BASIC OF CRANIOMETRY and CEPHALOMETRY I. Craniometry technique used to measure dry skull after removal of its soft parts II. Cephalometry technique used to measure the head Both are the branches of physical anthropology Cephalometre A landmark on the skull from which craniometric/ cephalometric measurements can be taken are craniometric / cephalometric points cephalometer 203x300 Cephalic Index I. Cranimetry Points § Unpaired: nasion, glabella, bregma, akanthion, lambda, orale, opisthocranion, basion, staphylion § § Binate: pteryon, porion, euryon, zygion, gonion, endomolare endomolare basion orale staphylion glabella nasion akanthion gnathion bregma opistocranion lambda porion pteryon zygion euryon gonion Length: glabella - opisthocranion Width: euryon - euryon High: bregma - basion Size of the skull Length: nasion - gnathion Width: zygion - zygion Size of the face Width: endomolara - endomolare Length: orale - staphylion Size of the palatum Cephalic index the ratio of the maximum width of the head multiplied by 100 divided by its maximum length (i.e., in the horizontal plane, or front to back Dolichocephalic x - 74,9 (long-headed) Mesocephalic 75,0 - 79,9 (medium-headed) Brachycephalic 80,0 - x (short-headed) Facial index the ratio multiplied by 100 of the breadth of the face to its length Leptoprosopic 90,9 - x (long narrow face) Mesoprosopic 85,0 - 89,9 (average width) Euryprosopic x - 84,9 (short broad) Palatomaxillary index the ratio of the length of the hard palate to its breadth multiplied by 100 called also palatomaxillary index Leptostaphylic x - 79,9 (narrow palatum) Mesostaphylic 80,0 - 84,9 (average width) Brachystaphylic 85,0 - x (broad palatum) § Is used in dentristy, especially in orthodontics, to gauge the size and special relationships of the teeth, jaws and cranium § § This analysis informs treatment planning, quantifies changes during treatment, and provides data for clinical research II. Cephalometry Clin. diagnosis of orofacial anomalies 1. Anamnesis 2. Examination of orofacial: - intraoral - functional - several different methods: * photographs (en face, profil) * impressions * analysis of models * X-rays (telerentgen) with cephalometric analysis rtg Telerentgen S (Sella) midpoint of sella turcica N (Nasion) most anterior point on fronto-nasal suture Or (Orbitale) most inferior anterior point on margin of orbit Po (Porion) upper most point on bony external auditory meatus ANS (Anterior Nasal Spine) PNS (Posterior Nasal Spine) Cephalometric point, plane, line and angles used in dentistry Go (Gonion) most posterior inferior point on angle of mandible Me (Menton) lower most point on the mandibular symphysis A (A point) position of deepest concavity on anterior profile of maxilla B (B point) position of deepest concavity on anterior profile of mandibular symphysis Frankfort Plane: Po - Or Equivalent to the true horizontal when patient is standing upright Maxillary Plane: PNS - ANS Gives inclination of maxilla relative to other lines/planes Mandibular Plane: Go - Me Gives inclination of mandible relative to other lines/planes Important lines: S - N line N - A line N - B line Important angles: SNA SNB ANB Indicates position of maxilla / mandible to each other and to the cranial base ceph