BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: credit test X Autumn semester 2013 Name: Date: Group: 1. a) Classify all nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their geni tive singular form, gender and paradigm. There are two words which you will not use. thorace ~ thoracicae ~ scabie ~ dyspnoe ~ palatum ~ palatinum ~ partum declension Latin noun full genitive singular form gender paradigm 1^st declension 2^nd declension 3^rd declension 4^th declension 5^th declension b) Fill in the terms from task 1a in the definitions. · ________________________ is a part of a body of a mammal between the neck and the abdomen, including the cavity enclosed by the ribs, breast bone and dorsal vertebrae. · ________________________ is the process of giving birth. · ________________________ is a contagious skin disease marked by itching and small red raised spot, caused by the itch mite. · ________________________ is the roof of the mouth, separating the cavities of the mouth and nose in vertebrates. · ________________________ is difficult or laboured breathing. 2. Put the terms into the required form. rhaphe mediana gen. sg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neurosis traumatica abl. sg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sensus humanus acc. pl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ genu valgum acc. sg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ musculus rotator nom. pl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. Fill in the adjectives from the table in the correct form. clinicus, a, um ~ lacer, a, um ~ latus, a, um ~ profundus, a, um ~ thoracicus, a, um ruptura fasciae _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ periculum mortis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ luxatio radii cum vulneribus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ arcus ductus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dolores chronici dentis propter cariem _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. Put the words in the correct order to make anatomical/clinical terms. Translate the terms into English. oedema post trauma cerebri 1) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ tumoris uteri maligni operatio 2) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ glandulae pars profunda parotidis 3) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ paralysis progressivae musculorum symptomata 4) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ post excisionem status myomatis 5) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ramus longi nervi thoracici 6) Term:______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Translation:_______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ 5. Fill in missing endings. Margin______(pl.) et angul______ (pl.) acromi______ Fractura lamin______ arc______ vertebr______ thoracic______ secund______ Exitus post vulner______ (pl.) sclopetari______ region______ abdomin______ Ulcer______ (pl.) radic______ lingu______ Functio laes______ uter______ propter abscess______ Pars hepat______ sinistr______ 6. Translate the terms in brackets into Latin, and put them into the correct form after the prepositions. sectio propter ____________________________________________________________ (position of the foetus) aegrotus cum ____________________________________________________________ (haemorrhagic encephalitis) amputatio ex ___________________________________________________________ (gangrene of the big toe) anaesthesia sine _________________________________________________________ (postoperative vomiting) medicamenta ad _________________________________________________________ (internal use) 7. Solve the crossword. 1. Joints of heads of ribs 2. Rupture of the cyst on the right ovary 3. Orbital fat body 4. Thrombosis due to narrowing of veins 5. Perforated ulcers in the vestibule of the mouth 6. Collapse of lungs caused by obstruction 7. Diabetes mellitus of the mother 8. Blood vessels of the retina 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. A R T I C U L A T I O N E S C A P I T U M C O S T A R U M 2. R U P T U R A C Y S T I S O V A R I I D E X T R I 3. C O R P U S A D I P O S U M O R B I T A E 4. T H R O M B O S I S P R O P T E R S T E N O S I M V E N A R U M 5. U L C E R A P E R F O R A T A V E S T I B U L I O R I S 6. C O L L A P S U S P U L M O N U M E X O B S T R U C T I O N E 7. D I A B E T E S M E L L I T U S M A T R I S 8. V A S A S A N G U I N E A R E T I N A E