Translate, observe minute differences of the meaning and try to express them by appropriate Latin endings: English Latin 1. body of the vertebra corpus vertebrae 2. tooth-like (projection) of the axis dens axis 3. fracture of the tooth-like projection of the axis fractura dentis axis 4. sacral bone os sacrum 5. fracture of the sacral bone fractura ossis sacri 6. complicated fracture of the sacral bone fractura ossis sacri complicata 7. base of the sacral bone basis ossis sacri 8. fracture in the base of the sacral bone fractura basis/baseos ossis sacri 9. transversal line of the sacral bone lineae transversae ossis sacri 10. opening of the sacral bone foramen ossis sacri 11. openings of the sacral bone foramina ossis sacri 12. top of the sacral bone apex ossis sacri 13. bones of chest ossa thoracis 14. true and false ribs costae verae et spuriae 15. head of the rib caput costae 16. heads of ribs capita costarum 17. body of the rib corpus costae 18. angle of the rib angulus costae 19. bones of the skull ossa cranii 20. fracture of bones of the skull fractura ossium cranii 21. large orifice (on the base of the skull) foramen magnum (basis/baseos cranii) 22. in the region of the large orifice (of the skull) in regione foraminis magni (basis/baseos cranii) 23. body of maxilla corpus maxillae 24. cranial cavity cavitas cranii 25. to the cranial cavity in cavitatem cranii 26. inside the cranial cavity in cavitate cranii 27. in the back of the skull in occipite 28. internal base of the skull basis cranii interna 29. near to internal base of the skull prope basim/basin cranii internam 30. nasal cavity cavitas nasi 31. to the nasal cavity in cavitatem nasi 32. inside the nasal cavity in cavitate nasi 33. head of humerus caput humeri 34. fracture of the head of humerus fractura capitis humeri 35. carpal bones/bones of the wrist ossa carpi 36. fracture of carpal bones fractura ossium carpi 37. bones of the foot ossa pedis 38. base of the phalanx basis phalangis 39. axis of the pelvic bone axis pelvis 40. pelvic cavity cavitas pelvis 41. sutures of the skull suturae cranii 42. articulations of the chest articulationes thoracis 43. articulation/joint of the head of the rib articulatio capitis costae 44. joints of the wrist articulationes carpi 45. muscles of the head musculi capitis 46. direct muscle of the head musculus rectus capitis 47. oblique muscle of the head musculus obliquus capitis 48. long muscle of the head musculus longus capitis 49. muscles of the neck musculi cervicis/colli 50. external oblique muscle of the abdomen musculus obliquus externus abdominis 51. internal oblique muscle of the abdomen musculus obliquus internus abdominis 52. transverse muscle of the abdomen musculus transversus abdominis 53. long head (of the muscle) caput longum musculi 54. extensor muscle of fingers musculus extensor digitorum 55. extensor muscles of the wrist musculi extensores carpi 56. 57. extensor muscle of the thumb musculus extensor pollicis 58. 59. long extensor muscle of the thumb musculus extensor pollicis longus 60. oral cavity cavitas oris