Basic Medical Terminology (General Medicine + Dentistry; autumn term 2013) Guarantee´s instructions – course requirements and rules OUTLINE AND CONTENT OF THE COURSE · The content of the course (VSLT0121s, ZLLT0121s) corresponds with the syllabus on the IS. · Study materials: · 1) Introduction to Latin and Greek Terminology in Medicine (Renata Prucklová, Marta Severová) – lesson 1-7 · 2) "Drill" on the IS – the textbook Latin and Greek Medical Terminology o This application enables students to practice pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar covered in the compulsory literature, lesson 1-7. TESTING Type of testing Content of testing Pass mark Credit test pass mark with regard to the partial tests 1st partial test nouns and adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension (lesson 1-3) 70% If the student passes the partial test, the credit test pass mark will be lowered by 5%. 2nd partial test nouns of the 3rd declension (lesson 4-5) 70% If the student passes the partial test, the credit test pass mark will be lowered by 5%. Credit test complex testing of the curriculum (lesson 1-7) 70% (alternatively 65%/60%) · Dates of the tests: o 1st partial test: approximately in the week from the 21st of October 2013 o 2nd partial test: approximately in the week from the 18th of November 2013 o credit test: in the 14th week of the term · Predates, regular dates and resits of the credit test will be opened in accordance with the MU Study and Examination Regulations ACCESS TO THE PARTIAL TESTS AND CREDIT TEST RESULTS Results of the tests will be available for students in the Notebook on the IS. · The student´s results in percentage will be given together with the pass mark. ABSENCES · Only one unexcused absence will be tolerated; further absences must be properly excused by the study department. · If the student does not excuse his/her absences and does not substitute them by the end of the autumn teaching period, this fact will be recorded in the Notebook on the IS. CLASS SUBSTITUTIONS · The student may substitute a class in another group maximally two times per term; the substitution is possible only in the same week when he/she missed a class in his/her group; the substitution is not possible in the week for which a partial test or the credit test has been planned. · The teacher at whom the student substitutes a class writes down the information about the student´s substitution in the Notebook on the IS. Written by Kateřina Pořízková 9th September 2013