Autumn semester: Instructions and useful information ATTENDANCE - attendance on the practical courses is obligatory, without 100% attendance will credits not be given - the absence will be excused because of illness or because of other serious reasons declared to Office of International Studies and documented in IS - absence WILL NOT BE EXCUSED due to exam or test from other courses - missing lesson can be exceptionally substituted with other study group after teacher agreement - expected absence should be addressed to Dr. Zendulka GETTING READY FRO THE NEXT LESSON: - students are advised to prepare for the practical courses with regard to information in the syllabus - students who are not sufficiently prepared will not be admitted in participating in the lesson CO-TALKS: - should be performed as a speech without reading the full content from prepared materials - powerpoint presentations will not be accepted - references should be stated TESTS - the test can be repeated only two times - Prescription test: 1 IPP + 2 RMP - classification passed/failed - Revising test: multiple choice, 15 questions, limit to pass 8pts - Final prescription test: 1 IPP + 1 RMP including preparations from the spring semester! - classification passed/failed TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER LEARNING MATERIALS · Lectures – the attendance is recommended due to interconnection with practical courses!! · Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology, 7^th edition · Lippincott’s Illustrated Pharmacology, 5^th edition · textbook Practicals in Pharmacology ( · study materials for single lessons in IS course code VLFA0721c Pharmacology II practical courses CREDITS - requirements: 100% attendance + all tests passed