This testbank is intended to serve for the students in addition to general information and skills acquired during regular teaching and lessons in the subject of Preventive medicine. Students are advised not to use this material only itself, but as a complement to regular study of recommended literature. Correct answers are indicated by *. 1 Which is NOT a good source of nutrition information? a) archeological records and studies of hunters/gatherers living today in remore parts of the world. b) history of disease as related to diets of different people. c) clinical records from hospitals of people with disease *d) advertisements and promotions from health food stores. 2 A nutritional practice we have copied from Africans is based on a diet: *a) high in fiber and and low in colon cancers b) low in fiber and high in colon cancers c) adequate in all nutrients with a low incidence of cancer and heart disease d) high in protein and fat with a high rate of heart disease 3 Epidemiological studies yield nutrition information through: a) correlation of diets and income *b) correlations of diets and incidence of disease. c) study of archeological findings. d) human experimentations in laboratories. 4 Nutritional changes during the onset and recovery fron disease are documented by: a) epidemiological studies *b) clinical records in hospitals or in the community c) comparative and evolutionary studies from archeological records d) human experiments and trials 5 Two nutrients destroyed by heat are: *a) vitamin C and thiamin. b) vitamins A and D c) niacin and vitamin B12 d) vitamins K and E. 6 A conditon aggravated by eating too much fat is: a) malnutrition *b) hypertension c) anemia d) tooth decay 7 If you like a lot of sugar, you may be susceptible to: a) hypertension b) loss of sense of taste *c) tooth decay d) acne 8 Deficiencies of zinc and vitamin A cause *a) loss of taste b) hypertension c) tooth decay d) increased appetite 9 Food likes and dislikes are affected by sensory differences. In describing sensory responses to food, which term does NOT fit? a) taste b) smell c) texture *d) nutritional value 10 A nutritional problem more common in elderly women than men is: a) hypertension b) coronary heart disease c) anorexia *d) osteoporosis 11 A disorder highest in men between ages 35 and 55 years of age is: a) iron-deficiency anemia *b) coronary heart disease c) osteoporosis d) bulimia 12 Children with PKU (phenylketonuria) should restrict the use of: *a) aspartame (Nutrasweet) b) sugar c) fat d) carbohydrate 13 Essential nutrients : a) can all be generated by the human body *b) can all be provided by the foods you eat c) can only be supplied by vitamin pills and mineral supplements d) are only available in food grown in rich, well fertilized soil 14 Which are NOT essential nutrients? a) carbohydrates (sugars and starches) b) fats and proteins c) vitamins and minerals *d) air and oxygen 15 Macrominerals include: a) thiamin, niacin, riboflavin *b) calcium, phosphorus, sodium c) protein, fat, lipids d) sugar, starch, fiber 16 Identify the fat-soluble vitamins. a) thiamin, riboflavin, niacin b) vitamins C, B6, B12 c) vitamins A, C, and D *d) vitamins A, D, E and K 17 Radioactive particles and high levels of lead, arsenic, and mercury are considered to be: *a) environmental contaminants. b) food additives c) unsafe preservatives d) naturally occuring toxicants 18 Which of the following is NOT the result of harmful microorganisms in food? a) foodborne disease causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever b) Staphylococcal infection c) botulism *d) phenylketonuria 19 Children who do NOT get enough food or eat food low in nutrients: *a) may experience slower growth. b) will probably not suffer ill effects until adulthood c) may develop bulimia d) adjust to lower intakes and grow as well as other children 20 Nutrients required for regulation of body processes are: a) carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, water b) fats, lipids, vitamins, minerals *c) proteins, vitamins, minerals,water d) proteins, carbohydrates, lipides 21 Too little fluoride in the diet may cause: *a) tooth decay b) death c) weakness d) abnormal nerve function 22 Lack of sufficient iron in the diet may lead to: a) tooth decay *b) weakness c) mottled teeth g) gout 23 Mottled teeth may be caused from too much dietary: a) iron b) magnesium c) protein *d) fluoride 24 Abnormal nerve function may result from dietary deficiency of: a) iron b) protein *c) magnesium d) fluoride 25 Which of the following is NOT listed as a “disease of affluence?“ a) heart disease and obesity b) hypertension *c) phenylketonuria d) stroke 26 Most nutrients are digested and absorbed in the: a) mouth b) oesophagus *c) stomach d) large intestine 27 Sources of carbohydrate are: a) fats, oils, butter, margarine b) fish, eggs, beef, pork, poultry *c) cereals, fruits, starchy vegetables, milk d) green leafy vegetables, seafood, drinking water 28 Sources of protein in the diet are: a) fats, oils, butter, margarine b) green pepper, cantaloupe, citrus fruits, broccoli. c) deep green and orange vegetables, citrus fruits *d) meats, fish, legumes, nuts, dairy products, eggs 29 Vitamin A is found in: *a) dairy products, liver, deep green and orange vegetables b) oils, nuts, seeds c) cereals, fruits, starchy vegetables d) citrus fruits, potatoes, nuts, seeds 30 Milk and dairy products are rich sources of: *a) vitamin D and calcium. b) iron and copper c) vitamin C d) vitamins E and K 31 Major sources of vitamin E are: *a) oils, nuts, and seeds b) whole milk and sunshine c) enriched breads and cereals d) green, leafy vegetables 32 Vitamin K is found in: a) citrus fruits, cantaloupe, seeds, nuts b) whole grain cereals, milk, cheese c) seafood, iodized salt, dairy products *d) green leafy vegetables, meats 33 Vitamin C is found in: a) liver, fish, nuts, meats, potatoes b) most foods of plant and animal origin *c) citrus fruits, green pepper, broccoli, cantaloupe d) whole grains and cereals, meats, eggs 34 Thiamin is found in: a) green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits b) salt, salted foods, cheese, and butter c) fats and oils, deep green and orange vegetables *d) pork, beef, poultry, whole grains and enriched cereals 35 Sources of riboflavin are: a) citrus fruits, green pepper, broccoli, cantaloupe *b) milk, eggs, cheese, meat, whole and enriched grains c) drinking water, seafood, tea d) seafood, iodized salt, dairy products 36 The best sources of niacin are: a) green leafy vegetables, green pepper, broccoli, cantaloupe b) fats, oils, nuts, seeds *c) lean meat, fish, cheese, whole grains, peanuts d) citrus fruits, green pepper, broccoli, cantaloupe 37 Functions of vitamin B6 are: *a) aids amino-acid protein metabolism and nerve function b) to prevent bone and tooth loss and form thyroid hormones c) acid-base balance; formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach d) blood clotting and colagen formation 38 Both pantothenic acid and biotin aid in: *a) energy metabolism b) blood clotting c) acid-base balance d) oxygen transport 39 Folacin is found in: a) citrus fruits b) plant oils, nuts and seeds *c) liver, green leafy vegetables, peanuts d) seafood, iodized salt, meats 40 Functions of folacin and vitamin B12 in the body are: a) collagen formation and to act as antioxidants *b) synthesis of DNA, RNA; red blood cell formation c) to prevent bone and tooth loss and to spare protein d) transport of fat-soluble vitamins and for good vision 41 Nutrients which regulate fluid and acid-base balance include: a) carbohydrate, fats, vitamin D b) iron, copper, vitamin B6 c) selenium, fluoride, iodine *d) sodium, chlorine, potassium 42 A mineral that acts with vitamin E is: a) magnesium b) zinc c) iodine *d) selenium 43 The nutrient added to drinking water is: a) iodine b) selenium c) manganese *d) fluoride 44 Without ______ in the diet, it is difficult to obtain sufficient vitamins B6 and B12 , iron, and copper. a) milk b) citrus fruits *c) red lean meat d) dark green and