}1 costa (f.) + verus, a, um ⇒ } }costa vera } }noun in nomivative adjective in nominative } }Both the noun and adjective are on the same level – they must be in the same case. } }Ex. 2, p.7 s231.jpg }2 fractura + costa (like vena) } } } fractura } } costae } } }noun in nominative noun in genitive } }The noun costa is subordinate to the noun fractura – the second noun must be in genitive. }spina + scapula } }therapia + hernia } }ruptura + vena } }fractura + ulna } }cura + diabetes } }magistra + farmacia scapula.png }1 prope + costa vera ⇒ } }prope costam veram } } }noun in accusative adjective in accusative } }Both the noun and adjective must be changed in accusative after the preposition prope. } }propter + anaemia perniciosa } }in (position) + bursa subcutanea } }in (position) + vertebra thoracica (pl.) } }cum + dyspnoe acuta } }sine + fractura complicata (pl.) } }in (direction) + aqua destillata } }ad + lagoena fusca } }2 propter + fractura costae } }propter fracturam costae } } }noun in accusative noun in genitive } } }The first noun must be changed in accusative, the second noun must stay in genitive. }cum + fractura ulnae } }in (direction) + spina scapulae } }prope + rima palpebrarum } }sub (position) + columna vertebrarum } }propter + insufficientia valvularum } }sine + therapia herniae } } 1104.jpg czlekoko_02.jpg } }insufficientia – valvula – aorta ⇒ } }insufficientia } } valvulae } } aortae } } nom. gen. gen. }tunica + serosus, a, um + vesica +felleus,a,um } }tunica serosa } } } vesicae felleae } } } nom. nom. gen. gen. }plica (pl.) – palatinus, a, um – transversus, a, um } } }vena – profundus, a, um - lingua } } }causa – anaemia – perniciosus, a, um } } }fractura – complicatus, a, um – clavicula – dexter, a, um } } }therapia – chirurgicus, a, um – tonsilla (pl.) – palatinus, a, um inside%20the%20mouth.jpg }Tonsillae palatinae } }In tuba auditiva } }Prope medullam oblongatam } }Therapia herniae chirurgica } }Fracturae vertebrarum thoracicarum } }Fractura fibulae aperta } } }Fascia lata } }Glandula gastrica } }Glandula thyroidea } }Tunica mucosa } }Vena cava } }Substantia alba, substantia grisea } }Medulla oblongata } }Arteria iliaca interna } }Chole in vesica fellea } Human_brain_right_dissected_lateral_view_description.jpg CORD%20CROSS%20SECTION.jpg }Propter pneumoniam } }Sine allergia } }Dyspnoe periculosa } }Cura epilepsiae } }Cera alba } }Pasta in scatula }Palatal tonsils } }False ribs } }Thoracic vertebrae } }Internal iliac artery } }Near to the prolongation of the spinal cord } } } } }In the profound artery (position, situation) } }Fissure of the eyelids } }Little hollow of the shoulder blade } }Mucous membrane of the gall bladder }Difficult breathing } }The causa of diphtheria } }Rupture of the wide fascia } }Fracture of a true rib } }After systole and diastole } }With diabetes } }Surgical therapy of hernia } }Open fracture of the collar bone } }Because of insufficiency of a valve in a vein } }A bottle of distilled water } }