}How does it work? } } }1) Derivation } a) Prefix: hypodermalis (=below) } b) Suffix: carditis (inflammation) } c) Prefix + suffix: cardiologia (=heart; study of sth) a) }2) Compounding: acrodermatitis (=extremity; skin) } }3) Derivation + compounding: acrodermatitis (=see above + inflammation) } }4) Abreviating: CT (=computed tomography) } }5) Borrowing: shock; stress; missed abortion; bypass; drainage } Obesitas permagna } } ROOT SUFFIX PREFIX ROOT } } } }St. p. cholecystectomiam laparoscopicam } }ROOT 1 PREFIX SUFFIX C. VOWEL SUFFIX } ROOT 2 ROOT 3 ROOT 1 ROOT 2 }cardiomyopathia } }megalocardia } }endocardium } }pericarditis } } = imaginary slices/cuts used to divide the body in a particular angle and direction In Latin with suffix – alis lateralis cranialis medialis dorsalis etc. http://msis.jsc.nasa.gov/images/Section03/Image64.gif