I. LISTENING: Listen to a radio programme about ministrokes and answer the questions with 1-5 words. You will listen twice. 1. How do the symptoms of ministrokes resolve? 2. How fast should you get to hospital in case of a ministroke 3. What kind of damage does the clot-busting drugs reverse? 4. What happens with blood flow to the brain in ministrokes? 5. What is the reason why many patients don’t recognize ministrokes? II. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. There are more words than needed. 20 itchy wounded stitches referral blisters roll appointment infect prescription swollen scar treatment injured rash see wound check-up stung sore bruise relieve sprained hurts 1. The doctor will give you a ____________ to go to a specialist in your area. 2. My mother comes out in a _____________ if she eats seafood – she is allergic to it. 3. Scratch my back please – I have a rash there which is very ______________. 4. He fell down the stairs and a horrible _____________ appeared on his thigh. 5. I have a ____________ throat and a runny nose. 6. He had a deep wound in his head and had to have 10 ____________. 7. New shoes always give me ____________. 8. The best _____________ for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids. 9. The nurse put a bandage on his ____________ ankle to keep the joint fixed. 10. After ten years he still has the _________ of his appendectomy. 11. He made an ___________ with the dentist for Thursday afternoon. 12. The physician wrote me a ___________ for strong antibiotics. 13. Yesterday I was working in the garden and got __________ by a bee. 14. Her eyes were red and ___________ from crying. 15. There was a car accident yesterday. Several people were seriously __________. 16. There were 79 killed and 230 severely _________ soldiers in the battle. 17. The doctor encouraged him to come for a __________ even if he had no symptoms. 18. If you have a backache, have someone to massage your back to ______the pain. 19. I’d like to take your blood pressure. Please _______ up your sleeve. 20. Diarrhoea can be a sign of an infection, so you should go and __ your doctor. III. Complete the definitions. 10 1. A muscular sac attached to the right lobe of the liver that stores bile and ejects it into the duodenum. ___________ 2. Big triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint and attached to the humerus, which lifts the arm sideways. ________ 3. Type of muscle whose movements are controlled by our conscious decisions. _______________ 4. An injury to a joint while it is overexcercised/overused; or, like in an accident, a bone is put out of its normal position in a joint. __________ 5. A condition in which bones become weak and are easily broken, usually when people get older or because they do not eat enough of certain substances, eg. calcium______________ 6. A flap, mainly in the heart, blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, which opens and closes to allow liquid to pass in one direction only. _______________ 7. A serous membrane that lines the chambers of the heart and its valves. _________ 8. A condition when arteries harden due to a build-up of fatty substance. _____________ 9. Lymphoid organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen that stores blood, destroys old red blood cells, and filters pathogens from the blood. _____________ 10. This is a term for an abnormal collection of fluid in the small spaces that surround the body tissues and organs, for example after you have sprained your shoulder/knee joint. _______________ IV. Write the general English words (synonyms) for the following medical term: e.g. cervix – neck.10 1. mandible 6. esophagus 2. carpus 7. spasm 3. thrombocyte 8. scapula 4. tibia 9. orbit 5. trachea 10. clavicle V. Make adjectives from the following noun: e.g. knee – genicular, fibula – fibular. 10 1. rib 6. femur 2. joint 7. tooth 3. skull 8. muscle 4. vessel 9. thorax 5. cell 10. patella VI. Write the opposites: e.g. hot – cold. 10 1. upper 6. inner 2. inferior 7. anterior 3. external 8. ventral 4. high 9. profound 5. deteriorate 10. increase VII. Choose the best answer for each item. 10 1. The cardiovascular system is ________ of the heart, blood, and blood vessels. consisted contained included composed 2. The _______ layer of the heart is one of the two layers of pericardium. outermost outdoor outgoing outing 3. Heart attacks occur when a blood _____ blocks vessels to the heart muscle. clothing clotting clot cloth 4. The term ________ is used for any of the red or white cells in the blood. corpuscle corpus corpora corpuscular 5. The heart needs to ______ enough pressure so that blood can get to the farthest parts of the body. constrict branch exert dilate 6. When cardiac muscle cells die from lack of oxygen, the person may experience a heart attack or, in other words, ___________ infarction. myocardial myocardium cardia cardiac 7. _________ is a deposit of fatty material and other substances on a vessel wall that obstructs blood flow and may block the vessel. plague plage plaque placket 8. The _____ immuno-deficiency syndrome started to be discussed in professional literature in the 1980s. approved disapproved acquisited acquired 9. The term for a narrowing of the bicuspid valve is ___________. mitral stenosis mitral prolapse atrial stenosis atrial prolapse 10. The most common type of __________ heart defect is a hole in the septum that separates the atria or the ventricles. genital generic congenic congenital VIII. Form new words. Use the base word in the brackets to form a new word which completes the sentence. 