> } }Importance of preparation }Structure of presentations }How to deliver a presentation }Language of presentations }Summary and tips > } }Inform } }Persuade/Sell } }Entertain } } } > } }WHY? }WHO? }WHERE? }WHEN? }HOW? }WHAT? } } } > } } } } } } } }"Why am I making this presentation?" } > } } } } } } } } } }"Who am I making this presentation to?" } > } } } } } } } } }"Where am I making this presentation?" > } } } } } } } }"When am I making this presentation and how long will it be?" } > } }"How should I make this presentation?" } -Argumentation -Sequencing/logic/amount of information -Layout for each slide -Number of slides vs. time limit - - } } } } } } } } } } } > } } } } } } } } }"What should I say?“ } } } > Beginning Short introduction •welcome your audience •introduce your subject •explain the structure Middle Body •present the subject End Short conclusion •sum up your presentation •thank your audience •invite questions Questions and Answers > } }Ask a rhetorical question. } }Start with an interesting fact. } }Tell them a story. } }Give them a problem to think about. > } }Use questions. } }Quote a well-known person. } }Refer back to the beginning. } }Call the audience to action. > }Overcoming nervousness: } }Prepare well. }Learn to relax. }Check out the room. }Know your audience. }Concentrate on the message. }Visualize success. } } } > }Audience Rapport/Interaction } }Body Language } }Voice quality } }KISS {Keep It Short and Simple} > }computer/data projector }overhead projector (OHP) }board, duster, markers, flipchart } } > }Pie charts } }Bar charts } }Graphs } 3D piechart 3D barchart >3D graph > }Simplicity and Clarity }Signposting } } } } > Function Language Introducing the subject I'd like to start by... Giving an example A good example of this is... Summarising In conclusion,... Ordering Firstly...secondly...thirdly... Analysing a point Let's consider this in more detail... > } }Prepare well, rehearse }Check equipment }Do not read }Be enthusiastic }Clear language }Check pronunciation }Make it interesting } > }Adapted from: }Grussendorf, M. (2007) English for Presentations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. } }Wallwork, A. (2010) English for Presentations at International Conferences. New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg and London: Springer. } }Powell, M. (2002) Presenting in English: How to Give Successful Presentations. Boston: Thomson/Heinle. } > } } }THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! } } } >