}Nouns of the 4th and 5th declensions }1) Masculines: ductus, ūs, m. }e.g. effectus – effectūs, situs – sitūs } }EXCEPTIONS: manus, ūs, f.; acus, ūs, f. } }2) Neuters: genū, ūs, n. }e.g. cornū – cornūs } } }Example ductus } sg. pl. }1. duct-us 1. duct-ūs }2. duct-ūs 2. duct-uum }4. duct-um 4. duct-ūs }6. duct-ū 6. duct-ibus } }BUT: arcus – abl. pl. arcubus; artus – abl. pl. artubus } } }Example genū } sg. pl. }1. gen-ū 1. gen-ua }2. gen-ūs 2. gen-uum }4. gen-ū 4. gen-ua }6. gen-ū 6. gen-ibus } } }Feminines: faciēs, ēī, f. } }rabiēs – rabiēī; rēs – reī }EXCEPTION: diēs, ēī, m. } }speciēs (sg., pl.) – species: speciēs nova, speciēs novae }speciēs (pl.) – tea: speciēs urologicae } } sg. pl. }1. faci-ēs 1. faci-ēs }2. faci-ēī 2. faci-ērum }4. faci-em 4. faci-ēs }6. faci-ē 6. faci-ēbus }Sudden death }Right knee }New species }Deep dental decay }Premature delivery }Aromatic tea }Slow pulse }Left hand }