—Anatomy of an eye oko.png — ren, renis, m — — — — — ureter, ureteris, m — — — — — — vesica urinaria — — — — — ureter1.jpg Musculus extensor digitorum —= muscle whose function is to extend the four fingers of the hand — —*We have also other muscles with the same function: e.g. musculus extensor hallucis (of a toe), pollucis (of a thumb) etc. ext.jpg —musculus rotator = a muscle that serves to rotate a part of the body – e.g. cervicis, thoracis, lumborum etc. —musculus abductor = muscle that causes movement away from the median plane of body (a vertical plane along the midline of the body dividing the body into right and left halves) – e.g. pollicis —musculus adductor = muscle that causes movement toward the median plane of the body — — cartilago, inis, f — — —spongy bone containg medulla flava — — — compact bone containg medulla rubra — — — — foramen nutricium bonw.jpg Layers covering the brain br.jpg — — cerebrum, i, n — — — — — — cerebellum, i, n — —fissura transversa cerebri — — —hypophysis, is/eos, f — — — — pons, tis, m — — medulla oblongata — — — — — — — — — — — bra.jpg — aorta, ae, f — — — vena cava superior — arteria pulmonaria — — atrium sinistrum — — atrium dextrum — — valvula pulmonaria — — ventriculus sinister — — ventriculus dexter — — — apex cordis heart1.jpg — — —lobus hepatis dexter — — — —lobus hepatis sinister — — — — vesica fellea liver.jpg Belladonna —Belladonna has been used in herbal medicine for centuries as a pain reliever, muscle relaxer, and anti-inflammatory, and to treat menstrual problems, peptic ulcer disease, histaminic reaction, and motion sickness —It has a long history of use as a medicine, cosmetic, and poison. Before the Middle Ages, it was used as an anesthetic for surgery; the ancient Romans used it as a poison (the wife of Emperor Augustus and the wife of Claudius both were rumored to have used it for murder); and predating this, it was used to make poison-tipped arrows. The name "bella donna" is derived from Italian and means "beautiful woman" because the herb was used in eye-drops by women to dilate the pupils of the eyes to make them appear seductive. bel.jpg Chamomilla —used to treat alcohol withdrawal, asthma, bronchitis, colic, cough, hypersensitivity to pain, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, ear infections, and teething. —The word chamomile comes from the Greek χαμαίμηλον (chamaimēlon) meaning "earth-apple",which is derived from χαμαί (chamai) meaning "on the ground„ and μήλον (mēlon) meaning "apple".It is so called because of the apple-like scent of the plant. cham.jpg Flos tiliae —Linden flowers are used for colds, cough, fever, infections, inflammation, high blood pressure, headache (particularly migraine), and as a diuretic (increases urine production), antispasmodic (reduces smooth muscle spasm along the digestive tract), and sedative. til.jpg