orange fruits and vegetables 45 Iodine is found in: a) enriched breads and cereals b) fluorided water c) meats, legumes, and whole grains *d) iodized salt, seafood, dairy products 46 Manganese acts as: *a) a coenzyme b) an antioxidant c) a hormone d) an antibody 47 A nutrient which aids protein synthesis, wound healing, and taste is: a) iron *b) zinc c) chlorine d) selenium 48 Zinc is found in: a) salt b) seafood, iodized salt, dairy products c) green leafy vegetables *d) meats, fish, whole grains 49 A mineral that becomes part of proteins in tendons and hair is: a) sodium *b) sulfur c) potassium d) fluoride 50 Ingested dietary fiber: a) is only about 10% absorbed b) is only 30% absorbed c) is about 50% absorbed *d) is not absorbed at all 51 Carbohydrates include: a) essential and nonessential amino acids b) monoglycerides, diglycerides, polyglycerides *c) sugars, starches, fiber d) fatty acids and glycerol 52 Three monosaccharides important in nutrition are: a) maltose, dextrose, lactose b) fructose, glucose, sucrose c) galactose, sucrose, lastose *d) fructose, galactose, glucose 53 Three disaccharides important in nutrition are: *a) sucrose, lactose, maltose b) fructose, galactose, glucose c) dextrose, amylose, hexose d) maltose, dextrose, glucose 54 Polysaccharides are made of: a) only one molecule of sugar b) two sugar molecules linked together *c) many monosacchardes joined together into very large molecules d) three monosaccharides joined together with peptide linkages 55 Polysaccharides include: a) fructose, galactose, glucose *b) starch, dextrin, glycogen, cellulose c) saturated and unsaturated sugars d) essential and nonessential amino acids 56 Common food sources of glucose are: a) the sugar in milk b) table sugar (cane or beet) c) wheat bran and starchy plants *d) honey, fruits, maple sugar 57 Common food sources of lactose and galactose are: a) table sugar b) fruits *c) milk d) sprouted seeds 58 The source of maltose is: a) table sugar *b) sprouted seeds; produced in digestion of starch c) fruits; traces in plant foods d) starchy plants and grains 59 Cellulose comes from: a) milk b) liver *c) wheat bran d) digestion of starch 60 The chemical structure of lactose is: a) glucose and fructose *b) glucose and galactose c) glucose and glucose d) sucrose and dextrose 61 The component parts of maltose are: *a) glucose and glucose b) glucose and galactose c) glucose and fructose d) fructose and galactose 62 The only “essential“ carbohydrate is: a) maltose b) sucrose c) fructose *d) glucose 63 “Essential“ means a nutrient which: *a) must be provided in the diet b) is needed by the brain c) can be digested by the human body d) provides kcalories to body cells 64 The main source of energy for your brain and nerves is: a) sucrose b) glycogen c) fructose *d) glucose 65 Although you get most of your glucose from carbohydrate in your diet, some comes from: a) amino acids and water *b) amino acids and glycerol c) cholesterol and fatty acids d) cellulose 66 Carbohydrates come mainly from: a) animal foods * b) plant foods c) fatty foods d) water 67 Sources of carbohdydrates include: a) plant foods: fruits, plants, seeds, grain b) milk and dairy products c) liver and some shellfish *d) plant foods: fruits plants, seeds, grain, milk and dairy products, liver and some shellfish 68 Dental caries are caused by: a) sugar in the mouth dissolves tooth enamel *b) acid produced by bacteria that ferment carbohydrates c) bacteria digesting tooth enamel d) saliva in the mouth 69 Glycogen is made up of thousands of _______molecules joint together: a) galactose b) maltose c) fructose *d) glucose 70 The principal carohydrate found in cereals and potatoes is: a) sucrose *b) starch c) glucose d) glycogen 71 The principal carbohydrate found in milk is: *a) lactose b) glucose c) sucrose d) starch 72 Coronary heart disease: a) is caused by a diet high in sugar b) is caused by a diet high in total carbohydrate *c) is aggravated by obesity from overeating total calories d) has no relationship to carbohydrates 73 Hyperactivity in children: *a) has not been proven by research to be related to sugar intake b) is a direct result of eating too much refined sugar c) can be controlled by reducing sugar intake d) is prevented by a high protein diet 74 The most recommended treatment for lactase deficiency today is a) injections of lactase b) drinking milk in small amounts at a time c) using yoghurt and lactose-reduced milk *d) both b and c 75 Symptoms of lactase deficiency are: *a) abdominal discomfort, bloating, and diarrhea b) headaches, dizziness, and fainting c) high blood sugar level, weakness, sweating, chronic fatigue d) irregular heartbeat, back and shoulder pain, and headache 76 Yogurt is tolerated better than milk by lactase-deficient individuals because: a) yoghurt is low in lactose b) it has a thicker consistency *c) lactase from bacteria in yoghurt helps digest the lactose d) it comes from a plant source with the lactose already digested 77 Components in the diet that help protect the teeth from dental caries are: a) sucrose and glucose b) calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride c) fats, oils, and aged cheese *d) b and c 78 The incidence of dental caries has decreased in Western countries in the past 10-15 years because of: a) decreased sugar consumption b) widespread fluoridation of water c) increased use of high fructose sugars in place of glucose *d) a and b 79 Nutrasweet (aspartame) intake should by carefully monitored by people with: *a) phenylketonuria b) diabetes c) heart trouble d) gout 80 High intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol are associated with: a) kidney disease b) diabetes *c) heart disease d) hypoglycemia 81 Most food fats are: a) monoglycerides b) diglycerides *c) triglycerides d) quatroglycerides 82 The short-chain fatty acid found in butter is: a) linoleic acid b) oleic acid c) stearic acid *d) butyric acid 83 Which contains primarily monounsaturated fat? a) peanuts *b) olives c) butter d) walnuts 84 Two highly saturated plant oils are: a) wheat germ oil and corn oil b) peanut oil and walnut oil *c) coconut oil and palm oil d) safflower oil and sunflower oil 85 The greater the degrese of unsaturation, the _____the triglyceride is likely to be at room temperature. *a) softer and more liquid b) harder and more solid c) darker d) lighter 86 The one essential fatty acid needed for growth is: a) butyric acid b) stearic acid *c) linoleic acid d) arachidonic acid 87 The major sources of the one essential fatty acid (EFA) are: a) butter, cream, cream cheese, and buttermilk b) beef, pork, mutton c) chicken, fish, turkey *d) margarine, peanut butter, cooking oil, nuts 88 Which is NOT a function of fat in the diet? *a) synthesis of enzymes b) concentrated source of energy c) carrier of fat-soluble vitamins d) source of essential fatty acid 89 The end products of fat digestion are: a) amino acids *b) fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides c) glucose, fructose, galactose d) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen 90 After digestion and absorption, lipids are transported to the blood by the: a) respiratory system b) monosaccharides *c) lymphatic system d) bile 91 In women, if body fat drops below 5% the reset might be: a) dehydration b) death *c) cessation of menstruation and bone loss d) gout 92 Which is NOT a use of fat in the body? a) energy reserves b) insulation to keep the body warm c) regulate passage of nutrients across cell membranes *d) build lean body tissues 93 Foods most apt to go rancid are: a) fatty fish b) fish oil c) deep-fried foods *d) all of the above unless an antioxidant is used 94 Omega-3 fatty acids may have beneficial effects in preventing: *a) certain cancers and coronary heart disease b) anemia c) ulcers and digestive disturbances d) diabetes and hyperglycemia 95 Foods to use sparingly on a low cholesterol diet are: a) whole wheat, corn, rye, oats, barley, rice, shrimp b) nuts, seeds, grains, butter c) legumes, dried peas, beans, nuts *d) eggs, fis