Mediastinum3 Mediastinum2 Mediastinum1 obr2 Mediastinum and its division obr8 Superior mediastinum obr5 Superior mediastinum obr6 Superior mediastinum AntMediast Anterior Mediastinum The Middle Mediastinum is the broadest part of the interpleural space. It contains the heart enclosed in the pericardium, the ascending aorta, the lower half of the superior vena cava with the azygos vein opening into it, the bifurcation of the trachea and the two bronchi, the pulmonary artery dividing into its two branches, the right and left pulmonary veins, the phrenic nerves, and some bronchial lymphatic glands. obr3 Middle Mediastinum obr4 Middle Mediastinum Middle Mediastinum obrys-srdce A - valva aortae T- valva tricuspidalis P - valva trunci pulmonalis M – mitral valva (bicuspidalis) I. III. II. V. The heart sounds obr10 obr9 Posterior mediastinum - I obr1 Posterior mediastinum - II Posterior mediastinum III right_hilum left_hilum Right lateral view Left lateral view Lungs1 Lungs2