Winter  Semester  2014/2015  Handout  6                     1   1. Find the corresponding noun to the pair of adjectives/noun phrases: 1) ______________________ mucosa 2) ______________________ vesicae felleae serosa gastricus 3) ______________________ transversum 4) _______________________ alba sigmoideum epidemica 5) ______________________ chirurgicum 6) ______________________ linguae anatomicum accessoriae 7) ______________________ mandibulae 8) ______________________ pharyngeus acromii gastricus 2. Fill in correct endings and translate the phrases: aqua destillat_____ , cera alb_____, remedium composit_____, vaselinum flav_____, cera flav_____, extractum fluid_____, paraffinum solid_____, vaselinum alb_____, paraffinum liquid_____, extractum sicc_____ 3. Translate: A angle of the rib conoid tubercle of the collar bone deltoid muscles deltoid ligament deltoid fascia deltoid branch of the artery veins of the brain stem TUNICA COLON RAMUS FUNDUS GLANDULAE COLLUM DIARRHOE ANGULUS Winter  Semester  2014/2015  Handout  6                     2   ganglion of the sympathetic trunk lambdoid suture serous pericard fossa of the olecranon angle of the sternum B fracture of the acromion of the left scapula jaundice of the new born child jaundice of the new born children complicated fracture of the forearm suture of the chin fracture of the anatomical neck of the humerus complicated opened fracture of the skull fracture of the sternum and ribs fracture of the forearm fractures of the forearms C extract from Deadly Nightshade (plant) bottle of the extract from Chamomile (plant) dangerous poison dangerous poisons dark brown glass Winter  Semester  2014/2015  Handout  6                     3   dark brown bottle new medicament new method of therapy large number of new diseases new ointment new ointments long period white glycerine 4. Form proper phrases and translate them: aqua + destillatus, a, um // mentha // amygdala amara // aromaticus, a, um tīnctūra + laxativus, a, um // belladonna// chamomilla// amarus, a, um// calendula oleum + mentha // helianthus// lavandula // oliva // calendula remedium + diureticus, a, um // compositus, a, um // lavandula // laxativus, a, um pilulae + laxativus, a, um extractum + belladona // siccus, a, um// fluidus, a, um// echinacea sirupus + compositus, a, um // echinacea // amarus, a, um suppositorium + glycerinum // + pro + adultus, a, um