Integumentary system Skin  the largest organ in the body (16-20% of body weight)  thermal regulation, protection from outside environment, vapor barrier, mechanical barrier, excretion of some waste products, involved in vitamin D synthesis, sensory function (temperature and touch)  epidermis  dermis Epidermis − Stratum basale − Stratum spinosum − Stratum granulosum − thin skin (thick layer) – 1 (3-5) layer of cells − two types of granules − keratohyalin /large, without membrane, proteins, LM/ − lamellar /smaller, with membrane, glycolipids, only in EM, cells release contents of these granules and fill the entire interstitial space/ − Stratum lucidum − only in the thick skin − Stratum corneum − cells are completely filled with keratin filaments which are embedded in a dense matrix of proteins − stratum disjunctum Skin thick x thin Skin as barrier − Desmosomes, hemidesmosomes − Intermediary cytokeratine fibers (tonofilaments, static), traction network – anchored to dermis (collagen) Profilaggrin – initiation of keratohyalin granules (s. granulosum) Filaggrin – agreggation of cytokeratin filaments (s. corneum) Keratin – from keratohyalin granules by action of filaggrin Ceramids – Odland bodies in stratum granulosum deposited extracellularly in stratum corneum Other cells in epidermis  Keratinocytes  Melanocytes  stratum basale  pigment melanin in melanosomes  1000-2000 / mm2  Thin processes among other cells  cytokrine secretion  Langerhans cell  2-8% of epidermal cells  APC, thin processes between keratinocytes  Antigen phagocytosis, migration to regional lymph nodes  Merkel cells - mechanoreceptors TNF- ACTH UV Epidermis - cells  Keratinocytes  Melanocytes  pigment melanin in melanosomes  1000-2000 / mm2  send fine processes between the other cells  cytocrine secretion  Langerhans cells  2-8% of the cells  M-M system, their fine processes form a network between the cells of the epidermis and phagocytose antigens  can migrate to regional lymph nodes  Merkel cells /mechanoreceptors/ Epidermis - melanocytes Dermis  papillary layer (dermal papillae) - loose, comparatively cell-rich, capillaries are frequent  reticular layer appears denser and contains fewer cells /coarse collagen fibers and elastic fibers/  Thick collagen fibres (5-10 µm) often aggregate into bundles (up to 100 µm thick). The main orientation of the fibres differs in skin from different parts of the body their main orientation will follow the "lines of greatest tension" in the skin (Kraissl lines) - surgical importance.  This layer contains also smooth muscle cells /more – skin of areola around nipple, tunica dartos scroti../ Appandages of the skin Gll. sudoriferae eccrinae Eccrine sweat glands  the regulation of body temperature  the skin contains 2-3,000,000 sweat gland which are found all over the body - with the exception of parts of the external genitalia  simple tubular glands  secretory portion  duct portion  excretory duct  intraepidermal duct  the secretory tubulus and the initial part of the excretory duct are coiled into a roughly spherical ball Eccrine sweat glands  The secretory part  is cuboidal or low columnar /two types of cells - light and dark type/  a layer of myoepithelial cells  basement membrane  The excretory part  proper duct - a stratified cuboidal epithelium (two layers of cells)  intraepidermal canaliculus Eccrine sweat glands intraepidermal canaliculus Eccrine sweat glands Apocrine sweat glands  structure is similar to that of merocrine sweat glands  the lumen of the secretory tubulus is much larger  the secretory epithelium consists of only one major cell type /cuboidal or columnar/  the excretory duct empties the sweat into the upper part of the hair follicle Gll. sudoriferae apocrinae Apocrine sweat glands  are much larger than merocrine sweat glands  only in some parts – gll. sudoriferae axillares, gll. areolares mammae /Montgomery/, gll. sudoriferae circumanales..  they are stimulated by sexual hormones  apocrine sweat is a milky, proteinaceous /also steroids/ and odourless secretion, the odour is a result of bacterial decomposition Sebaceous glands  empty product into the upper parts of the hair follicles x are also found in some of the areas where no hair is present (lips, eyelids, external genitalia – labia minora)  exception: palmes and soles  branched alveolar glands  alveoli full of cells, without lumen  holocrine secretion  duct – short, s.s.epi Hair  The free part of each hair is called the shaft.  The root of each hair is anchored in dermis and usually partly also in hypodermis.  The deepest end of the hair root forms an enlargement, the bulb. Cells in the bulb are mitotically active. These cells differentiates into the cell types which form the hair and the cells that surround its root, the root sheath. Hair  Scapus and radix pili  Medulla  Cortex  Cuticula pili  Folliculus pili  Internal root sheath  Cuticula vaginalis  Huxley´s layer /1-3/  Henle´s layer /1/  External root sheath /=epidermis/  Connective tissue sheath /dermal/  Lamina vitrea  Inner-circular  Outer-longitudinal Hair vazivová pochva Huxley´s layer ORS connective tissue sheath /dermal/ bulbus pili Huxley´s layer skin with hairs or skin from the axilla ? skin with hairs or skin from the axilla ? Nails  nail plate  closely compacted, keratin enriched with hard interfibrillar material, it is the stratum corneum of the nail  nail root  stratum basale and spinosum of epidermis are present here forming nail matrix cells which synthesize the nail plate  nail bed  epithelial : stratum basale and stratum spinosum of nail, does not contribute to nail synthesis  dermal : corium /papillae – capillaries/  eponychium: junction between skin stratum corneum and base of nail plate  hyponychium: junction between the skin stratum corneum and the tip of the nail plate Nail longitudinal section cross section Nail Glandulae mammae  are modified apocrine sweat glands of the skin  branched tuboalveolar glands, which consist of 15-25 lobes separated by dense interlobar connective tissue and fat  each lobe contains an individual gland with the excretory duct of each lobe, /lactiferous duct/, has its own opening on the nipple Mamma non lactans only ducts Mamma non lactans Mamma lactans  Alveoli  the basement membrane  a layer of myoepithelial cells  the epithelium  Ducts  Intralobular - small - cuboidal cells, than columnar cells  Lactiferous ducts – two layered epithelium - basal cells are cuboidal whereas the superficial cells are columnar  Beneath the nipple, the dilated lactiferous duct forms a lactiferous sinus, which functions as a reservoir for the milk /stratified squamous epi/ Mamma lactans Mamma lactans Skin - list of slides  69. Skin from the tip of the finger  70. Skin from the axilla  71. Skin with hairs  72. Nail  73. Mamma non lactans  74. Mamma lactans