TRACING THE CRIMINAL Part two: Streptococcus Institute of Microbiology shows: L Most important streptococci Story On BA Name of the criminal 4. viri- dation (alpha) Streptococcus pneumoniae 5. Group of „oral streptococci“ 1. (beta) hemo- lysis* Streptococcus pyogenes 2. Streptococcus agalactiae 3. Group of „non-A-non-B“ streptococci – none Ahemolytical streptococci *in S. agalactiae partial haemolysis only [USEMAP] Survey of topics Clinical characteristics: Haemolytic streptococci Clinical characteristics: Viridating streptococci Therapy of streptococcal diseases Diagnostics of streptococci Differential diagnostics of streptococci Late sequels of streptococcal diseases Clinical characteristics: (b-)haemolytic streptococci (with partial or total haemolysis) Story One •Mr Hobby likes to work with wood. He worked at his workshop, when a large wood has fallen on his foot. A large lacerated wound emerged, and even dirty. Mr Hobby was taken to a hospital. The wound was sewed by a surgeon, but high fever and signs of sepsis were found. At reoperation, necrotizing inflammation of fascia with necrosis was found. Unfortunately, the care did not help: the leg had to be taken away. 99 small-fosny-01 Necrotizing fasciitis 03a strep Who is guilty? •It is Streptococcus pyogenes •strepto = in chains, pyo-genes = making pus •Streptococcus pyogenes is known as causative agent of acute tonsillitis. Nevertheless, it causes pyogene tissue inflammations, too. Unlike staphylococci, causing abscesses, here phlegmonas are rather common. •Besides tonsillitis, it causes also scarlatina, scarlatiniform tonsillitis and erysipelas. There are strains producing erythrogenous toxin (erythros = red) •When the bacterium itself is infected by a bakteriophage, it is even more virulent and becomes a „meat eating bug“ – our case. Necrotising fasciitis („flesh eating bacteria“) •In fact, it is extremely rare, only in streptococcal strains infected by a phage. Other infections are much more common. 43 flesh eating bacteria 46 tonsillitis bac vs vir Scarlet fever 52 jazyk2 53 scarla4 Scarlet fever = haevy tonsillitis + exanthema (on skin) + features on mucous membrane. Streptococcus must produce an erythrogenous toxin. Erysipelas 57 erysipel02r 58 erysipel01r It is a superficial skin infection that characteristically extends into the cutaneous lymphatics (Greek ἐρυσίπελας—red skin; also known as "Ignis sacer", "holy fire", and "St. Anthony's fire"[ in some countries – source: Wikipedia) Erysipelas with phlegmona 59 erysipel 60 erysipefascit More complications: Repeated erysipelas may also damage lymphatic vessels, leading to chronical lymphedema. Story Two •Young lady Erika was not too often present at preventive controls during pregnancy. Few days before delivery she found herself in a birth house. Delivery itself did not bring any complications. Soon the child started to have signs of sepsis and respiratory failure. Quick treatment saved the child‘s life, and also prevented progression to meningitis that is, unfortunately, quite common here. •Later Mrs. Erika was shown to be a carrier of a bacteria, that was shown to be guilty. 63 Str agalactiae Who is guilty now? •Clever students should mention species name a-galactiae, i. e. „milk-less“. This bacterium really causes also milk gland inflammation with damaged milk production; these features, nevertheless, are seen in cattle, not humans nBacterium Streptococcus agalactiae is a Streptococcus, too. In humans, it rather infects lower parts of body (urogenital infections) with risk of newborn infection SRAG krávy Scheme of transmission of S. agalactiae in cattle (from a veterinary website) Story Three •Harry the boy has a sore throat. It looks like tonsillitis, but he already subdued both adenectomia and tonsillectomy. •Parents went with Harry to see a doctor, to prescribe him some antibiotics. But the doctor said – first throat swab, and then maybe antibiotics. She invited Harry in three days. After that, she prescribed penicillin, and it started to have effect very soon. 47 tonsillitis2 49 kidthroatexam 50 girldoc51 Who caused Harry‘s problems? •So named „non-A-non-B“ streptococci are called so as they do not belong neither to A group (in which Streptococcus pyogenes is the only one) nor to B group (where S. agalactiae is the most important one). •They do not cause so often