oils, butter, shellfish, cheese, lard, meat, poultry 96 Omega-3 fatty acids may be increased in the diet by: a) taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements b) taking 1 tablespoon cod liver oil daily *c) using more salmon, mackerel, and trout in the diet over a long time d) eating more cod or flounder for a few days since the omega-3 fatty acids are stored in the body 97 Lecithin is: a) a hormone b) an enzyme c) a digestive juice *d) an emulsifying agent in bile and a food additive 98 Complete metabolism of fat in the body is desirable, and produces a) ketone bodies *b) energy, carbon dioxide, and water c) lactic acid and urea d) all of the above 99 Protein deficiency: a) is rare in all parts of the world *b) can be more damaging than carbohydrate or fat defciency c) is common in developed countries d) is often experienced by athlets 100 When high amounts of protein are ingested, they may be: a) excreted in the feces b) excreted in the urine *c) converted to fat d) the first nutrient burned for energy 101 In developing countries, a) too much protein is consumed *b) many children suffer from protein deficiency c) plenty of protein is available, so diets are adequate d) lack of education leads to poor choices of protein foods 102 Good sources of protein are: a) green and orange fruits and vegetables *b) c and d c) meat, poultry, fish, eggs d) dairy products, legumes 103 Protein-energy malnutrion: a) is a major problem in developing countries b) causes about 10 million deaths per year in the world c) especially affects young children *d) all of the above 104 The limiting factor in the formation of amino acids in plants is *a) nitrogen b) energy c) oxygen d) carbon dioxide 105 Which of the following does NOT require nitrogen in its makeup? a) proteins b) B vitamins c) RNA, DNA, genetic code in cell nucleus *d) minerals 106 A disorder caused from just one amino acid being in the wrong suquence in a protein molecule is: a) pernicious anemia b) cretenism (dwarfism) c) goiter *d) sickle-cell anemia 107 The life span of a red blood cell is: a) 2 to 4 days b) 60 days *c) 120 days d) 1 year 108 The life span of cells lining the gastrointestinal tract is: *a) 2 to 4 days b) 60 days c) 120 days d) 1 year 109 The breakdown and rebuilding of body cells requires: a) prostaglandins b) buffers c) acids *d) enzymes 110 Catabolism occurs during all but which one of the following situations: a) the normal breakdown of cells b) in stresses such as starvation c) in recovery from illness or trauma *d) the synthesis of protein on the ribosome of the cell 111 In which instance is anabolism NOT taking place? a) growth b) pregnancy c) recovery from illness *d) the normal breakdown of body cells 112 Enzymes are required for: a) growth during childhood b) digestion of food c) the breakdown and rebuilding of body cells *d) all of the above 113 Death rates from infectious disease are high in areas where children do not receive enough protein because: a) bacteria cannot find enough nutrients b) antibodies cannot be made in sufficient quantities to prevent infections *c) vitamin content of the diet is low d) there are excess amino acids for building body tissue 114 The proteins that aid the transport of fat-soluble vitamins in the blood are: a) glucoproteins b) hormones *c) lipoproteins d) enzymes 115 Some minerals, such as iron and copper, are stored in the body by combining with: *a) protein b) fatty acid c) a glucose molecule d) a vitamin 116 One gram of protein supplies approximatelly _______kcalories (kJ) of energy. a) 1 kcal (4,19 kJ) *b) 4 kcal (16,8 kJ) c) 9 kcal (37,8 kJ) d) 15 kcal (62,9 kJ) 117 Simon ate 12 g of protein. How many calories (kJ) would this provide? a) 24 kcal (100 kJ) *b) 48 kcal (201 kJ) c) 60 kcal (251 kJ) d) 108 kcal (453 kJ) 118 Starving children become just “skin and bone“ as the body cannibalizes its own tissue; however one part of the body is protected: a) the abdominal tissue b) the gluteus maximus c) the leg muscle *d) the brain 119 A major problem that occurs when body protein is broken down for energy is: a) ketone bodies b) obesity *c) excretion of the nitrogen d) build-up of glycogen in the liver 120 Whole dietary proteins cannot be absorbed through the lining of the small intestine bacause of their: a) acidity b) alkalinity *c) large molecular size d) small molecular size 121 Hydrochloric acid in the stomach changes the shape of protein, or ____ it. *a) denatures b) hydrolyzes c) evaporates d) synthetizes 122 The action of pepsin on protein during digestion is called: a) evaporation b) synthesis *c) hydrolysis d) anabolism 123 Which of the following does not denature protein? *a) milk b) heat c) acid d) alcohol 124 Animal proteins are _____________ digestible than plant proteins. *a) more b) less c) none of above mentioned answers d) both a) and b) 125 Amino acids are absorbed into the: *a) blood b) lymph c) intracellular fluid d) mucus 126 Insulin cannot be taken orally, but must be injected because: a) it would be toxic *b) it would be digested into amino acids c) it would inhibit digestion of proteins d) hydrochloric acid would destroy it 127 Allergies and food sensitivities are caused be: *a) absorption of undigested protein molecules b) excess protein in the diet c) excess enzymes secreted by the intestinal wall d) too much hydrochloric acid escaping from the stomach in the small intestine 128 Infants and children who have food allergies and sensitivities: a) will have to avoid the specific foods for the rest of their lives b) must take enzymes orally to correct deficiencies in their gastrointestinal tract *c) will probably outgrow the problem as their gastrointestinal tract matures d) can be cured by drugs 129 Food allergies: a) can be easily diagnosed at home b) can be prevented by drinking more water *c) are difficult to diagnose and show a variety of symptoms d) begin in infancy and become more severe as a child matures 130 The greatest amount of protein per kg (per pound) of body weight is needed by: *a) infants and young children b) athletes c) middle-aged adults d) elderly 131 The RDAs (recommended daily allowances) for protein are based on: *a) ideal body weight or lean body tissue b) total body weight c) total bone mass d) percent of body fat 132 People with high protein intakes usually have a diet also high in: a) starches b) sugars *c) fat d) vitamins A and C 133 Vegans and vegetarians have _____fat intakes than do nonvegetarians. a) higher *b) lower c) the same d) a) and b) 134 Which is NOT an essential amino acid? a) threonine b) valine c) methionine *d) serine 135 Select the essential amino acid a) glycine b) cysteine c) tyrosine *d) tryptophan 136 The amino acid essential for growth in children, and more recently considered essential also for adults is: a) proline *b) histidine c) cysteine d) aspartic acid 137 If one essential amino acid is missing: *a) body protein cannot be made at optimal rate b) the body will synthesize it c) the body will take it from its own tissue d) there are no serious effects 138 The protein need for elderly adults is: a) greater than that of young adults b) less than that of young adults *c) the same as that of young adults d) none is needed by people over 75 139 Some special circumstances require adults to increase intake of essential amino acids. Which does NOT apply? a) pregnancy b) lactation c) surgery, injury, or burns *d) over age 50 140 Complete proteins containing all nine essential amino acids are found in: *a) eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry b) legumes, nuts, seeds c) green leafy vegetables d) all of the above 141 The two problem amino acids in the diets of people who do not eat animal foods are: a) arginine and histidine *b) lysine an methionine c) leucine and isoleucine d) phenylalanine and tryptophan 142 Cereals (rice, wheat, corn, barley and rye) are low in: a) histidine b) methionine *c) lysine d) leucine 143 Legumes (soy beans, peanuts, dried beans, dried peas, and lentils) are low in: a) arginine *b) methionine