Čeština: 1. lekce Czech language: 1st lesson Martin Punčochář 54084@mail.muni.cz Important information: tests & credit §Semester = 13 weeks §3 progress tests; passmark = 70 % §credit test: 13th week; passmark = 70 % –1 successfully passed progress test: 65 % –2 successfully passed progress tests: 60 % §projects: 1.Oblíbený svátek v mé zemi (3rd week) 2.Existují typická ženské a mužské profese? 3.Životní styl. Important information: absences & substitutions §number of unexcused absences: 2 §number of recommended absences: 0 §substitution must be made during the week of absence §both teachers must be notified and must agree in advance §substitution is not allowed on test week mluvtecesky.net §E-learning: sign in and use the page to review and study more: http://mluvtecesky.net/en, especially