tonsillitis, but rather pharyngitis – inflammations of pharynx. Nevertheless, they are often present in healthy persons‘ throats. •The same as in tonsillitis, in susceptible strains the first antibiotic to be used is penicillin; macrolids in allergic persons only. [USEMAP] Clinical characteristics: viridating (a-haemolytic) streptococci Story Four •Missis Evelyn, retreated, has her spleen let extracted long ago after a car accident. •Several days ago, she caught a „common cold“, she did not pay attention to this, but later her status worsened, so her daughter drove her to a hospital, where she was hospitalized on infectious diseases department with suspicious meningitis •Grace to soon antibiotic treatment her status became better and she got back her health. 19 Streptococcus%20pneumoniae This time criminal is: •Streptococcus pneumoniae, or „pneumococcus“. It was also called Diplococcus pneumoniae, as it does not form chains, but couples. Its shape is not perfectly spherical, but rather lancet shaped. (Remember this, examiners might ask you this the examination. J) •In small amount, it is present in healthy persons‘ pharynx. On the other hand, it causes pneumoniae, sinusitis, otitis media and even sepsis and meningitis. Healthy tympanon (left), otitis media (right) 74 normal_TM_and_AOM Pneumococcal meningitis 04 Streptococcus_pneumoniae_meningitis,_gross_pathology_33_lores 14 pneumokoková meningitis This is how the criminal looks like: crosssection_streptococcus pneumo pneumokokken2 36 streptococcus_pneumonia050217 Story Five •Mr. Hearty has long durating heart problems. Even the artificial heart valvula had to be installed into his body. •One month ago, he ad an awful dental carries, and it continued long time before he came to see a dental doctor. •Now his heart problems worsened so that he had to be hospitalised. Diagnosis endocarditis lenta was set down. plaque1c Who is the criminal in this crime? •Oral streptococci, viridans streptococci, alpha streptococci, all these names describe streptococci viridating on blood agar; usually we mean „viridans streptococci, but not pneumococcus“ •They are part of normal oral and pharyngeal flora. Even at physiological conditions, all the time some streptococci penetrate in small amounts into the bloodstream The problem starts, when they come there too many together, and when they meet a suitable terrain. Vegetation on a valve 66 endocarditis Diseased heart 68 endocarditis Some possible criminals 16 str salivarius S. salivarius 20 streptococcus sanguis S. sanguis/sanguinis 22 Streptococcus_mutans [USEMAP] S. mutans Among „oral“ streptococci, S. mutans has probably the highest relation to dental caries. Therapy of streptococcal diseases Treatment: the criminal should be punished •Guilty Streptococci will be punished by a suitable antibiotic. In Streptococci the No. 1 drug is the classical Fleming‘s penicillin (either G-penicillin for parenteral use of V-penicillin for oral use). Macrolids should be used in PNC-allergic persons only. Doxycyklin, co-trimoxazol, ampicilin and others might be used. Vancomycin is a reserve, 100% effective antibiotic (no zone = a mistake, it is not a streptococcus) Susceptibility of streptococci to atb 12 s_pyog_resis •The picture demonstrates a study in 1615 military addicts performed in 2003 •As you can see, in S. pyogenes drug of choice remains penicillin Susceptibility testing •Usually we read the diffusion disk test by measuring the zones and comparing with the reference zones •Again: the worse pathogen (pyogene streptococcus) is more susceptible than milder pathogens •The tests are performed on MH agar with blood or on blood agar. On the MH agar without blood streptococci grow poorly, or do not grow at all. •Nevertheless, we cannot utilise this fact in diagnostic – some streptococci are able to grow there! Streptococcal susceptibility test Antibiotic Abbr. Reference zone Penicillin P 18 mm Erytromycin* (makrolid) E 21 mm Clindamycin* (linkosamid) DA 17 mm Chloramphenicol* (amphenicol) C 21 mm Tetracyklin** (tetracyclin) TE 23 mm Vancomycin (glycopeptid) VA 13 mm Nitrofurantoin*** (nitrofuran) F 15 mm [USEMAP] *not for UTI **valid also for doxycyclin *** only for UTI Diagnostics of streptococci Description of criminals (diagnostics) 1 •Microscopy: gram-positive cocci •Cultivation: on BA grey to colourless