c) lysine d) phenylalanine 144 When a combination of two or more foods has the right proportion of essential amino acids needed by the human body, these foods are called: a) incomplete proteins b) complete proteins *c) complementary proteins d) saturated proteins 145 Which combination of foods would most likely provide the essential amino acids? *a) cereal with milk b) waffles with syrup c) bread and margarine d) salad and salad dressing 146 Which is NOT a good combination to provide the essential amino acids? a) a peanut butter sandwich b) macaroni and cheese c) beans and tortillas *d) potatoes and gravy 147 Too much protein in the diet may result in: a) high fat intake and resultant obesity b) calcium loss in the urine c) dehydration and fluid imbalance *d) all of the above are possible 148 High intakes of proteins: a) improve athletic performance b) increase athletic endurance c) are needed to build muscle in athletes *d) may preciptitate dehydration in athletes 149 To be called a vitamin, a substance must: a) be organic and contain carbon b) be required for specific metabolic functions in the body c) be needed in only small amounts in the diet *d) a,b, and c 150 Vitamins are classified as: a) organic and inorganic *b) fat-soluble and water-soluble c) elements and compounds d) essential and nonessential 151 Synthetic vitamins: *a) are no different than natural vitamins; the body cannot tell the difference b) are more easily absorbed by the body than natural vitamins c) are needed to supplement an ordinary diet d) do not function as well as natural vitamins in the body’s metabolism 152 The fat-soluble vitamins are: a) C, B6, B12, and K b) thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folacin *c) A, D, E, and K d) A, C, K, and B6 153 Water-soluble vitamins are: *a) vitamins C, B6, B12, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin b) vitamins A, D, C, and B12 c) vitamins A, E, K, and B6 d) vitamins C, D, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin 154 The precursor of vitamin A is: a) cobalamin b) tryptophan c) 7-dehydrocholesterol *d) carotene 155 Another name for thiamin is: *a) vitamin B1 b) nicotinamide c) pyridoxine d) vitamin B6 156 Vitamins that aid bone and teeth formation are: a) thiamin, riboflavin, niacin *b) vitamins A, D, and C c) vitamins E and K d) folacin, B6, and B12 157 An important metabolic function of vitamins B12, folacin, B6, and vitamin C is: a) eye function b) release and formation of energy c) bone and tooth formation *d) blood formation 158 The vitamins most likely to cause toxicity if taken in very large amounts are: a) vitamins C and thiamin b) riboflavin and niacin *c) vitamins A and D d) vitamins B12 and B6 159 Vitamin D deficiency may cause: a) blindness b) anemia *c) poor bone formation d) scurvy 160 A deficiency of vitamin K may result in: *a) poor blood clotting b) beriberi c) megaloblastic anemia d) blindness 161 Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of: a) thiamin *b) niacin c) riboflavin d) folacin 162 Toxicity from excess vitamins A and D may result in: a) skin flushing b) rebound scurvy c) nerve disorders *d) growth retardation 163 Which of these vitamin deficiencies or toxicities is irreversible (cannot be cured)? *a) blindness (vitamin A deficiency) b) bleeding gums (vitamin C deficiency) c) poor blood clotting (vitamin K deficiency) d) skin rashes (deficiencies of B vitamins and vitamin A) 164 Symptoms of vitamin deficiencies generally: a) show up immediately b) are seen after just a few days c) can be recognized within a month *d) may take a very long time (years) to appear 165 Which is true regarding vitamins? a) one specific food, such as milk, will provide all of the vitamins needed by humans *b) eating a wide variety of foods from all four food groups is the best way to get all of the vitamins c) most people cannot get all of the vitamins from food in sufficient amounts d) eating four servings daily from the fruit-vegetable group will supply all of the vitamins we needed 166 A megadose of a vitamin is defined as an intake of more than: a) double the RDA (recommended daily allowance) b) 5 times the RDA *c) 10 times the RDA d) 100 times the RDA 167 The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for vitamin C is 60 mg. A megadose would be: a) 120 mg b) 240 mg c) 480 mg *d) 600 mg 168 The food group that is the best source of B vitamins is: a) milk and cheese *b) meat, poultry, fish, beans c) fruits and vegetables d) fats and oils 169 The best dietary sources of vitamins A, D and riboflavin are: a) meat, poultry, fish, beans b) breads and cereals *c) milk and cheese d) fruits and vegetables 170 A precursor of vitamin A is: a) tryptophan *b) beta carotene c) ergosterol d) linoleic acid 171 Excellent sources of vitamin A include: *a) carrots, spinach, liver, sweet potatoes b) beets, turnips, potatoes c) chicken, cherries, whole grains d) hamburger, apples, legumes 172 Severe deficiency of vitamin A causes: a) beriberi b) cheilosis *c) xerophthalmia d) scurvy 173 Which is NOT a symptom of vitamin A toxicity? a) severe headaches b) bone and join pain *c) rebound scurvy d) yellow coloration of the skin, fingernails and whites of the eye 174 Which is NOT a function of vitamin D? a) aiding absorption of calcium and phosphorus b) building bone and teeth *c) synthesizing of intercellular cement d) helping the kidneys conserve minerals 175 The best sources of vitamin D are: *a) fish oils, sunshine, fortified milk b) dark green and fruits and vegetables c) meat, poultry, legumes, whole grains d) citrus fruits, cabbage, tomatoes 176 Vitamin D deficiency in children causes: *a) rickets b) scurvy c) pellagra d) beriberi 177 Vitamin D deficiency in adults causes: a) xerophtalmia b) megaloblastic anemia *c) osteomalacia d) beriberi 178 Vitamin D intake needs to be higher at certain times of life. Which is NOT one of these times? a) pregnancy and lactation b) infancy and childhood c) adolescence *d) early adulthood 179 Which is NOT a reason to emphasize vitamin D for elderly people? a) they eat fewer vitamin D-rich foods b) they get less exposure to sunlight *c) the need for vitamin D decreases after age 50 years d) the skin has half the capacity to create vitamin D as when they were younger 180 The main function of vitamin E in the body is to: a) prolong life, slowing the aging process *b) act as an antioxidant c) strengthen heart muscles d) prevent cancer 181 Good sources of vitamin E are: *a) plant and seed oils, nuts, whole grains b) beef, poultry, fish c) citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage d) skim milk and white bread 182 Vitamin E deficiency is: a) common among children in developed countries b) common in developing countries *c) rare in all parts of the world d) found mainly among Afroamericans 183 One deficiency symptom of vitamin E seen in humans is: a) muscular paralysis b) weak, hollow bones c) reproductive failure *d) breakage of red blood cell membranes in premature infants 184 The best sources of vitamin K are: *a) green, leafy vegetables b) whole grain cereals c) fortified milk and margarine d) red lean meat salt 185 A vitamin that can be synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine is: a) vitamin A b) vitamin D c) vitamin E *d) vitamin K 186 Deficiency of vitamin K is rare, but if it occurs it can lead to: a) osteomalacia b) diarrhea *c) hemorrhaging d) breakage of red blood cell membranes 187 Vitamin K deficiency may result from: *a) high doses of antibiotics b) bacterial synthesis c) large amounts of fat in the diet d) diagnostic X-rays 188 Vitamin K is given to prevent hemorrhaging in: a) pregnant women *b) newborn infants c) cancer patients d) elderly people 189 The main practical difference between fat-soluble ad water-soluble vitamins is: a) water-soluble vitamins are more widespread in foods b) fat-soluble vitamins are less expensive *c) water-soluble vitamins are less stable d) fat-soluble vitamins are needed in larger amounts 190 Which of the following will NOT meet