COMPLEMENTARY EXERCISES UNITS 1-4 1. Connect with preposition ad and ab, ad oesophagum a/ab oesophago ! ! ! ! intestinum + crassus, a, um ligamentum + latus, a, um ! ! ! ! bulbus + oculus nervus + opticus, a, um apex + pulmo auris + medius, a, um 2. First connect noun with adjective, then change for abl. sg. using preposition in: ! ! nom. sg. ! ! in + abl. sg. latus (dexter, a, um)! _________________________!! _________________________ orbita (dexter, a, um) _________________________!! _________________________ oculus (dexter, a, um)!_________________________!! _________________________ radius (dexter, a, um) _________________________!! _________________________ corpus (dexter, a, um) _________________________! _________________________ femur (dexter, a, um) _________________________! _________________________ 3. Translate and then connect with preposition: acute pain! ! _________________________!! after_____________________ bruised injury!! _________________________!! inside___________________ sudden death!! _________________________!! before___________________ strong poison!! _________________________!! from____________________ small spoon! ! _________________________!! without__________________ human body! ! _________________________!! in______________________ infectious disease! _________________________!! with___________________ 4. Name structures/parts of the tongue: 4.Connect with prepositions: on the top/back of the tongue ___________________________________ in the middle furrow of the tongue ________________________________ inside the blind opening of the tongue _________________________________ on the root/margin of the tongue __________________________________ next to palatal tonsil ___________________________________! next to the gland of the point of the tongue ______________________________ close to the septum of the tongue _______________________________________ muscles of the tongue ___________________________________________ diseases of the tongue __________________________________________ 5.Translate diagnoses : • tumor apicis linguae • carcinoma radicis linguae et tonsilae sinistrae Back of the tongue root of the tongue body of the tongue point/top of the tongue margin of the tongue middle furrow of the tongue papillae of the tongue blind opening (depression) of the tongue Tonsils of the tongue and of the palate • carcinoma tonsillae palatinae et radicis linguae lateris sinistri • tumor oropharyngis et radicis linguae • carcinoma cavitatis oris, oesophagi et ventriculi 6. Translate and repate names of colours form UNIT 3: medulla ossium rubra/flava! ! ! ! linea nigra/alba corpus luteum (graviditatis)! ! ! ! ramus (communicans) griseus/albus stratum album profundum! ! ! ! macula lutea retinae substantia grisea/alba!! ! ! ! 8. Translate terms with prepositions ad dextrum, ad vitrum, circum oculos, contra dolores, extra uterum, per rectum, prope oculum, propter combustionem, propter vulnus, ex aure, sine aqua, in pectore, in brachio, sub scapulam 9. Form the correct expression of the noun and adjective, translate: axis + opticus, a , um rete + venosus, a um auris + medius, a, um margo + interosseus, a, um pes + planus, a, um 10. Find the term with the opposite meaning and translate into English: coxa vara tumor malignus ulna sinistra dyspnoe acquisita oculus dexter   11. Translate into English: lobus medius pulmonis dextri graviditas extrauterina sanguis venosus ulcus duodeni perforatum foramina nutricia ossium transfusio sanguinis ante operationem extractio dentis dentes decidui medulla ossium rubra 12. Translate into Latin: long muscle of the neck fracture of the middle finger bleeding from the nose congenital deformation of the chest long extensor muscle of the big toe osseous part of the auditory tube incomplete fracture of the radius   13. Form the plural and translate into English: musculus extensor dolor magnus ulcus durum organum accessorium ramus gastricus KEY FOR EXERCISES 9-13 Exercise 9 axis + opticus, a , um – axis opticus (optical axis) rete + venosus, a um – rete venosum (venous network) auris + medius, a, um – auris media (middle ear) margo + interosseus, a, um – margo interosseus (interosseous margin) pes + planus, a, um – pes planus (flat foot) Exercise 10 coxa vara (coxa valga – hip bone bent outward) tumor malignus (tumor benignus – benign tumor) ulna sinistra (ulna dextra – right ulna) dyspnoe acquisita (dyspnoe congenita – congenital dyspnoe) oculus dexter (oculus sinister – right eye) Exercise 11 lobus medius pulmonis dextri (the middle lobe of right lung) graviditas extrauterina (extrauterine pregnancy) sanguis venosus (venous blood) ulcus duodeni perforatum (perforated ulcer of duodenum) foramina nutricia ossium (the nourishing foramina of the bones) transfusio sanguinis ante operationem (blood transfusion before the operation) extraction dentis (dental extraction) dentes decidui (milky teeth) medulla ossium rubra (red bone marrow) Exercise 12 long muscle of the neck (musculus colli longus) fracture of the middle finger (fractura digiti medii) bleeding from the nose (haemorrhagia e naso/haemorrhagia nasi) congenital deformation of the chest (deformatio thoracis congenita) long extensor muscle of the big toe (extensor hallucis longus) osseous part of the auditory tube (pars ossea tubae auditivae) incomplete fracture of the radius (fractura incompleta radii) Exercise 13 musculus extensor (musculi extensores – the extensor muscles) dolor magnus (dolores magni – big pains) ulcus durum (ulcera dura – the hard ulcers) organum accessorium (organa accessoria – the accessory organs) ramus gastricus (rami gastrici – gastric branches)