colonies, usually small, larger colonies has only Streptococcus agalactiae •Haemolytic properties: some viridate, some partially or totally hemolyze •They do not grow neither on BA with 10 % NaCl, nor on Slanetz-Bartley or Bile aesculin medium. •Together with enterococci, they are resistant to aminoglykosides, so medium with amikacin is used as a selective medium. Description of criminals (diagnostics) 2 •Biochemical tests: both catalase and oxidase negative, biochemical differentiation of individual species possible especially in viridating streptococci •Antigen analysis helps rather in haemolytic streptococci. Lancefield system is used – theoretically all streptococci are involved, but many viridans streptococci have no antigen in this system. Groups are labelled by letters A, B, C, E, F, G etc. Photos of criminal database S21 S22 [USEMAP] Source: Archive of Institute for microbiology Differential diagnostics of streptococci 48a katalase Differentiation from other suspects (differential diagnostics 1) •Gram stain show all bacteria, that do not belong among gram-positive cocci. •Negative catalase test differentiates streptococci from staphylococci •Growth on SB and BE media differentiates enterococci. All of them are also positive in so named PYR-test, while among streptococci only one of them is positive, and that one is rarely confused because of its very strong haemolysis and other properties Differentiation from other suspects (differential diagnostics 2) •Haemolysis should be observed now – it classifies streptococci into haemolytic, viridating and others •Pneumococcus vs. other viridans streptococci: Pneumococcus has positive optochin test, test of solubility in powder bile etc. •S. pyogenes vs. other haemolytic streptococci: • Both Bacitracin and PYR test are Å in S. pyogenes •S. agalactiae vs. other haemolytic streptococci: • CAMP test is Å in S. agalactiae •About all these tests – more info later Schematically: •Unknown bacterium StreptococcusPyogenes Others G+ coccus Enterococcus Staphylococcus Streptococcus Virid. Streptococcus Haemol. Streptococcus Streptoc. no virid., no haem. Pneumococcus Oral streptococcus S. pyogenes S. agalactiae (SAG) Streptococcus non-A-non-B Pneumococcus: How to become suspicious •Pneumococcus can be differentiated by the •optochin test – see following slide. •Suspicion maybe taken, when: –microscopically lancet-shaped diplococci can be seen –cultivation: colonies flat, coin-shaped to dish-shaped, sometimes with a central elevation –on the other hand, sometimes the colonies are large and mucous: those are strains with a strong capsule production (usually highly virulent) streptococcus_pneumonia050217 Optochin test •Classical test to differentiate pneumococcus from oral streptococci. Pneumococcus is susceptible to optochin (antibiotic), oral streptococci are resistant. (Optochin is not used therapeutically today, it remained in diagnostics only) nSometimes, the test of solubility in powder bile is used. Test of mouse pathogenicity is today considered to be historical 10 opto4a Species determination of oral Streptococcus •Only someone mad (or a researcher – sometimes it is the same) would differentiate an oral streptococcus to species level, when the strain is from oral cavity of pharynx. Why to do it, when we consider it to be a part of normal flora? •On the other hand, in strains from blood cultures, differentiation is logical. In viridating streptococci, it has no sense to attempt the antigen analysis, but, as we know already, biochemical tests are very useful. •In Czech conditions, it is mainly STREPTOtest 16 STREPTOtest 16 – how to read it •First reaction is again VPT (D‘Artagnan!) •2nd to 9th reaction is again the first strip in the double-strip •Similarly, 10th to 17th reaction is the second strip in the double strip Three musketeers were four. STREPTOtest 16 (and STAPHYtest 16 and ENTEROtest 16) use 17 reactions. An example of result of Streptotest 16: Code 511 420 Streptococcus salivarius % probab. 