the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for vitamin C for adults? a) ¾ cup grapefruit juice *b) 1 cup grape juice c) 1 orange d) 1 green pepper 191 Which is NOT a function of vitamin C? a) increase absorption of iron b) aid the immune system c) help leukocyte (white blood cell) function *d) a part of visual rhodopsin in the eye 192 Which symptoms are NOT characteristic of scurvy? a) weak blood vessels b) muscle tissue breakdown *c) poor appetite, nervous disorders d) inability to produce scar tissue 193 If left untreated, scurvy leads to: a) dry, scaly skin and blindness b) heart disease c) mental illness *d) gangrene and death 194 Select the function below that does NOT belong to the B-complex vitamins: a) energy release from carbohydrate, fat and protein b) energy formation c) protein and amino acid metabolism *d) building strong bones and teeth 195 Niacin can be formed from: a) beta-carotene b) 7-dehydrocholesterol *c) tryptophan d) lecithin 196 The amount of thamin, riboflavin, and niacin needed by the body is based on: *a) the dietary intake of carbohdydrate, fat, protein, and alcohol b) age c) climate and temperature in the country of residence d) amount of body fat 197 Although all _____are good sources of thiamin, ______is the best source with four times as much as other foods in thath category. a) vegetables; carrots b) grains; oatmeal *c) meats; pork d) fruits; oranges 198 Much of the _____in milk is lost if bottles are left in the sun for several hours. a) thiamin *b) riboflavin c) niacin d) vitamin A 199 The niacin in corn is NOT available until: a) the corn has ripened on the stalk b) the corn is cooked *c) the corn is treated with lime water d) the corn is ground into grits or corn meal 200 Alcoholics have the greatest problem with ____deficiency. a) riboflavin *b) thiamin c) niacin d) pantothenic acid 201 Alcohol interferes with __________absorption, and prolonged deficiency produces brain damage. a) pantothenic acid b) vitamin B12 c) riboflavin *d) thiamin 202 Identify the condition that is NOT a symptom of beriberi. a) heart failure b) irritability and exhaustion c) edema *d) red, scaly skin rash 203 The four D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death, are the progressive symptoms of: *a) pellagra b) beriberi c) cheilosis d) pernicious anemia 204 Vitamin B6 helps in: a) release of energy from minerals b) amino acid and protein metabolism c) absorption of iron *d) utilization of calcium and phosphorus 205 Identify the disorder NOT associated with vitamin B6 deficiency. a) convulsions b) depression c) lowered resistance to disease *d) dental caries 206 Vitamin B12 is found in: *a) meat and dairy products b) fruits, especially citrus c) green leafy vegetables d) vegetable oils 207 Folacin is found in small amounts in many foods, but the best sources are: a) cheese, eggs, and cream b) whole grain cereals *c) leafy green vegetales, fruits, and meats d) raw sugar, honey, and molasses 208 A mineral important in bone formation and in mitochondrial functions: *a) calcium b) sodium c) chloride d) sulfur 209 Three minerals used in nerve-muscle function are: a) iron, copper, iodine *b) sodium, potassium, chloride c) fluorine, chlorine, iodine d) manganese, magnesium, selenium 210 Magnesium is used in the body for: a) building white blood cells b) prevention of dental caries c) regulation of basal metabolism *d) synthesis and breakdown of energy nutrients 211 Sulfur: *a) gives rigidity to the structure of some proteins b) brings oxygen to the cells c) works with vitamin E as an antioxidant d) is involved in glucose metabolism 212 Zinc: a) builds bones and teeth b) regulates basal metabolism *c) is essential for protein synthesis and growth d) helps release energy from carbohydrates, fats, and protein 213 The mineral involved in regulating metabolism is: a) calcium b) magnesium c) selenium *d) iodine 214 A mineral that works with vitamin E as an antioxidant is: *a) selenium b) magnesium c) manganese d) iodine 215 The mineral found as a part of vitamin B12 is: a) zinc b) copper c) sulphur *d) cobalt 216 Geophagy or pica is: a) the science or study of minerals and how they are used in the body *b) the practice of person (often pregnant women) eating clay or dirt c) the geographical location of the various minerals in the earth’s surface d) a synthetic medicine used by the ancient Greeks 217 A substance in the body which transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in the muscles and gives the muscles their red color is: a) insulin b) chlorophyll *c) myoglobin d) glucagon 218 Macrominerals are those for which the daily amount recommended is greater than: *a) 100 mg b) 1000 mg c) 200 g d) 5000 g 219 Microminerals are those recommended in daily amounts of less than: *a) 20 mg b) 100 mg c) 50 g d) 100 g 220 Minerals that are environmental toxicants include: a) tin, zinc, and aluminium b) sodium, fluorine, and chloride *c) mercury, cadmium, and lead d) molybdenum, barium, and vanadium 221 A toxic mineral that may show up in fish and that can damage the brain is: *a) mercury b) lead c) vanadium d) arsenic 222 Toxic amounts of ____can retard mental development in children. a) molybdenum b) barium c) mercury *d) lead 223 The measure of the amount of a mineral that can be absorbed into the body and used is called: *a) bioavailability b) coefficient of digestibility c) physiological fuel value d) utilization coefficient 224 Brittle bones that break easily may result from a deficiency of: a) phosphorus *b) calcium c) fluoride d) sulphur 225 Neurological or nervous system disturbances may be the result of a deficiency of: a) phosphorus b) potassium c) molybdenum *d) magnesium 226 The two most abundant minerals found in humans are: a) iron and copper *b) calcium and phosphorus c) sodium and chlorine d) potassium and magnesium 227 Which is NOT a function of phosphorus in the body? a) part of DNA, RNA b) part of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) necessary for energy release c) phospholipids in cell membranes *d) formation of red blood cells 228 Excess calcium in the blood could be disastrous because: *a) it deposits in soft tissues such as the kidney, interfering with its function b) it causes hypertension leading to heart attacks c) it causes anemia by decreasing iron absorption d) it results in spontaneous fractures of bones and increased tooth decay 229 The most important source of calcium in the diet is: a) legumes, nuts, and seeds b) red, lean meat *c) milk and milk products d) whole grain breads and cereals 230 Calcium absorption is aided by: *a) vitamin D and lactose b) oxalate and phytate c) phosphorus and fiber d) all of the above 231 Foods high in phosphorus but low in calcium are: a) milk and milk products b) green leafy vegetables *c) meat, eggs d) butter, cream, and margarine 232 The major electrolytes in the body are: a) calcium, phosporus, fluorine b) iron, copper, zinc *c) sodium, chloride, potassium d) magnesium, sulfur, selenium 233 The mineral found in highest concentration in intracellular fluid (inside the cell) is: a) chloride *b) potassium c) phosphorus d) sodium 234 Which is NOT a function of potassium? a) functioning of nerves and muscles b) formation of glycogen from glucose c) protein synthesis *d) formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach 235 A deficiency of magnesium causes: a) osteoporosis and misshapen bones b) anemia and excessive bleeding c) cretenism and delayed growth *d) uncontrollable muscle twitching and convulsions 236 Most of the sulfur in the body is found in: a) red blood cells b) white blood cells *c) three amino acids: methionine, cystine, and cysteine d) the intracellular fluid 237 Trace elements are: *a) minerals found in the body in very small amounts b) macrominerals c) vitamins that have a mineral component d) elements used to trace the transport of minerals through the body 238 A mineral needed in larger amounts by women than men is: a) calcium b) phosphorus *c) iron d) iodine 239 The group most apt to be low in iron is: a) infants