Basic medical terminology 4 Questions •What are the two main types of adjectives? What are their endings? •Based on what do I connect adjective to the noun? •What case is the noun in the state of dependency in? • What is the correct adjective for the noun in the triangle? orbita pes dexter dextra dextrum dextra dextrum dexter dextrum dextra dexter genu Arteriae Artheria thoracica interna Apertura Rhaphe Cristae Lineae 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ordinal numerals 1-7 •Primus, a, um •Secundus, a, um •Tertius, a, um •Quartus, a, um •Quintus, a, um •Sextus, a, um •Septimus, a, um Costae COSTAE.jpg Costa vera sinistra Costae verae Costa spuria sinistra Costae spuriae Incisurae costarum Costa quarta Costa tertia Costa secunda Costa prima 2nd declension - overview 2 dekl.png Gen. sg. –I Gender M/N Nouns of the female gender in this declension are exceptions Nom. sg. –US/-ER/-OS Gender M Nom. sg. –UM/-ON Gender N