97.19 Typicity index 1.00 1 2 H 3G 4 F 5 E 6 D 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 H 11 G 12 F 13 E 14 D 15 C 16 B 17 A Panel – first row Panel – second row + S l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l - S l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ? S l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l + - + + - - + - - - - + - + - - - 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 1 4 2 0 Especially dangerous criminal: the pyogene Streptococcus. What to do? •PYR test •PYR test is performed similarly as oxidase test. We touch by the strip (its reaction square) the colonies. Then we wait ten minutes. A reagent is added, one more minute of waiting follows. Red = positive •Bacitracin test was used sooner. It had the same principle as the Optochin test, only an other antibiotic was used. Bacitracin test Photo: Archive of Institute for Microbiology S.pyogenes - pozitivní bacitracinový test. Klikni! And now the second: Streptococcus agalactiae – 1 •Many bacteria produce haemolysins •When two bacteria produce haemolysins, their co-operation may be either synergic or antagonistic. •An example of a synergism is CAMP factor of Str. agalactiae and beta lyzin of Staph. aureus •It is not possible to use it for Staphylococcus diagnostics – not all strains of Staphylococci produce the beta lyzin! So, the test is used in Streptococcus diagnostics only. camp1 Streptococcus agalactiae – 2 CAMP test •TESTED strain of a Streptococcus and TESTING strain of beta-lyzin producing Staphylococcus are inoculated on the blood agar •In case of positivity, we see stronger haemolysis in shape of two triangles, or, more poetically, butterfly wings dov8 dov8 Photo O. Z. Stre3 Photo O. Z. Haemolytic criminals – conclusion Bacitracin and PYR test CAMP test Streptococcus positive negative* S. pyogenes negative positive S. agalactiae negative negative non-A-non-B Streptococcus** positive positive a nonsens, a bad test, mix of two strains etc. *sometimes week synergism, not having the proper size and shape *eventually more detailed diagnostic using antigen analysis Latex agglutination Latex agglutination is used for detailed diagnostics of non-A-non-B streptococci, if necessary, according to Lancefield scheme. However, conclusion „it is a non-A-non-B strep“ is usually sufficient. The principle of latex agglutination is showed on the pictures. Aglutination of streptococci with the antibody is helped by latex particles 79a cap19_fig2a 79b cap19_fig2b Remember: •Streptococci with haemolysis (total or partial), but also streptococci with no haemolysis at all can be usually determined using latex agglutination (if necessary). Their biochemical activity uses to be poor. •Streptococci with viridation (alpha-streptococci) can be usually determined using biochemical testing (if necessary). Their antigen determinants use to be poor. Latex agglutination – practically •Practical test: the vessels with mixtures of antibodies and latex particles, result (positive in the first circle) 76 aglutinační set 75 aglutinuje SRPY [USEMAP] Late sequels of streptococcal diseases Streptococcus pyogenes is even worse than we already knew •You know that S. pyogenes causes tonsillitis, scarlatina, erysipelas. But the worst still waits: Even after being flown out from the organism, a terrible sequels may occur! Antibodies circulate in the blood… and mistakenly, instead of being bound to streptococci, they bind to some structures of the organism. So, acute glomerulonephritis or rheumatic fever occurs. •You may mention, that we have had this already once in the spring semester… Rheumatic Fever 62 arf ASO: how to see, if the risk exists •Using ASO test you will see, if a normal antibody response is formed, or an autoimmunity over-response with risk of development of glomerulonefritis/rheum. fever •ASO test is usually performed after a streptococcal infection. By the antibody detection, we do not try to detect the infection (we know about it), but to clarify, whether autoimmunity response is developed. So it is NOT an indirect diagnostic, although antibodies are measured. ASO: principle (repeating) nThe antibody blocates the haemolytical effect of the toxin (streptolyzin O) on a RBC. nIn ASO, we do not use the geometrical row. The values of dilution are in a table. nTitre over cca 250 means a risk of antibody response nIn Czech, abbreviation ASLO is used instead of ASO in English. ASLO How to read an ASO panel •Each patient has one row. The dilutions are here and in tables on your working tables. • • • • • •Panel has a positive control and five patients 2006-04-07 10 ASLOu Goodbye at the next part! plyšový streptokok [USEMAP] Soft toy-Streptococcus