b) adolescent boys c) teen-age girls, pregnant and lactating women *e) both a and c 240 The two major causes of low body iron stores are: a) lack of vitamins A and D b) diets low in carbohydrates and lack of excercise *c) menstrual bleeding; diets low in iron d) diets low in fat; hypertension 241 Excellent sources of iron are: a) milk, cheese, yogurt, butter b) whole grain oils, margarine, shortening c) citrus fruits, cabbage, cantaloupe *d) liver, lean meat, peanut butter, dried beans, egg yolk 242 Foods high in iron are also excellent sources of: a) iodine b) sodium *c) zinc d) calcium 243 Only about ____percent of the ingested iron is absorbed. *a) 10 b) 25 c) 50 d) 80 244 Iron absorption is aided by: a) phytic acid b) lactose *c) vitamin C d) vitamin D 245 Iron absorption is inhibited by: a) vitamin C *b) tea and coffee c) simple carbohydrates d) high protein diet 246 Iron is best absorbed when it comes from: a) milk b) bread and whole grain cereals c) green vegetables *d) meat 247 Results of zinc deficiency include all but which one of the following: a) dwarfism b) delayed growth *c) anemia d) delayed sexual development 248 Most of the zinc in the body is provided by: *a) meat b) fruits c) vegetables d) grains 249 Zinc absorption is decreased by: a) vitamin A b) phytate and excess fiber c) iron, calcium and copper *d) b and c 250 Natural foods richest in iodine are: a) freshwater fish *b) seafood and vegetables grown near the sea c) whole grains d) dairy products 251 Goiter is characterized by: a) joint pains, crooked bones *b) swelling of the thyroid gland c) dark red, scaly dermatitis d) night blindness 252 Excess dietary iodine may increase basal metabolism rate, a disorder called: *a) hyperthyroidism b) hyperactivity c) hypothyroidism d) goiter 253 Goiter is common in some parts of Africa, probably naturally occurring substances in millet called: a) antigens b) carcinogens *c) goitrogens d) anthocyanins 254 The major function of selenium in the diet is as: a) an enzyme *b) an antioxidant c) a coenzyme for release of energy from carbohydrates, fat, and protein d) a catalyst in red blood cell formation 255 Selenium interacts with: a) vitamin A b) niacin c) ascorbic acid *d) vitamin E 256 The best sources of selenium are: a) fruits, fats, and oils b) vegetables and fruits *c) meats and grains d) dairy products 257 The best way to ensure sufficient fluoride in the diet is: a) weekly consumption of freshwater fish *b) fluoridation of the water suppply c) use iodized salt d) enrichment of flour and cereals 258 Copper: a) is a part of many enzymes b) is involved in protein of iron metabolism c) heals wounds, helps make elastin *d) all of the above 259 Chromium is used for: a) enzyme activation *b) glucose metabolism c) good eyesight d) healthy red blood cells 260 Manganese can: a) prevent dental caries b) prevent goiter c) aid formation of red blood cells *d) help enzymes metabolize lipids and carbohydrates 261 Molybdenum is essential for: a) formation of thyroxin *b) activity of various enzymes c) production of hydrochloric acid d) glucose metabolism 262 Newborn infants have a body water content of about: a) 40 % b) 60 % *c) 75 % d) 90 % 263 Who has the greatest percentage of body water? a) elderly female b) teen-age female c) adult male *d) newborn infant 264 The end product of fat hydrolysis is: a) glucose b) amono acids *c) fatty acids and glycerol d) disaccharides 265 The major site of absorption of water and most nutrients is in the: a) mouth b) stomach *c) small intestine d) large intestine 266 Absorbed nutrients are transported in the: a) lymph b) interstitial fluid c) intracellular fluid *d) blood 267 The body makes fatty substances water-soluble by forming: *a) lipoproteins b) hormones c) antibodies d) white blood cells 268 Excess water is eliminated from the body through: a) urine b) perspiration c) exhaled air *d) all of the above 269 In regulating body temperature, 85% of the body's excess heat is lost through: *a) the skin, as the flow of blood increases to that area b) the lungs, in breathing c) the urine, as its excretion increases d) the feces 270 The strongest acid in the human body is: a) citric acid b) oxalic acid c) ascorbic acid *d) hydrochloric acid 271 Two substances that increase loss of body water through increasing urine output are: *a) caffeine and alcohol b) caffeine and alcohol c) fats and sugars d) phytic acid and oxalic acid 272 Which do NOT contain caffeine? a) caffeine and alcohol *b) cocoa and weight control pills c) fats and sugars d) phytic acid and oxalic acid 273 Alcohol can be metabolized by the human body producing ___kcalories (kJ) per gram consumed. a) 4 kcal (17 kJ) b) 5 kcal (21 kJ) *c) 7 kcal (29 kJ) d) 9 kcal (38 kJ) 274 Alcohol has many harmful effects on the human body. Select the one least likely to be caused by alcohol. a) fatty infiltration of the liver leading to cirrhosis b) increased hypertension and damage to the heart *c) decreased activity of digestive anzymes and damage to the structure of the intestine d) anemia as a result of impared utilization of iron, copper, and protein 275 The biovailability of dietary iron is increased by: a) using ferrous rather than ferric iron b) including meat that contains heme iron in the diet c) vitamin C, lactose and some amino acids *d) a,b, and c 276 Iron is made less biovailable by: a) fiber, phytic acid, oxalic acid, and tannins b) diets low in protein or high in phosphorus c) poor fat absorption *d) a,b, and c 277 A major problem in alcoholics caused by too high a level of lactic acid in the blood is. a) hypolipidemia *b) gout c) sleepiness d) anemia 278 Which of the following does NOT require energy (kcalories)? a) basal energy needs *b) absorption of ingested water c) digestion and absorption of food d) physical activity 279 Identify the condition that does NOT require increased dietary energy from food and drink. a) pregnancy and lactation b) recovery from illness or starvation *c) weight loss to recover from obesity d) strenuous physical activity such as athletics 280 John consumed 300 kcalories (kcal) in his breakfast. This would by _____kjoules (kJ). a) 622 b) 966 *c) 1257 d) 1593 281 Vitamins and minerals provide _____kcalories (kcal) per gram [kJ/g]. *a) 0 kcal [0 kJ] b) 4 kcal [16.8 kJ] c) 7 kcal [29.3 kJ] d) 9 kcal [37.7 kJ] 282 Susan´s dinner contained 100 g of carbohydrate, 25 g of protein, 5 g of fat, 3 g alcohol, 10 mg of vitamins, and 5 mg of minerals. How many kcalories did this meal provide? a) 394 kcal (1651 kJ) *b) 566 kcal (2372 kJ) c) 986 kcal (4131 kJ) d) 1258 kcal (5271 kJ) 283 William ate a total of 2000 kcalories on Wednesday. He received 1000 of them from carbohydrate, 600 from fat, and 400 from protein. What percentage of his calories came from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, respectively? a) 80% from carbohydrate, 10% from fat, 10% from protein b) 70% from carbohydrate, 5% from fat, 25% from protein *c) 50% from carbohydrate, 30% from fat, 20% from protein d) this cannot be calculated without knowing the amount from vitamins and minerals 284 “Empty calorie“ foods are: a) high in fiber such as whole grain cereals b) low in calories such as celery, lettuce, and cucumbers c) completely devoid of calories such as water and fiber *d) high in calories, but low in vitamins and minerals such as sugary, honey, and alcohol 285 The body heat produced in the metabolism of food is called: a) basal metabolism b) bomb calorimetry c) kinetic energy *d) dietary thermogenesis or specific dynamic effect of food 286 The most significant factor in determining basal energy (BMR) is: a) amount of body fat *b) lean body mass c) gender d) weight 287 Jane is a young adult woman of average build weighing 120 pounds (54,5 kg). The approximately number of kcalories (kJ) she needs daily for basal metabolism is: a) 840 kcal (3520 kJ) *b) 1178 kcal (4936 kJ) c) 1550 kcal (6495 kJ) d) 2100 kcal (8799 kJ) 288 John is an adult male of average build weighing 176 pounds (80 kg). Calculate the number of kcalories (kJ) he