}3rd DECLENSION }Latin and Greek nouns }(I-STEMS) } } }1) Nouns of Latin origin: }Masculines + feminines – pelvis }Neuters – rete 1) }2) Nouns of Greek (+ Latin) origin: }Feminines - dosis } }pelvis, is, f. àmasculines + feminines (i-stems) } }1) The same number of syllables in nom. sg. and } gen. sg.: } e.g. au|ris – au|ris, ca|na|lis – ca|na|lis 1) }2) A group of consonants before -is in gen. sg.: } e.g. dens - dentis, larynx – laryngis, mors - mortis } }sg. pl. }1. pelv-is 1. pelv-ēs }2. pelv-is 2. pelv-ium !!! }4. pelv-em 4. pelv-ēs }6. pelv-e 6. pelv-ibus }Nouns ending in –e/-ar/-al in nom. sg.: }e.g. rete, cochlear, animal } }sg. pl. }1. rēte 1. rēt-ia }2. rēt-is 2. rēt-ium }4. rēte 4. rēt-ia }6. rēt-ī 6. rēt-ibus } }Greek feminines: } -sis, -xis, -osis => the same number of syllables in nom. sg. and gen. sg.: } basis – basis, prophylaxis – prophylaxis, narcosis - } narcosis }Latin feminines: } febris, tussis, pertussis, sitis, tuberculosis } }sg. pl. }1. dos-is 1. dos-ēs }2. dos-is,-eos 2. dos-ium }4. dos-im,-in 4. dos-ēs }6. dos-ī 6. dos-ibus } }1) Gender }- neuters: rete – corpus }- masculines/feminines: dosis – pelvis – dolor - }2a) Neuters }- nouns in –e/-ar/-al à rete }- other neuters à corpus - }2b) Masculines/feminines }- nouns of Greek origin ending in –sis/-xis/-osis (+ 5 } Latin nouns) à dosis }- nouns with the same number of syllables/a group of } consonants before –is in gen. sg. à pelvis }- other masculines/feminines à dolor }Functio }Unguis }Aether }Pertussis }Axis }Lens }Metastasis }Encephalitis }Cutis }Animal }Diaphragma }Incisive tooth } }Right foot } }Alimentary canal } }Acute fever } }Danger of thrombosis } }Small spoon }