Basic medical terminology Presentation by E. Dávidová a) Circle all nouns of the 4th and 5th declension. b) Classify the nouns in the table into five groups according to their declensions. Give their genitive singular form, gender and paradigm. carcinoma rabies pars sutura processus diploe ophthalmos species dentinum lens ascites sensus crus dies abductor angulus cochlear manus gaster cornu gargarisma Give nominative singular forms to the nouns. carie infarctu unguenti dentes pulmonum pleuritidem gargarismate temporibus labio morsum arcuum ligamenta scabiem thoracis laminarum scatulis neuroseos dyspnoes nephron encephalo a) Match the nouns in the oval with the adjectives in the correct form. b) Change the terms from task a) in genitive of singular. • • • • • •genu •decubitus •partus •facies •usus •status •species epilepticus, a, um – asthmaticus, a, um – postoperativus, a, um externus, a, um – internus, a, um pallidus, a, um – Hippocraticus, a, um praematurus, a, um – complicatus, a, um profundus, a, um – dolorosus, a, um aromaticus, a, um – urologicus, a, um varus, a, um – valgus, a, um a) Decide what the case and number of underlined words are. b) Connect the terms in the tables with the adjectives below. •valgus, a, um dolorosus, a, um profundus, a, um in genibus dolor genus in genua dolor genuum in genu sanatio decubitus prope decubitus sub decubitu sanatio decubituum sub decubitibus prope decubitum propter cariem therapia carierum sub carie therapia cariei sub cariebus propter caries Put the terms into the required form. • •abortus completus abl. sg. _________________________ • •habitus asthenicus gen. sg. _________________________ • •species urologicae acc. pl. _________________________ • •manus sinistra abl. sg. _________________________ • •genu dextrum acc. sg. ________________________ • •calvities praematura acc. sg. ________________________ • abortu completo habitus asthenici species urologicas manu sinistra genu dextrum calvitiem praematuram a) Fill in the adjectives from the table in the correct form. b) Underline all nouns of the 4th and 5th declension in the terms. • • • • •facies __________ basis cranii •ligamenta __________ genus •foramina cartilaginis meatus __________ externi •decubitus regionis ossis __________ •haemorrhagia ante partum __________ •collapsus systematis __________ • acusticus, a, um circulatorius, a, um cruciatus, a, um internus, a, um praematurus, a, um sacer, cra, crum interna cruciata acustici sacri praematurum circulatorii Connect the prepositions with the terms after plus in the correct form. •ad + usus internus • •propter + partus complicatus • •in (x) + tractus nervosi • •in (x) + ductus hepaticus dexter • •post + infarctus acutus • •sine + effectus medicamenti • •in (x) + aditus laryngis • •in (x) + cornua uteri • •in (x) + caries dentis profunda • • • a) Fill in missing words in the correct form. Use the words in the table. b) Connect the terms 1-6 with the term fractura in singular and plural. arcus (2x) processus spinosus, a, um vertebra corpus spinosus arcus processus corpus vertebrae arcus Fill in missing endings. • •Decursus morb_____ • •Unguentum contra scabi_____ • •Symptomata infarct_____ • •Vulnus punct_____ faci_____ • •Luxatio articulation_____ gen_____ • •Situs fet_____ transvers____ • •Abscessus meat_____ acustic_____ extern_____ • •Fractura apert_____ gen_____ sinistr_____ • •Mors fet_____ post part_____ praematur_____ • • • •Exitus post infarct_____ myocardi_____ acut_____ • •Dosis medicament_____ pro di_____ • •Musculus sphincter duct_____ choledoch_____ • •Dolores chronic_____ dent_____ propter cari_____ profund_____ •(all in pl.) • •Carcinoma pulmon_____ dextr_____ in sit_____ • •Abscessus subcutane_____ man_____ sinistr_____ • •Haemorrhagia ret_____ venos_____ bulb_____ ocul_____ • • • • • Solve the crossword (answers). 1. Organs of eyesight 2. Foreign bodies in the stomach 3. Symptoms of heart attack 4. Human senses 5. Slipping out of the womb after delivery 6. Tear wounds of the eyelid 7. Pains in the tooth caused by a decay 8. Operation of bowlegs 9. Fingers of the right hand 1. O R G A N A V I S U S 2. C O R P O R A A L I E N A G A S T R I S 3. S Y M P T O M A T A I N F A R C T U S C O R D I S 4. S E N S U S H U M A N I 5. P R O L A P S U S U T E R I P O S T P A R T U M 6. V U L N E R A L A C E R A P A L P E B R A E 7. D O L O R E S D E N T I S E X C A R I E 8. O P E R A T I O G E N U U M V A R O R U M 9. D I G I T I M A N U S D E X T R A E Name five human senses in Latin. a) Match the anatomic terms with human senses to which they relate. b) Connect the terms in the right oval with the term structura. •tactus } •gustus } •auditus } •visus } •olfactus cortex lentis cartilago meatus acustici musculus tensor tympani caliculus gustatorius auris interna labyrinthus osseus cutis pars optica retinae tunica mucosa nasi papilla foliata musculus sphincter pupillae