needs daily for basal metabolism: a) 950 kcal (3980 kJ) b) 1420 kcal (5950 kJ) *c) 1920 kcal (8049 kJ) d) 3050 kcal (12780 kJ) 289 Which activity would require the most energy (kcalories) per hour? *a) jogging rapidly b) walking c) swimming d) playing golf 290 What percent of a day´s total energy (caloric) need is used for digesting, absorbing, transporting, and storing food? a) 1% to 3% *b) 5% to 10% c) 15% to 20% d) 25% to 30% 291 Which requires the most kcalories (kJ) for nonactive people? *a) basal metabolism b) physical activity c) thermogenesis d) all require about the same in a 24 hour period 292 Most of the adenosine triphosphate in the body comes from: a) protein *b) carbohydrates and fat c) vitamins d) minerals 293 The need for energy (kcalories) after age 50: a) increases to counteract the adverse effects of aging b) remains the same as in early adulthood c) increases because digestion and absorption of food becomes more difficult *d) goes down because of dereased physical activity and decreased basal energy requirements 294 If you consume more energy in the diet than you expend, the extra kcalories will be: a) burned off since basal metabolism would increase b) used for protein synthesis *c) stored as fat in adipose tissue d) stored as glucose in the liver 295 Reducing diets with energy intakes of less than 600 to 800 kcalories (2515 – 3350 kJ) per day can be dangerous because: a) no glucose is provided for the brain b) body tissue is broken down to supply glucose for the brain c) ketones are produced from fat catabolism during the advanced stages of the diet *d) both b and c 296 Even though body weights are similar, the female athlete has a higher resting metabolic rate (RMR) than a female nonathlete because: a) she has more body fat and less lean muscle b) her body produces more thyroxin *c) she has less body fat an more muscle d) her body produces more glycogen 297 Menstruation in women: *a) causes about a 9% increase in 24 hour energy expenditure b) decreases energy expenditure from loss of blood c) has no effect on energy expenditure d) causes about a 20% decrease in 24 hour energy expenditure 298 Identify the condition that is NOT a symptom of eating disorder (anorexia nervosa). *a) binging and purging b) nervous loss of appetite c) skin and bones appearance d) weakness, apathy, disorientation 299 Which of the following is NOT connected with bulimia? a) eating enormous amounts of food *b) self-induced starvation and refusal of any food at all c) vomiting d) laxatives and enemas 300 The best determinant of whether a person is overweight or obese is: a) appearance *b) percentage of body fat c) total body weight d) bone mass 301 Which of the following would be the most accurate method of determining a person´s body fat? a) calculating proportion of weight to height b) bone density *c) underwater weighing d) skinfold thickness 302 Which of the following is NOT considered to be a cause of obesity? a) an excess intake of food b) low basal metabolism c) decreased physical activity *d) eating too wide a variety of food 303 Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences weight? *a) social status b) body fat increases with age c) gender: men have less body fat than women d) changes in BMR, physical activity, food intake, and dietary thermogenesis 304 The feeling of being “full“ or satisfied after a meal is termed: a) dietary satisfaction *b) satiety c) fat treshold d) dietary set-point 305 Satiety is produced in a meal primarily by: a) liquids b) foods high in sugar c) including raw fruits and vegetables *d) foods high in fat 306 If a new mother breastfeeds the baby: a) the infant has a greater risk of becoming obese *b) she will lose much of her own body fat gained during pregnancy c) she will continue to put on weight on body fat at the same rate as during pregnancy d) she will need to diet at the same time to lose her excess body fat 307 Foods in a weight-los diet must be: a) palatable b) familiar c) easily available *d) all of the above 308 A deficiency disease mainly in children caused by a diet deficient in protein but sometimes almost adequate in energy is a) anorexia b) bulimia c) marasmus *d) kwashiorkor 309 When a new baby arrives in impoverished nations, malnutrition often develops in the next oldest child because: *a) it is fed a watery solution of flour (cassava) juice b) the mother gives all her attention to the newborn c) sibling rivalry causes the child to lose its appetite d) the child is weaned too soon to adult food 310 Which of the following are NOT symptoms of kwahiorkor? a) edema and extreme apathy *b) skin and bone appearance; wrinkled, old look c) poor skin, swollen abdomen d) discolored hair, liver malfunction 311 Kwashiorkor and marasmus are extreme forms of: a) vitamin A deficiency b) thiamin deficiency *c) protein-energy deficiency d) iron and zinc deficiency 312 The product requiring the most water for production of a pound (kg) of edible food is: a) wheat b) potatoes c) vegetables *d) meat 313 An argument against use of pesticides in food production is that they: a) decrease the quantity of food produced b) cause excessive food production and disrupt the economy *c) may adversely affect the health of the people d) are too expensive to be practical 314 The most positive argument for continuing the use of pesticides is: *a) the increased amount of food produced b) the nutrients provided by the pesticide itself c) the food is safer to eat d) it takes less time for the food to ripen and mature 315 The terms “health food“, “natural,“ and “organic“ were created to refer to: *a) food raised without agricultural chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers) b) food enriched with vitamins and minerals c) food higher in nutrients than processed food d) food picked and eaten raw from trees and plants native to a particular environment 316 Our choice of food at the supermarket is determined by: a) appearance, color, aroma, texture, flavor, and sound of the food b) familiarity of the food, advertising claims, nutritive value c) our cultural and religious background and family lifestyle *d) all of the above 317 Salting of foods to preserve them is NOT common today because: a) it is an expensive process b) it destroyes vitamins and minerals *c) the excessive salt may cause hypertension d) food preserved in this method causes dental caries 318 The process used to make yogurt, cheese, tofu, miso, pickles and sauerkraut is: a) pasteurization b) irradiation c) stabilization *d) fermentation 319 The nutritional value of a food is improved by: a) freeze-drying b) refrigeration and freezing c) pasteurization *d) fermantation 320 Two nutrients that become more available in a food after fermentation are: a) vitamins A and D *b) vitamin B12 and protein c) iron and iodine d) thiamin and niacin 321 A vitamin used as a food additive to enhance the yellow color of popcorn, pasta, margarine, cake mixes, and processed cheese is: *a) beta-carotene, a vitamin A precursor b) thiamin c) vitamin C d) vitamin E 322 A vitamin that is also used as a food additive to prevent foods from darkening is: a) vitamin A b) riboflavin *c) vitamin C d) vitamin D 323 The most common allergenic foods are: a) beef, pork, string beans, apples b) corn, poultry, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries c) rice, oats, lamb, lettuce, peas, peaches *d) milk, eggs, nuts, shellfish, legumes, wheat, fish 324 The newborn infant will triple its birth weight in about: a) 3 months b) 6 months c) 9 months *d) 1 year 325 To bear a healthy infant, the mother must have an adequate diet: a) during the last trimester when the baby grows so rapidly b) during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy c) only during the nine months she carries the infant *d) beginning long before conception occurs and continuing through the period of lactation 326 Optimum weight gain during pregnancy is: a) 10 – 12 lbs (4,5 – 5,5 kg) b) 15 – 20 lbs (6,5 – 9,0 kg) *c) 22 - 28 lbs (10,0 – 12,5 kg) d) 30 – 35 lbs (14,0 – 16,0 kg) 327 