9 1. The humerus, the ________ arm bone, attaches to the scapula and clavicle. (UP) 2. Epiphysis is a name for the ________ shaped end of a long bone. (REGULAR) 3. The joints or _____ are classified according to the degree of movement they allow. (ARTICULATE) 4. The _______ skeleton (126 bones) contains the bones of the arms and legs, shoulder girdle, and pelvis. (APPENDAGE) 5. The _____ portion (80 bones) is composed of the skull, spinal column, ribs, and sternum. (AXIS) 6. Diseases may _____ from mild to severe. (VARIOUS) 7. If a needle biopsy of muscle tissue is needed, the _____ is done under local anaesthesia. (PROCEED) 8. The ____cavity in the human body contains the organs of the back side of the body. (DORSUM) 9. Organs are _____up of tissues, arranged together to perform a particular function. (MAKE) IX. Fill in the gaps using one word. 10 Normally, about 8% of human body weight is from blood. _____ (1) adults, this amounts to circa 5 litres of blood. This essential fluid ______ (2) the critical functions of transporting oxygen and nutrients to our cells and getting rid _____ (3) waste products. It plays a vital role in our immune system and in maintaining a relatively constant body _____ (4).Blood is a highly specialized tissue composed of many different kinds of components, it is also a biological liquid (technically a tissue) which ______ (5) of erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes, also called _________ (6). Such a substance is placed in a complex medium known as blood plasma. It makes _____ (7) about 55 % of the total blood volume. A product of plasma which does not contain fibrinogen is referred to as blood serum. ___ (8) most numerous cells in blood are red blood cells. These contain hemoglobin, which (when oxygenated) gives blood its red colour. The iron-containing part of hemoglobin provides the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. White blood cells help ______ (9) infections, and platelets are important in the process of _______ (10), also called coagulation. IX. READING: You are going to read a magazine article about acupuncture treatment. Six sentences have been removed from the text; complete the text using options A-G. There is ONE extra sentence you will not need to use. Pins and needles I was curious to find out more about acupuncture as I’d heard a lot about its beneficial effects. However, I didn’t feel in any particular need of treatment myself so I decided to ask a friend of mine if I could observe her receiving treatment. I asked Joan Hughes, who I knew had been complaining of muscular stiffness for some time. 1. __________________. The Traditional Acupuncture Centre was just as you’d expect: the incense, rubber plants and charts and diagrams on the wall. 2. __________________. They seem to be the typical wall coverings of an alternative health centre. Nina Doughty, the acupuncturist, introduced herself and then slipped away to prepare the treatment room. Joan was anxious. ‘I hope this doesn’t hurt too much,’ she murmured. Nina returned and explained that she needed to ask Joan questions about her health, lifestyle, diet and personal history. 3. __________________. Joan described the shoulder stiffness and backache that had bothered her for years. Surprisingly, these questions went on for a whole hour. Joan was asked about her attitudes to many things, including work and relationships. She was also asked about her attitude to herself on several occasions. Nina then explained that in Chinese medicine, physical and emotional aspects are not distinct. 4. __________________. The division between mind and body is a Western idea. Our health apparently depends on the motivating energy, or chi, made up of the equal and opposite qualities of Yin and Yang. When these are unbalanced, one can become ill. By inserting needles into points on the energy channels, healing responses are stimulated and the balance is restored. Nina opened a sachet of sterile 4 cm long needles. 5. __________________. Nina took a pulse at six points on each of Joan’s wrists, looking for certain ‘qualities’ that she would then treat. She also looked at Joan’s tongue, an indicator of her general state of health. At this point, Joan felt that the experience was rather like being at the dentist. However, at the dentist one usually knows where the needle will be inserted. Nina inserted the first needle into Joan’s shin. It went in a surprisingly long way before she twisted it to the right and Joan’s leg shot up suddenly. ‘Ow!’ she exclaimed. She was visibly tense, but as Nina inserted the next needle it wasn’t so bad. She placed more needles in Joan’s ankles, feet, lower back and forearms. 6. __________________. Joan lay on the bed all this time. When the time came to remove the needles, Joan was more relaxed, though she flinched as they came out. All the time Nina was reassuring her. She informed Joan that the shocks she felt were due to blockages of the energy channels. Nina finished with a pressure point massage on Joan’s shoulders and back. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing you again,’ Nina said, as she bade a relieved Joan a fond farewell. Nina left the decision to Joan about arranging another appointment. I asked Joan the next day about how she felt. She said that she felt a little more relaxed and that she had slept deeply that night. However, she really felt that she needed a course of treatment to be able to assess its effectiveness. A. They were fine and flexible, but Joan was still apprehensive. B. She began by asking why Joan wanted acupuncture. C. She tweaked them as she put them in, regularly checking Joan’s pulse, then left them for 20 minutes. D. Nina said that she felt Joan’s problems with her back and her shoulder stiffness came from her office job. E. She agreed, so excitedly we attended her first appointment at the local centre. F. An imbalance of either manifests itself in the same way. G. These mapped out the body’s energy channels.