26 In hospital 1 Basic vocabulary Translate the words in colour into your language: 1. Has he had the results of his X-ray? ...... 2. He gave me an injection. ...... 3. I needed four stitches. ...... 4. I'll just put a bandage on it. ...... 5. It won't leave much of a scar. ...... 6. You'll need an anaesthetic. ...... 7. They were all suffering from shock....... 8. We were in the same ward. ...... 9. The treatment will last for a month....... 2 Hospital departments Match the departments with the ideas a-f below: 1. casualty 4. intensive care 2. children's ward 5. maternity ward 3. operating theatre 6. outpatients' department a. She's just had her first baby. b. She cut her arm badly. c. He's having his operation. d. Our ten-year-old has a very high temperature. e. I had to go for a check-up. f. She's very ill. She needs constant attention. Another name for the Casualty Department is A and £ (accident and emergency). 3 When you come out of hospital Match these descriptions with the pictures: 1. His leg's in plaster. 2. His arm's in a sling. 3. He's walking on crutches. 4. He needs a walking stick. 4 In and around a hospital Match these words with the pictures: ambulance nurse surgeon paramedic patient stretcher 2. 4. ~" '—^^^^^^^^^^ 5. His ankle's bandaged up. 6. He had to have stitches. 7. He's in a wheelchair. 8. He can't walk without a zimmer. 53 5 Treatment Use the correct form of the verbs below. You will need to use some of them more than once. put need do have leave give 1. I'm going into hospital next month. I've got to........an operation on my knee. 2. I couldn't feel a thing. They........me an injection first. 3. It's quite a long operation so we'll have to ........you a general anaesthetic. 4. They'll probably want to........some X-rays to see if you've broken anything. 5. Your ankle's badly sprained, so I'm going to ........a bandage on it. 6. It's quite a deep wound. I think it's going to ........stitches. 7. I'm a bit worried about having stitches. Do yon think it'll........a scar? 8. I injured my knee skiing a few months ago. I was hoping that resting it would be enough, but it looks as if it might........surgery. 6 An emergency Complete the following newspaper report with the correct form of these verbs: rush treat injure hgbr Serious incident A zoo keeper was very seriously ..........today when he was attacked by a tiger at Whitesnade zoo in Yorkshire. Martin Kelly was attacked as he fed the animal in front of several visitors. He was ..........to hospital in York where doctors are..........to save his life. Two elderly women who witnessed the whole attack were..........for shock. Go back and underline the whole expressions. 7 Good and bad news Look at the following sentences about people's medical condition and decide whether the news is good (G) or bad (B): 1. It's nothing serious. 2. The victim is in a critical condition. 3. She's in a stabie condition. 4. We expect him to a make a full recovery. 5. I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do. 6. Her condition has deteriorated overnight. 7. She suffered only minor injuries. 8. She's in a coma. If you are gravely ill, it is very serious. 8 Treat, cure or heal Use the correct form of these words in the report below: heal treatment treat cure Doctors in America claim to have found a cure for the common cold. A hundred people suffering from the usual symproms were (1)........for two days with a new drug at their laboratory in California. They found that after forty-eight hours, half of the patients had been completely (2)........ They hope that the new (3)........will be on the market within the next three years. Meanwhile, doctors in Swirzerland have announced that applying maggots to wounds will help them to (4)........more quickly. The larvae speed up the process by eating the bacteria in and around the wound. Cure can be used both as a noun and as a verb: They're trying to find a cure for cancer. She was completely cured. Is hospital treatment free in your country? Are there long waiting lists to have operations? Add your own words and expressions 59