Antifungal drugs - antimycotics (basic principles, main categories and adverse events) Antifungal drugs - antimycotics (basic principles, main categories and adverse events) Regina Demlova, MD, Ph.D. Fungal Infection in Humans = Mycosis Fungal Infection in Humans = Mycosis • Major Types of Mycoses – Superficial – Systemic – Opportunistic • Symptoms vary from cosmetic to life threatening Superficial mycosesSuperficial mycoses Dermatophytosis (tinea) trychophyton epidermophytom microsporum Superficial candidiasis Tinea pedisTinea pedis Systemic mycosesSystemic mycoses Pulmonary aspergillosis Cryptococcal meningitis and endocarditis Cerebral mukomycosis Systemic candidiasis Pulmonary aspergillosisPulmonary aspergillosis Main categoriesMain categories A. Polyene antimycotics B. Azole-based antimycotics C. Allylamines D. Others (pyrimidines, griseofulvin) Physiology – fungal cellPhysiology – fungal cell A. polyenes : mechanism of action A. polyenes : mechanism of action the interaction of the antifungal with membrane sterol results in the production of aqueous pores this configuration gives rise to a pore leading to altered permeability, leakage of vital cytoplasmic components, and death of the organism PolyenesPolyenes PolyenesPolyenes PolyenesPolyenes Systemic (i.v. administration) amphotericin B Local (topical) nystatin (MACMIROR) natamycin (PIMAFUCORT) Amphotericine BAmphotericine B relatively poor penetration into tissues and fluids penetration into the brain virtually zero absorption from GI systém zero (i.v.!) binding to protein 90-95% (+ erythrocytes + cholesterol) serum half-life of 18-24 hours, elimination half-life of 15 days excreted unchanged in bile Amphotericine BAmphotericine B Aspergillosis (drug of 1st choice) Serious systemic mycoses with organ involvement (meningitis, endocarditis, pneumonia) Coccidiomycosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis Amphotericine BAmphotericine B 1. Acute symptoms: fever, chills, rigor, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscles, joints - production of PGE2, TNF and IL-1 1. Chronic symptoms: nephrotoxicity !! (up to 80% of patients) - failure of membrane cholesterol + vasoconstriction normocytic normochromic anemia thrombophlebitis Amphotericine B - nephrotoxicityAmphotericine B - nephrotoxicity Synergic effects with flucytosin - ↓ dose of amphotecine B - ↓ nephrotoxicity Liposomal forms : ABELCET i.v. B. azole–based antimycotics: mechanism of action B. azole–based antimycotics: mechanism of action Inhibition of ergosterol synthesis Inhibitors of cytochrome P-450-dependent 14a-sterol demethylase azole–based antimycoticsazole–based antimycotics Azole-based antimycotic agentsAzole-based antimycotic agents Systemic – p.o. or topical ketoconazol (NIZORAL) flukonazol (DIFLUCAN, MYCOMAX) Azole-based antimycotic agentsAzole-based antimycotic agents Systemic – i.v. (immunocompromised patients ) – broader spectrum itraconazol (SPORANOX) voriconazol (VFEND) posaconazol (NOXAFIL) Azole-based antimycotic agentsAzole-based antimycotic agents Local (topical) clotrimazon (CANESTEN) – topical treatment mikonazol (LORAMYC) – local orophacial candidosis 3. Allyamines : mechanism of action 3. Allyamines : mechanism of action Allylamines act by inhibiting early steps of ergosterol biosynthesis allylamine inhibition of sterol synthesis occurs at the point of squalene epoxidation, a reaction catalyzed by squalene epoxidase AllyaminesAllyamines 3. Allyamines3. Allyamines Terbinafin (LAMISIL – topical or oral) Indication : dermatophytes 4. Others – 5-flucytosin (5-FC)4. Others – 5-flucytosin (5-FC) 5-FC enters fungal cells aided by a permease enzyme. Once inside, it is converted to 5-fluorouracil (5FU) - RNA, DNA synthesis Indication : Candida and Cryptococcus neoformans Synergic effects with amphotericin B 4. Others – griseofulvin4. Others – griseofulvin Obsolent, not used in daily practice Development of antifungalsDevelopment of antifungals mod. nach R. Lewis, ICAAC 2002 Amphotericin B Abelcet Amphotec liposomales Nystatin Ketoconazol Fluconazol Voriconazol PosaconazolRavuconazol AmBisome 5-Flucytosin Itraconazol Micafungin Caspofungin Nystatin PyrimidinanalogaPolyene Azole Echinocandine Anidulafungin Amphotericin B Abelcet Amphotec liposomales Nystatin Ketoconazol Fluconazol PosaconazolRavuconazol AmBisome 5-Flucytosin Micafungin Nystatin PyrimidinanalogaPolyenes Azoles Echinocandins Anidulafungin Antiviral drugsAntiviral drugs Understanding Viruses intracellular parasites Understanding Viruses intracellular parasites Viral replication • Small inefective agents (20-30 nm) • Incapable of reproduction outside their host cells • It must attach to and enter a host cell • It then uses the host cell’s energy to synthesize protein, DNA, and RNA Key characteristics of antiviral drugs Key characteristics of antiviral drugs Some drugs interfere with ability of virus to bind to cells Able to enter the cells infected with virus Interfere with viral nucleic acid synthesis and/or regulation Some drugs stimulate the body’s immune system Best responses to antiviral drugs are in patients with competent immune systems A healthy immune system works synergistically with the drug to eliminate or suppress viral activity Viruses controlled by current antiviral therapy Viruses controlled by current antiviral therapy • Influenza viruses (the “flu”) • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) • Hepatitis viruses • Herpes viruses • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) • Influenza viruses (the “flu”) • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) Viral InfectionsViral Infections Competent immune system: Best response to viral infections A well-functioning immune system will eliminate or effectively destroy virus replication Immunocompromised patients have frequent viral infections Cancer patients, especially leukemia or lymphoma Transplant patients, due to pharmacologic therapy AIDS patients, disease attacks immune system Viral InfectionsViral Infections Opportunistic infections Occur in immunocompromised patients Infections that would not normally harm an immunocompetent person Require long-term prophylaxis and anti-infective drug therapy Can be other viruses, fungi, bacteria, or protozoa Type of antivirotics therapyType of antivirotics therapy 1. Antiviral drugs – Used to treat infections caused by viruses other than HIV 2. Antiretroviral drugs – Used to treat infections caused by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS Type of antivirotics therapyType of antivirotics therapy 1. Antiviral drugs A. herpetic infection B. Influenza C. Cytomegaloviruses Antivirals used for treatment of a. herpetic infection Antivirals used for treatment of a. herpetic infection Aciclovir /ZOVIRAX/ – DNA polymerase inhibitor active in triphosphate form, acts as false substrate for specific viral DNA polymerase of the virus. Administration: local, orally (20%) or i.v. Indications: skin and systemic infections caused by herpes simplex, zoster. Antivirals used for treatment of herpetic infection Antivirals used for treatment of herpetic infection Valaciclovir – prodrug, converted to aciclovir Pencyclovir – prodrug famciclovir Vidarabin (adenin arabinosid) : competitive inhibition od DNA-polymerase ADRs: neurotoxicity Herpes zoster-systemic Herpes simplex-locally (cornea) Antivirals used for treatment of b. influenza Antivirals used for treatment of b. influenza Amantadine: also for the treatment of Parkinson disease It inhibits the replication of influenza type A nucleic acid, used as systemic prophylaxy Zanamivir: against influenza virus types A and B it inhibits the viral neuraminidase Local inhalation, intranasal application. Antivirals used for treatment of c. cytomegaloviruses Antivirals used for treatment of c. cytomegaloviruses Ganciclovir: in the triphosate-form inhibits viral DNA systhesis. Selectivity is not only to viruses, damage. hematopoiesis, fertility Cidofovir: a derivative of cytidine Foscarnet: inhibition of viral DNA polymerase and influence of reverse transcriptase. Indication: viruses resistent to aciclovir InterferonesInterferones antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects Interferon-α: produced by human lymphocytes I: inf. hepatitis B, C IFN-β: formed by fibroblasts. I: Hepatitis B, C Interferon-γ: in lymphocytes after stimulation with mitogens. Type of antivirotics therapyType of antivirotics therapy 2. Antiretroviral drugs – Used to treat infections caused by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS HIVHIV Human immunodeficiency virus infection ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Detects HIV exposure based on presence of human antibodies to the virus in the blood RNA retrovirus, that contains ensyme reverse transkriptase - RT Transmitted by: Sexual activity, intravenous drug use, perinatally from mother to child Five Stages of HIV Infection Stage 1: asymptomatic infection Stage 2: early, general symptoms of disease Stage 3: moderate symptoms Stage 4: severe symptoms, often leading to death WHO model stages 1.HIV kills infected lymfocyte, because after replication it is released by budding and lysis of the host cell 2.Infected and noninfected cell unify and form nets and syncytia of non functionnal lymfocytes 3 Immunocompetent cells do not recognise infected cells, which are foreign for them and they kill them Depression of T cell quantity Antiretroviral DrugsAntiretroviral Drugs HAART - Highly active antiretroviral therapy • Includes at least three medications – “cocktails” • These medications work in different ways to reduce the viral load Antiretroviral DrugsAntiretroviral Drugs • Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs) – Block activity of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, preventing production of new viral DNA • Examples abacavir (Ziagen) delavirdine (Rescriptor) didanosine (Videx) lamivudine (Epivir) stavudine (Zerit) tenofovir (Viread) Antiretroviral DrugsAntiretroviral Drugs • Protease inhibitors (PIs) – Inhibit the protease retroviral enzyme, preventing viral replication – Examples: amprenavir (Agenerase) indinavir (Crixivan) nelfinavir (Viracept) ritonavir (Norvir) saquinavir (Invirase) Antiretroviral DrugsAntiretroviral Drugs • Fusion inhibitors – Inhibit viral fusion, preventing viral replication – Newest class of antiretroviral drugs – Example: enfuvirtide (Fuzeon) Antiretroviral Drugs: Adverse Effects Antiretroviral Drugs: Adverse Effects • Numerous and vary with each drug • Drug therapy may need to be modified because of • adverse effects • Goal is to find the regimen that will best control the infection with a tolerable adverse effect profile • Medication regimens change during the course of the illness