} }Satis est, ut tria verba Latine vel plane Graece dicas coram plebe, et eximius es medicus. } }2nd DECLENSION }(O-STEMS) }1) Nouns of Latin origin: }masculines: nervus, i, m. }neuters: septum, i, n. } } }2) Nouns of Greek origin: }masculines: nephros, i, m. }neuters: colon, i, n. } } }nervus, ī., m. }(cancer, crī, m.; puer, erī, m.) } } } } sg. pl. }1. nerv-us 1. nerv-ī }2. nerv-ī 2. nerv-ōrum }4. nerv-um 4. nerv-ōs }6. nerv-ō 6. nerv-īs } } }EXCEPTIONS: atomus (f.), methodus (f.), periodus (f.), } diameter (f.), alvus (f.), sambucus (f.), virus (n.) } } }!!! musculus (m.) longus X periodus (f.) longa X virus (n.) }validum } } } } 1) } } } }septum, ī., n. } sg. pl. }1. sept-um 1. sept-a }2. sept-ī 2. sept-ōrum }4. sept-um 4. sept-a }6. sept-ō 6. sept-īs } } }cōlon, ī, n. } sg. pl. }1. cōl-on 1. cōl-a }2. cōl-ī 2. cōl-ōrum }4. cōl-on 4. cōl-a }6. cōl-ō 6. cōl-īs } }A basic rule for neuters of all declensions: }Nom. and akuz. of sg. and pl. have the same form! } sg. pl. }1. vīrus 1. vīra }2. vīrī 2. vīrōrum }4. vīrus 4. vīra }6. vīrō 6. vīrīs } }!!! virus validum !!! } } } } }Excercise: What is the declension and example } of the following nouns? Decline them in both sg. and pl.: }neonatus }diastole }opthalmos }venenum }diameter }ascites }palpebra }olecranon } } } } } }palata }angulis }oculos }ovariorum }nephron }alvo }icterum }olecranon }atomi }signo } } }Feminine form of adjectives: –a > VENA }Masculine form of adjectives: –us/-er > NERVUS }Neutral forms of adjectives: -um > SEPTUM } }E.g. costa vera X nervus externus X palatum }durum } }Mind the exceptions: dentista, antagonista; }atomus, periodus, diameter, methodus; virus… }E.g. dentista (m.) bonus; periodus (f.) longa; virus (n.) }validum } }1) –E- is kept only in the masculine form of nom. sg.: 1) } dexter, dextra, dextrum } sinister, sinistra, sinistrum } ruber, rubra, rubrum } }2) -E- is kept in all cases: } } liber, libera, liberum } } }contagious disease }right eye }new method }left kidney }wide ligament }long period }good dentist }vagus nerve }transversal fissure } } } } } }1) One-word terms: }diphteria, icterus, arteria, humerus } }2) Two-word terms: }a) Noun + close attribute: }vesica urinaria, musculus adductor }b) Noun + loose attribute: }fractura ulnae, haemorrhagia post operationem } }3) Multi-word terms: }haemorrhagia posttraumatica in cerebrum propter }rupturam venae } } } }