and inject 0,3 - 0,5 ml Submental Space Anterosuperiorly: mental symphysis (Apex) Posteroinferiorly: Hyoid bone (Base) Superolaterally: Anterior bellies of digastric muscles Floor: mylohyoid muscle Roof: superficial fascia containing platysma What type of infection might the submental space be involved in? It may be involved in infections of mandibular incisors causing a swelling at the point of chin. Submandibular Space Boundaries of submandibular space 1) lateral: superficial fascia and body of manble 2) medial: mylohyoid muscle 3) superior: mylohyoid line of mandble and mylohyoid muscle 4) inferior: hyoid bone What are the contents of the submandiblar space? (1) the submandibular gland (2) lymph nodes (3) the hypoglossal nerve (4) the nerve to the mylohyoid (5) the facial artery and submental branch. Where might infection occur in order to effect the submandibular space? Infections emanate from mandibular molars that have their roots located below the mylohyoid line 7450_1924433_56279917_5706659_n.jpg .jpg