The weight gain recommended for underweight adult women during the course of a pregnancy is about a) 20 lbs (9 kg) *b) 30 lbs (14 kg) c) 40 lbs (18 kg) d) over 45 lbs (over 20 kg) 328 During pregnancy an obese woman should: a) lose 10-20 lbs during her pregnancy (4,5 – 9 kg) b) make sure she gains no weight *c) gain only 10-20 lbs (4,5 – 9 kg) d) gain 24 – 28 lbs (10,5 – 12,5 kg) 329 Additional vitamin A is recommended during pregnancy for: a) blood coagulation b) energy metabolism c) collagen formation *d) healthy epithelial cells 330 The cause of morning sickness is a) low blood glucose level b) deficiency of vitamin B6 c) changes in hormone levels in the blood *d) undetermined by scientists at the present time 331 To prevent heartburn, a pregnant woman should: a) eat smaller, more frequent meals b) avoid foods that cause indigestion c) remain upright after eating *d) all of the above 332 Food cravings and aversions: *a) may occur during pregnancy b) indicate lack of an essential nutrient in the diet c) result in inadequate nutrition during pregnancy d) are caused by an immediate need by the fetus 333 Body fat in the developing infant is laid down: a) during the first trimester of pregnancy b) during the second trimester of pregnancy *c) during the last three months of pregnancy d) equally during each of the three trimesters 334 When a pregnant woman smokes excessively, there is a greater danger of: a) anemia at birth b) miscarriage *c) vaginal bleeding and a low birth weight infant d) birth defects 335 Babies fed skim cow milk: *a) have lower growth rates and lower fat stores and may by low in essential fatty acids b) are heathier and maintain a more desirable weight gain than those on whole cow milk c) develop more allergies and infections than other infants d) develop eczema 336 A major disadvantage of formulas is that: a) they do not provide the antibodies contained in breast milk b) they may cause allergies c) they seem to cause greater deposits of subcutaneous fat *d) all of the above 337 The best choice for the infant during the first six months of life is: a) powdered formula b) liquid concentrate formula *c) breast milk d) evaporated milk formula 338 The preferred food for the premature infant is: *a) the mother´s breast milk b) especially designed formulas for preterm infants c) milk from the milk bank d) regular liquid formula 339 An infant is regarded as a low birth weight baby if it weighs less than: a) 7 lbs (3 kg) b) 6 lbs (2,7 kg) *c) 5.5 lbs (2,5 kg) d) 4,5 lbs (2 kg) 340 The baby should be fed semisolid and table food by about age: a) 2 months b) 3 months *c) 6-8 months d) 1 year 341 It is recommended that honey be omitted from infant diets because it: *a) may be linked to infant botulism b) causes constipation c) has low bioavailability of glucose d) is too high in energy 342 Infants and preschoolers on vegan diets have been found to be deficient in energy, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, riboflavin and vitamin D because: a) their stomaches cannot carry the large volume of food required by the vegan diet b) vegan diets offer limited food choices c) vegan children usually eat fewer meals and snacks than nonvegan children *d) all of the above 343 Children who watch more television that includes food commercials a) select a more nutritious diet b) make more requests for candy and sugared cereal c) eat more high-energy snacks *d) b and c 344 The best way to ensure that young people eat well is to: *a) only have available good, nutritious palatable food b) not let them eat except at mealtime c) provide access to foods high in fat and sugar for energy d) monitor and control their consumption of food 345 Children should get multivitamin preparations: a) if the child is underweight *b) only if prescribed by a doctor c) because all children need them to prevent borderline deficiencies d) if the children are picky eaters, eat an unbalanced diet, or suffer frequent infections 346 Nutrient needs in adulthood are lowered because of decreased needs for: a) energy and heat *b) growth c) maintenance d) processes 347 Nutrient needs increase in adulthood only during: a) pregnancy b) lactation c) burns *d) all of the above 348 The principal nutrition problem(s) among the elderly is (are): a) difficulties in obtaining and preparing food b) difficulty eating because of poor teeth c) problems with foods that cause constipation and indigestion *d) all of the above 349 The best way to ensure a healthy and happy old age is: *a) reasonable eating habits, moderate physical activity, and positive interactions with other people b) decreased energy intake, increased protein intake, and use of vitamin-mineral supplements c) a 10% increase in most vitamins and minerals; megadoses of vitamin E, decreased fat, increased fiber, and decreased total energy by 10% per decade d) increased intake of vitamins A, C, and D; use of a stress vitamin (usually B-complex); decreased total energy by 500 kcal (2100 kJ) per day; use of zinc and calcium supplements 350 The cells in the intestinal tract are replaced every ____days. *a) 3-4 b) 8-10 c) 30-40 d) 100-120 351 Red blood cells are replaced every ___days, regardless of how old you are. a) 2-3 b) 10-15 c) 50-60 *d) 120 352 In aging, tissue function decreases in many parts of the body because: *a) some of the cells that die normally are not replaced b) tissue shrinks in size as one ages c) hormones regulating tissues are produced in decreased amounts d) the nerves regulating tissues die rapidly in aging 353 A common cause of nutritional problems in old age is: a) inadequate intake of nutrients b) degenerative diseases c) lack of excercise *d) all of the above 354 Compared to infants and children, death rates for adults from undernutrition are: a) about the same b) considerably higher c) somewhat higher *d) a great deal lower 355 Among middle-aged adults, women have lower intakes than men of: *a) calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B6 b) vitamins A, C, D, and potassium c) phosphorus, iodine, vitamin E d) thiamin, riboflavin, B12, and copper 356 Visible signs of low iron intake among middle-aged women are: *a) lack of energy and pale appearance b) poor eyesight at nigh, dry skin, dull hair c) lifeless look; red, glossy tongue d) skin rash, enlarged neck glands 357 Obesity is closely related to: a) hypertension and high blood cholesterol b) diabetes c) cancer *d) all of the above 358 To reduce the risk of osteoporosis: a) consume adequate calcium from early life to old age b) drink fluoridated water and avoid high protein diets c) avoid smoking, alcohol, coffee, soft drinks; avoid preterm amenorrhea caused by excessive excercise and anorexia *d) a,b, and c 359 Two minerals that strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis in later life are: a) phosphorus and zinc *b) calcium and fluoride c) sodium and iron d) magnesium and sulfur 360 The best way to extend the life span is: a) take antioxidants such as vitamins E, A, C, the amino acid cystein, and selenium b) increase excercise c) restrict energy intake throughout life *d) choose foods of high nutrient density; ovoid alcohol, excess sugar, and fat; get moderate exercise 361 Nutrients most lacking in the diets of the elderly are: a) carbohydrate, thiamin, and niacin *b) calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B6 c) iron, zinc, and vitamin B12 d) protein, iron, and iodine 362 A nutrient that patients with AIDS and patients HIV+ do NOT absorb well and one that plays a major role in immune functions is: a) iron *b) zinc c) copper d) magnesium 363 Malnutrition refers to: a) starvation b) undernutrition c) having a nutritional deficiency disease *d) both undernutrition and overnutrition Information for mid-term test Test questions (50 in total) are automatically generated by the following principle: Test items No. Generated questions 1 - 50 3 51 - 79 3 80 - 98 3 99 - 148 9 149 - 207 10 208 – 261 9 262 - 277 2 278 - 286 1 287 - 288 1 289 - 297 2 298 - 311 2 312 - 323 1 324 - 341 2 342 - 363 2