}1) Nouns of Latin origin + }nouns of Greek origin with Latin endings: } }Example: vena, ae, f. }Exceptions: dentista, ae, m.; antagonista, ae, m. } } sg. pl. } 1. vēn-a 1. vēn-ae } 2. vēn-ae 2. vēn-ārum } 4. vēn-am 4. vēn-ās } 6. ven-ā 6. vēn-īs }Examples: systole, es, f.; diabetes, ae, m. } } sg. sg. }1. systol-ē 1. diabēt-ēs }2. systol-ēs 2. diabēt-ae }4. systol-ēn 4. diabēt-am/ēn }6. systol-ē 6. diabet-ā/ē }In plural systole and diabetes are declined like }vena }costa }ascites }diastole }diphtheria }maxilla }dyspnoe }gangraena }antagonista } }1) Adjectives of 1st and 2nd declension: }latus (m.), a (f.), um (n.) }sinister (m.), a (f.), um (n.) } } }2) Adjectives of 3rd declension: }celer (m.),is (f.), e (n.) }brevis (m., f.), e (n.) }multiplex (m, f., n.), icis (gen. sg.) } }The form of the adjective must correspond with }grammatical categories of the noun, i.e. the }case, number and gender: }E.g. fractura (f.) aperta but dentista (m.) bonus } }Feminine forms of adjectives of 1st and 2nd }declension are declined like vena: } } sg. pl. }1. tonsill-a palatin-a 1. tonsill-ae palatin-ae }2. tonsill-ae palatin-ae 2. tonsill-ārum palatin-ārum }4. tonsill-am palatin-am 4. tonsill-ās palatin-ās }6. tonsill-ā palatin-ā 6. tonsill-īs palatin-īs } } }a hollow vein }a broken shoulder blade }a complicated fracture }a thoracic vertebra }a congenital anomaly }a true and false rib }an auditary tube } } } } }