NOTES: 1. Paradigm vena and diabetes are inflected alike, the only exception is nom. sg. 2. Paradigms vena, systole and diabetes have identical endings in plural. 3. Paradimgs nervus and nephros have identical endings in plural. 4. Paradigms septum and colon have identical endings in plural. 5. There are no neuters of 1st and 5th declension; feminines of 2nd and 4th declension are exceptions. 6. All neuters have always identical ending in nom. and acc. of both sg. and pl., this is why you find there numeral (1), instead of ending. 7. Masculine and neuter paradimgs have very similar endings, the differences appear only in nom. and acc. sg. and pl. 8. Accusative sg. always ends with an ending -m (neuters can be different, see point 3) 9. Ablative sg. is always ends with a single letter, which is a vowel. 10. All neuters end with an ending -a in nom. pl. 11. Genitive pl. in 1st, 2nd, and 5th declension ends with an ending –rum preceded with the same vowel as was the ablative sg.; genitive pl. in 3rd declension is either -um or -ium, in 4th declension it ends with an ending –uum. 12. Accusative pl. always ends with an ending -s (neuters are exception) LATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONSLATIN AND GREEK DECLENSIONS Declens.Declens. I.I.I. II.II.II.II. III.III.III.III. IV.IV. V. ParadigmParadigm vena systole diabetes nervus septum nephros colon dolor bronchitis corpus osteoma pelvis basis febris rete ductus genu facies GenderGender f. f. m. m. n. m. n. m. + f. n. m. + f. n. m. n. f. S i n g u l a r 1. -a -e -es -us/-er -um -os -on various various -is/-ēs -ar/-e/-al -us -ū -ēsS i n g u l a r 2. -ae -es -ae/-a -ī -ī -ī -ī -is -is -is/-eos -is -ūs -ūs -eī S i n g u l a r 4. -am -en -am/-en -um 1 -on 1 -em 1 -em/-im 1 -um 1 -em S i n g u l a r 6. -ā -e -ā/-e -ō -ō -ō -ō -e -e -e/-ī -i -ū -ū -ē P l u r a l 1. -ae -ae -ae -ī -a -ī -a -ēs -a -ēs -ia -ūs -ua -ēs P l u r a l 2. -ārum -ārum -ārum -ōrum -ōrum -ōrum -ōrum -um -um -ium -ium -uum -uum -ērum P l u r a l 4. -ās -ās -ās -ōs 1 -ōs 1 -ēs 1 -ēs 1 -ūs 1 -ēs P l u r a l 6. -īs - īs - īs -īs -īs -īs -īs -ibus -ibus -ibus -ibus -ibus -ibus -ēbus