Instructions: You will find the materials for this course here:;obdobi=6103;predmet=780349;qurl=%2Fel%2F1411 %2Fpodzim2014%2FVSAJ0121%2Findex.qwarp For the materials from the lessons, homework and the textbook for minimal requirements go to Link/Teacher’s Folder/Malaskova/Všeobecná sestra We will do only selected exercises from Fall semestr 2014 Requirements for the test in the winter semester: knowledge of the materials we do in the lessons, homework, and lessons 1-4 from New English File Elementary (Student’s book and Workbook) Homework for 12.9. is Human body/Additional exercises/exercise 1-6 forehead ear tooth (teeth) nose eye tongue eyebrow cheek lips saliva hair neck chin mouth eyelash hand arm palm shoulder head neck throat finger thumb wrist(carpus) elbow breast (chest, thorax) forearm stomach (belly, tummy, abdomen) arm back ankle foot hip buttocks (behind, backside) hip toe shin knee calf skull limb (extremity) backbone (vertebral column) rib cage thigh (femur) leg Human anatomy 1. Cardiovascular system – the system that carries blood to various parts of the body. It is also called circulatory. 2. Digestive system – all the organs and glands involved in the ingestion and digestion of food. 3. Endocrine system – the ductless gland that produce internal secretions and secrete these directly into the blood or lymph and circulates it to all body parts. 4. Integumentary system – the skin (the largest organ in the body) and its associated structures. 5. Nervous system – a system of nerve cells. It regulates and co-ordinates bodily activities and enables the body to adjust to external and internal changes. 6. Reproductive system – the system that enables human beings to have offspring. 7. Respiratory system – the system that brings oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide. This process, called breathing, involves two acts: inspiration and expiration. 8. Musculoskeletal system – the system that protects and supports the internal organs and also helps the body move. The skeleton has 206 named bones. Surrounding the bones and soft organs of the body are more than 605 muscles. 9. Urinary system – the system that removes urea and other waste materials from the body in a liquid called urine.